Content associated with: Census of England and Wales, 1881

England and Wales, Vol. IV. General report, 1881

Table of Contents

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(Pages i-v) Title page and contents
(76 pages)Expand subtree Report
(36 pages)Contract subtree Appendix a
(Pages 77-84)Expand subtree England and Wales. Population, houses, &c
(Pages 85-93)Contract subtree England and Wales. Sex and age
(Page 85) Table 10. Estimated population living (1) at each year of age, and (2) at and above each year of age in the middle of the year 1881, including the natives of England and Wales serving abroad in the army, navy, marines, and merchant service
(Page 86) Table 11. Estimated population living (1) at each year of age, and (2) at and above each year of age in the middle of the year 1881, excluding the army, navy, marines, and merchant seamen serving abroad
(Page 87) Table 12. Estimated population in quinquennial, decennial, and vicennial periods of age at the middle of the years 1871 and 1881, including the natives of England and Wales serving abroad in the army, navy, marines, and merchant service
(Page 88) Table 13. Estimated population in quinquennial, decennial, and vicennial periods of age at the middle of the years 1871 and 1881, excluding the army, navy, marines, and merchant seamen serving abroad
(Page 89) Table 14. Enumerated population (persons, males, and females) at twelve groups of ages at each of the last five censuses
(Page 89) Table 15, ' proportion of males and females at twelve groups of ages to a million persons enumerated at each of the last five censuses
(Page 90) Table 16. Number of persons, males and females, returned as living at eleven groups of ages, at each of the last five censuses
(Page 91) Table 17. Females to 1, 000 males at each of the last five censuses in registration counties, arranged in order of the proportions in 1881; and the number of female births to 1, 000 male births in each of the last four decades
(Page 92) Table 18. Females to 1, 000 males at twelve groups of ages, at each of the last five censuses
(Page 92) Table 19. Females to 1, 000 males in London, and in each urban sanitary district having a population exceeding 50, 000 persons
(Page 93) Table 20. Distribution by sex and age of the population of registration counties in 1881
(Pages 94-95)Expand subtree England and Wales. Conjugal condition
(Pages 96-101)Expand subtree England and Wales. Birth places
(Pages 102-111)Expand subtree United Kingdom
(Page 112)Expand subtree British Empire
(6 pages)Expand subtree Appendix b