Content associated with: Census of England and Wales, 1921

General report, England and Wales, 1921

Table of Contents

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(Pages 1-7) Title page & contents
(217 pages)Contract subtree Report
(Pages 1-9)Expand subtree I. Introduction
(Pages 10-26, Pages 1-33)Expand subtree II. Population
(Pages 34-58)Expand subtree III. Buildings, dwellings, rooms and families
(Pages 58-60)Expand subtree IV. Institutions
(Pages 60-64, Pages 1-84)Expand subtree V. Sexes, ages and marital conditions
(Pages 84-85)Expand subtree VI. Education
(Pages 85-145)Expand subtree VII. Occupations and industries
(Pages 146-160)Contract subtree VIII Birthplace and nationality
(Page 146) Scope, of the inquiry
(Pages 146-147)Expand subtree Summary of birthplaces
(Page 148)Expand subtree Natives of Scotland and Ireland
(Pages 149-150)Contract subtree Persons born in British dominions, colonies and dependencies
(Page 149) Table LIX. Persons born in British dominions, colonies and dependencies
(Page 150) Table LX. Administrative counties (with associated county boroughs) and large towns with highest proportions of colonial born
(Pages 150-160)Expand subtree Persons born in foreign countries or at sea
(Pages 160-183)Expand subtree IX. Dependency, orphanhood, and fertility
(Pages 183-189)Expand subtree X. Welsh language
(Pages 190-197)Expand subtree XI Workplaces
(Pages 198-211)Expand subtree Appendices