Content associated with: Census of England and Wales, 1921

General report, England and Wales, 1921

Table of Contents

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(Pages 1-7) Title page & contents
(217 pages)Contract subtree Report
(Pages 1-9)Expand subtree I. Introduction
(Pages 10-26, Pages 1-33)Expand subtree II. Population
(Pages 34-58)Expand subtree III. Buildings, dwellings, rooms and families
(Pages 58-60)Expand subtree IV. Institutions
(Pages 60-64, Pages 1-84)Expand subtree V. Sexes, ages and marital conditions
(Pages 84-85)Expand subtree VI. Education
(Pages 85-145)Expand subtree VII. Occupations and industries
(Pages 146-160)Expand subtree VIII Birthplace and nationality
(Pages 160-183)Expand subtree IX. Dependency, orphanhood, and fertility
(Pages 183-189)Contract subtree X. Welsh language
(Page 184) Table LXXXV. Proportional numbers speaking English only, Welsh only, and both English and Welsh, 1891-1921, Wales and Monmouthshire
(Pages 185-187)Expand subtree Age distribution of the several classes
(Pages 187-189)Expand subtree Local distribution of the several language classes
(Pages 190-197)Expand subtree XI Workplaces
(Pages 198-211)Expand subtree Appendices