Content associated with: John Tatham (1844-1924)

Sixty-fifth annual report of the registrar-general

Table of Contents

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(Pages i-iv) Title page & contents
(27 pages)Expand subtree Report
(41 pages)Expand subtree Dr. Tatham's letter to the registrar general on the causes of death
(Pages lxxiii-lxxix) Meteorology; remarks furnished by the meteorological council
(101 pages)Expand subtree Tables
(267 pages)Contract subtree Abstracts
(Pages 1-74)Expand subtree Births, deaths, and marriages
(Pages 75-122)Expand subtree Deaths in workhouses, hospitals, lunatic asylums, and idiot asylums
(Pages 123-133)Expand subtree Deaths of persons, males, and females, at different ages, in registration divisions and counties
(Pages 135-246)Expand subtree Causes of death at different periods of life in England and Wales and in London. Causes of death in registration counties. Deaths from several causes in registration divisions, counties, and districts. Violent deaths
(Pages 247-267)Expand subtree Violent deaths
(41 pages)Expand subtree Indexes
(44 pages)Expand subtree Appendix: Abstract of arrangements respecting registration of births, deaths, and marriages in the British dominions beyond the seas