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Forty-first annual report of the registrar-general


Page 37

Abstracts(222 pages) [Start|End]
Marriages, in the divisions, counties, and districts of England in the year 1878. Births and deaths, in the divisions, counties, districts, and sub-districts of England, in the year 1878(Pages 29-84) [Start|End]
Marriages, births, and deaths registered, and excess of births over deaths, in each of the divisions, counties, and districts; also births and deaths and excess of births over deaths in each of the sub-districts of England; distinguishing the sexes and illegitimate births throughout(Pages 30-84) [Start|End]
Counties and districts(Pages 32-40) [Start|End]
West Midland counties(Pages 36-37) [Start|End]
North Midland counties(Pages 37-38) [Start|End]
Page 37