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General report, England and Wales. 1871


Page 57

Appendix A(164 pages) [Start|End]
Ages(Pages 46-58) [Start|End]
Table 63. England and Wales probabilities of persons in ten groups of ages surviving 10 years, also the logarithm of each probability, and the probabilities (1) of their dying during the 10 years, deduced from the English life table, and (2) of their dying or leaving England without being replaced by immigrants, deduced from the numbers enumerated at the censuses of 1841, 1851, 1861, and 1871(Page 57) [Start|End]
Table 64. England and Wales probabilities of living 10 years in ten groups of ages, deduced from the English life table; and of the persons enumerated at those ages in the censuses of 1841, 1851, and 1861 (or of immigrants who replace them), being again enumerated in 1851, 1861, and 1871 respectively(Pages 57-58) [Start|End]
Page 57