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General report, Ireland, 1871


Page 48

1. Area, houses, and population(44 pages) [Start|End]
Deaths, causes of(Pages 47-48) [Start|End]
Table XXX. Showing, by provinces and classes of diseases, the number of deaths which occurred in Ireland during the decades ending in 1851, 1861, and 1871, respectively, and the proportion per cent. which the deaths in each class of disease bore to the total number of deaths(Page 48) [Start|End]
II. Ages of the people(5 pages) [Start|End]
Ages of the people(Page 48) [Start|End]
Table XXXI. Showing, by ages, in five year periods, the number of males and females in 1861 and 1871, also the actual increase or decrease, and proportion per cent. in 1871(Page 48) [Start|End]
Page 48