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Areas, families or separate occupiers, and population, England and Wales, Vol. I. Administrative areas, 1911


Page 8

Tables(650 pages) [Start|End]
Table 5. England and Wales and its sub-division into urban and rural districts, as existing at each census. Population, and proportion per cent. to total population 1851-1911(Page 8) [Start|End]
Table 6. England and Wales and its sub-division into urban and rural districts as constituted at the census of 1911. Area; families or separate occupiers 1911; population 1901 and 1911; and increase per cent. of population in intercensal period(Page 8) [Start|End]
Table 7. Population in urban and rural portions of administrative counties 1901 and 1911. Increase or decrease per cent. of population in intercensal period; and proportion per cent. to total population of county 1911(Pages 8-9) [Start|End]
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