Area, houses, and population, Vol. II [Part 1], Ireland, 1901


Page 279

County and city of Cork(410 pages)
Birthplaces of the people(Pages 273-279)
XXV. Showing the birthplaces of the persons enumerated in the county as constituted prior to the passing of the local government (Ireland) act, 1898, in 1841, 1851, 1861, 1871, 1881, and 1891, and in the county as constituted pursuant to that statute in 1901, together with the respective per-centages to the total population of the county of Cork(Page 279)
XXV. a. Showing the birthplaces of the persons enumerated in the county as constituted prior to the passing of the local government (Ireland) act, 1898, in 1841, 1851, 1861, 1871, 1881, and 1891, and in the county as constituted pursuant to that statute in 1901, together with the respective per-centages to the total population of the city of Cork(Page 279)
Page 279