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Tenements, England and Wales, Vol. VIII, 1911

Page 577

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In our parliamentary papers table titles on the page do not always match those included in the original table of contents.

Title from contents: Table 3. Tenements in the occupation of private families. Classified by numbers of rooms and by numbers of occupants, distinguishing children under 10 years of age, in London and in each Metropolitan borough, in each county borough, and in each other urban district of which the population exceeded 50000 persons at the census of 1911
Table title on page: Table 3. Tenements in the occupation of private families. Classified by numbers of rooms and by numbers of occupants, distinguishing children under 10 years of age, in London and in each Metropolitan borough, in each county borough, and in each other urban district of which the population exceeded 50000 persons at the census of 1911
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