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Close subtreeResults (63 items, 355 pages)    
      Open subtree Census
      (55 items, 286 pages)
      Open subtree TNA Census - Other
      (4 items, 66 pages)
         TNA Registration
      (1 item, 3 pages)
      Open subtree Essays
      (3 items)

TNA Registration

You searched for all of the words: "1931 Census"
Interpreted as: "1931 Census"
Contract subtree 3 pages Sample of correspondence of the GRO Statistical Branch with government departments etc.
   3 pages Memoranda and tables regarding population estimates, 1921 to 1937
Closed sections tree 1 page Reports on National Registration, 1919 to 1947
Closed sections tree 3 pages National Registration, 1939
Closed sections tree 1 page Documents relating to National Registration, 1939