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Interpreted as: "clement danes"
Closed sections tree 2 pages Preliminary report, England and Wales, 1881
Closed sections tree 2 pages Population. England and Wales. Vol. I. [Ancient] counties, 1881
Closed sections tree 5 pages Population. England and Wales. Vol. II. Registration counties, 1881
Closed sections tree 1 page Preliminary report, England and Wales, 1891
Closed sections tree 2 pages Population. Administrative counties, England and Wales. Vol. I, 1891
Closed sections tree 7 pages Population. Registration areas and sanitary districts, England and Wales. Vol. II, 1891
Closed sections tree 9 pages County of London, 1901
Closed sections tree 4 pages Areas, families or separate occupiers, and population, England and Wales, Vol. I. Administrative areas, 1911
Closed sections tree 1 page Areas, families or separate occupiers, and population, England and Wales, Vol. II. Registration areas, 1911
Closed sections tree 2 pages Areas, families or separate occupiers, and population, England and Wales, Vol. III. Parliamentary areas, 1911