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Close subtreeResults (317 items, 2105 pages)    
      Open subtree Census
      (148 items, 932 pages)
      Open subtree Registrar General
      (107 items, 1169 pages)
      Open subtree TNA Census - Other
      (3 items, 4 pages)
      Open subtree Essays
      (56 items)
      Open subtree Legislation
      (3 items)


You searched for all of the words: 1841 england
Interpreted as: 1841 AND england
Closed sections tree 5 pages Eightieth annual report of the registrar-general
Closed sections tree 6 pages Eighty-first annual report of the registrar-general
Closed sections tree 6 pages Eighty-second annual report of the registrar-general
Contract subtree 5 pages Eighty-third annual report of the registrar-general. Including an appendix relating to marriages,
  Expand subtree 5 pages Tables
Closed sections tree 1 page Supplement to the registrar-general's eighty-first report. Report on the mortality from influenza in England and Wales during the epidemic of 1918-19
Closed sections tree 1 page Census of England, Wales and Islands in the British Seas, 1881
Closed sections tree 1 page Census of England, Wales and Islands in the British Seas, 1931
Closed sections tree 2 pages Documents relating to the preparation of the 1931 census
View documentEssays - 1800-1922 - England and Wales
Parliamentary legislation, England and Wales
View documentEssays - 1800-1922 - Scotland
Parliamentary legislation, Scotland