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      Open subtree Census
      (17 items, 105 pages)


You searched for all of the words: Killeentierna
Interpreted as: Killeentierna
Closed sections tree 2 pages Preliminary observations, enumeration abstract, appendix, Ireland, 1821
Closed sections tree 1 page Comparative abstract, Ireland, 1831
Closed sections tree 3 pages Report, Ireland, 1841
Closed sections tree 2 pages County of Kerry, 1851
Closed sections tree 2 pages General report, Ireland, 1851
Closed sections tree 20 pages General alphabetical index to the townlands and towns, parishes and baronies of Ireland, 1861
Closed sections tree 1 page Area, population and number of houses, Ireland, Vol. I and II, 1861
Closed sections tree 1 page Religious professions, education and occupations, Vol. I, Ireland, 1861
Contract subtree 1 page General report, Ireland, 1861
  Contract subtree 1 page County tables
    Expand subtree 1 page Munster
Closed sections tree 5 pages Area, houses and population, Vol., II, Ireland, 1871