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Close subtreeResults (27 items, 146 pages)    
      Open subtree Census
      (10 items, 105 pages)
      Open subtree Registrar General
      (13 items, 37 pages)
      Open subtree TNA Census - Other
      (3 items, 4 pages)
      Open subtree Essays
      (1 item)


You searched for all of the words: australia 1901
Interpreted as: australia AND 1901
Closed sections tree 3 pages General report, England and Wales, 1901
Closed sections tree 92 pages Census of the British Empire, Report, 1901
Closed sections tree 1 page General report, Ireland, 1901
Closed sections tree 1 page Birthplaces, England and Wales, Vol. IX, 1911
Closed sections tree 3 pages General report, England and Wales, 1911
Closed sections tree 1 page General report, Ireland, 1911
Closed sections tree 1 page Preliminary report, England and Wales, 1921
Closed sections tree 1 page General report, England and Wales, 1921
Closed sections tree 1 page Population, ages, conjugal condition, orphanhood, birthplaces, Gaelic-speaking, housing, Scotland, 1921
Closed sections tree 1 page General report, 1931