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      Open subtree Census
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You searched for all of the words: long newnton
Interpreted as: long AND newnton
Closed sections tree 1 page Observations and enumeration abstract, 1811
Closed sections tree 1 page Parish register abstract, 1811
Closed sections tree 2 pages Observations, enumeration and parish register abstracts, 1821
Closed sections tree 1 page Comparative account, 1831
Closed sections tree 4 pages Enumeration abstract, 1831 (Part 2)
Closed sections tree 1 page Parish register abstract, 1831
Closed sections tree 1 page Enumeration abstract, 1841
Closed sections tree 2 pages Index of names of places, England and Wales, 1841
Closed sections tree 4 pages Parish register abstract, England and Wales, 1841
Closed sections tree 1 page Index to parishes, townships and place, Great Britain, 1851
Closed sections tree 5 pages Population tables. England and Wales. Vol. I. Index, 1861
Closed sections tree 1 page Index to population tables, England and Wales, 1871
Closed sections tree 1 page Population tables, England and Wales, Vol. II. Registration counties, 1871
Closed sections tree 1 page Population tables, England and Wales, Vol. I. [Ancient] counties, 1871
Closed sections tree 2 pages Population. England and Wales. Vol. I. [Ancient] counties, 1881
Closed sections tree 3 pages Population. England and Wales. Vol. II. Registration counties, 1881
Closed sections tree 2 pages Population. Administrative counties, England and Wales. Vol. I, 1891
Closed sections tree 2 pages Index, England and Wales, 1891
Closed sections tree 3 pages Population. Registration areas and sanitary districts, England and Wales. Vol. II, 1891
Closed sections tree 3 pages County of Wiltshire, 1901
Closed sections tree 1 page Index to population tables, England and Wales, 1901
Contract subtree 1 page Areas, families or separate occupiers, and population, England and Wales, Vol. I. Administrative areas, 1911
  Contract subtree 1 page Tables
     1 page Table 17. Institutions in urban districts, rural districts and civil parishes. Persons enumerated in workhouse establishments, in lunatic asylums, prisons, hospitals, certified reformatory and industrial schools, schools and institutions certified under the statute 25 and 26 Vict., C. 43, and in certified inebriate reformatories and retreats
Closed sections tree 2 pages Areas, families or separate occupiers, and population, England and Wales, Vol. II. Registration areas, 1911
Closed sections tree 2 pages Areas, families or separate occupiers, and population, England and Wales, Vol. IV. Ecclesiastical areas, 1911
Closed sections tree 2 pages Index to population tables, England and Wales, Vol. V, 1911
Closed sections tree 2 pages County of Wilts, 1921
Closed sections tree 2 pages Ecclesiastical areas, England and Wales, 1921
Closed sections tree 2 pages Index of names of places, England and Wales, 1921
Closed sections tree 1 page Ecclesiastical areas (England), England and Wales, 1931
Closed sections tree 3 pages County of Gloucester (Part I), 1931
Closed sections tree 2 pages County of Wilts (Part I), 1931
Closed sections tree 1 page County of Gloucester (Part II), 1931