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      Open subtree Census
      (304 items, 22642 pages)
      Open subtree Registrar General
      (96 items, 1301 pages)
      Open subtree TNA Enumerators' Books
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         TNA Registration
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      Open subtree Essays
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      Open subtree Legislation
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You searched for all of the words: occupations
Interpreted as: occupations
Closed sections tree 96 pages General report, Ireland, 1901
Closed sections tree 1 page Population, Scotland, Vol. I, 1901
Closed sections tree 1 page Population, Scotland, Vol. II, Ages, marital condition, education and birthplaces, 1901
Closed sections tree 835 pages Population, Scotland, Vol. III, Occupations, 1901 (including document title)
Closed sections tree 23 pages County of Glamorgan, 1901
Closed sections tree 8 pages County of Anglesey, 1901
Closed sections tree 9 pages County of Brecknock, 1901
Closed sections tree 11 pages County of Cardigan, 1901
Closed sections tree 11 pages County of Carmarthen, 1901
Closed sections tree 11 pages County of Carnarvon, 1901