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Close subtreeResults (199 items, 2588 pages)    
      Open subtree Census
      (100 items, 1465 pages)
      Open subtree Registrar General
      (97 items, 1122 pages)
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You searched for all of the words: westmorland
Interpreted as: westmorland
Closed sections tree 7 pages Enumeration abstract, 1801
Closed sections tree 5 pages Parish register abstract, 1801
Closed sections tree 8 pages Observations and enumeration abstract, 1811
Closed sections tree 2 pages Parish register abstract, 1811
Closed sections tree 14 pages Observations, enumeration and parish register abstracts, 1821
Closed sections tree 5 pages Comparative account, 1831
Closed sections tree 3 pages Enumeration abstract, 1831 (Part 1)
Contract subtree 9 pages Enumeration abstract, 1831 (Part 2)
   1 page Title & contents pages
  Contract subtree 5 pages England. Southampton to York
     5 pages Westmorland (including section title)
   1 page Summary of England
   1 page Irregularities of county boundaries
  Expand subtree 1 page Index of the placenames in the enumeration and parish register abstracts
Closed sections tree 9 pages Parish register abstract, 1831
Closed sections tree 8 pages Enumeration abstract, 1841