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Closed sections tree 18 pages Birthplaces, England and Wales, Vol. IX, 1911
Closed sections tree 17 pages Occupations (part 1), England and Wales, Vol. X, 1911
Closed sections tree 3 pages Occupations (part 2), England and Wales, Vol. X, 1911
Closed sections tree 2 pages Infirmities, England and Wales, Vol. XI, 1911
Closed sections tree 3 pages Islands in the British Seas, 1911
Contract subtree 21 pages Summary tables, England and Wales, 1911
  Expand subtree 9 pages Population
  Expand subtree 1 page Ages and condition as to marriage
  Expand subtree 1 page Occupations and industries
  Contract subtree 5 pages Tenements
     1 page Table 68. Administrative counties, county boroughs, etc. Tenements in the occupation of private families. Proportion, per 1000 tenements, of tenements of various sizes in administrative counties and their aggregates of urban and rural districts, in county and Metropolitan boroughs, and in those urban districts of which the population exceeded 50000 persons at the census of 1911
     1 page Table 69. Administrative counties, county boroughs, etc. Tenements in the occupation of private families. Proportion, per 1000 persons, enumerated in tenements of various sizes in administrative counties and their aggregates of urban and rural districts, in county and Metropolitan boroughs and in those urban districts of which the population exceeded 50000 persons at the census of 1911
     1 page Table 70. Administrative counties, county boroughs, etc. Tenements in the occupation of private families. Proportion, per 1000 families, of families of various sizes in administrative counties and their aggregates of urban and rural districts, in county and Metropolitan boroughs and in those urban districts of which the population exceeded 50000 persons at the census of 1911
     1 page Table 71. Administrative counties, county boroughs, etc. Tenements in the occupation of private families. Average number of occupants per room in tenements of various sizes, in administrative counties and their aggregates of urban and rural districts, in county and Metropolitan boroughs and in those urban districts of which the population exceeded 50000 persons at the census of 1911
     1 page Table 72. Administrative counties, county boroughs, etc. Tenements in the occupation of private families. Proportion per 1000 persons of those enumerated in tenements having various average numbers of persons per room, in administrative counties and their aggregates of urban and rural districts in county and Metropolitan boroughs and in those urban districts of which the population exceeded 50000 persons at the census of 1911
  Expand subtree 2 pages Buildings of various kinds
  Expand subtree 1 page Birthplaces
  Expand subtree 2 pages Miscellaneous
Closed sections tree 21 pages General report, England and Wales, 1911
Closed sections tree 3 pages Fertility of marriage (part II), 1911
Closed sections tree 4 pages Preliminary report, England and Wales, 1921
Closed sections tree 1 page County of Cambridge including the Isle of Ely and Huntingdon, 1921