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Closed sections tree 1 page Observations and enumeration abstract, 1811
Closed sections tree 1 page Observations, enumeration and parish register abstracts, 1821
Closed sections tree 1 page Comparative account, 1831
Closed sections tree 3 pages Enumeration abstract, 1831 (Part 2)
Closed sections tree 1 page Enumeration abstract, 1841
Closed sections tree 1 page Index of names of places, England and Wales, 1841
Closed sections tree 1 page Population tables I, Vol. II. England and Wales. Divisions VII-IX. Scotland. Islands, 1851
Closed sections tree 1 page Index to parishes, townships and place, Great Britain, 1851
Contract subtree 2 pages Population tables. England and Wales. Vol. I. Index, 1861
  Expand subtree 1 page Abstracts. Part I. Houses and population in 1861 of the several counties, hundreds, lieutenancy sub-divisions, cities, boroughs, and towns, and of each parish or place separately assessed for the relief of the poor
  Expand subtree 1 page Abstracts: Part II. Registration and poor law divisions: Areas, houses and population, in 1851 and 1861, of superintendent registrars' districts and poor law unions; of district parishes and ecclesiastical districts; inmates of public institutions; persons on board shipping; births, deaths, and marriages, 1851-1860, &c
Closed sections tree 1 page Index to population tables, England and Wales, 1871