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      Open subtree Census
      (26 items, 32 pages)


You searched for all of the words: Gayles
Interpreted as: Gayles
Closed sections tree 1 page Index to population tables, England and Wales, Vol. V, 1911
Closed sections tree 2 pages County of York, 1921
Closed sections tree 1 page Ecclesiastical areas, England and Wales, 1921
Closed sections tree 1 page Index of names of places, England and Wales, 1921
Contract subtree 2 pages County of Yorkshire: East and North Ridings (Part I), 1931
  Contract subtree 2 pages Tables
     1 page 3. Population, acreage, private families and dwellings (A. C. s, C. B. s, M. B. s, U. D. s, R. D. s, wards of C. B. s, M. B. s, and U. D. s, and civil parishes)
     1 page 9. Population, acreage and constitution (petty sessional divisions)
Closed sections tree 1 page County of Yorkshire: East and North Ridings (Part II), 1931