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      Open subtree Census
      (50 items, 1179 pages)


You searched for all of the words: Dundalk
Interpreted as: Dundalk
Closed sections tree 8 pages Preliminary observations, enumeration abstract, appendix, Ireland, 1821
Closed sections tree 1 page Comparative abstract, Ireland, 1831
Closed sections tree 11 pages Abstract, Ireland, 1831
Closed sections tree 10 pages Report, Ireland, 1841
Closed sections tree 2 pages Comparative view, Ireland, 1851
Closed sections tree 9 pages County of Louth, 1851
Closed sections tree 10 pages County of Louth, 1851
Closed sections tree 1 page County of Armagh, 1851
Contract subtree 1 page County of Monaghan, 1851
  Expand subtree 1 page Poor law unions and electoral divisions
Closed sections tree 9 pages Agricultural returns, Ireland, 1851