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      Close subtree Census
      (50 items, 1179 pages)
         Open subtree 1821
         (1 item, 8 pages)
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         Open subtree 1851
         (10 items, 62 pages)
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         (11 items, 282 pages)
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         (7 items, 326 pages)
         Open subtree 1881
         (5 items, 69 pages)
         Open subtree 1891
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         Open subtree 1901
         (4 items, 307 pages)
         Open subtree 1911
         (4 items, 61 pages)


You searched for all of the words: Dundalk
Interpreted as: Dundalk
Closed sections tree 3 pages Ages and Education, Ireland, 1851
Closed sections tree 1 page Tables of deaths, Vol. I, Ireland, 1851
Closed sections tree 13 pages Tables of deaths, Vol. II, Ireland, 1851
Closed sections tree 13 pages General report, Ireland, 1851
Closed sections tree 2 pages Enumeration abstracts, Ireland, 1861
Closed sections tree 233 pages General alphabetical index to the townlands and towns, parishes and baronies of Ireland, 1861
Closed sections tree 10 pages Area, population and number of houses, Ireland, Vol. I and II, 1861
Closed sections tree 7 pages Area, population and number of houses, Ireland, Vol. III and IV, 1861
Closed sections tree 5 pages Report and tables on ages and education, Vol. I, Ireland, 1861
Closed sections tree 3 pages Report and tables on ages and education, Vol. II, Ireland, 1861