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      Close subtree Census
      (6 items, 7 pages)
         Open subtree 1861
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         Close subtree 1871
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         Open subtree 1881
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         Open subtree 1901
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         Open subtree 1911
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You searched for all of the words: Cloonmoyle
Interpreted as: Cloonmoyle
Contract subtree 1 page Alphabetical index to townlands of Ireland, 1871
  Expand subtree 1 page Alphabetical index to the townlands and towns of Ireland, with the number of the sheet of the Ordnance Survey maps on which they appear; the area in statute acres of each townland; the county, barony, parish, poor law union, and poor law electoral division in which it is situated; and the volume and page of the census of 1871, part i., Giving the population, houses, and valuation