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      Close subtree Census
      (55 items, 1279 pages)
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         (4 items, 123 pages)
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         (3 items, 119 pages)
         Open subtree 1891
         (5 items, 132 pages)
         Open subtree 1901
         (5 items, 176 pages)
         Open subtree 1911
         (8 items, 233 pages)
         Open subtree 1921
         (3 items, 154 pages)
         Open subtree 1931
         (4 items, 205 pages)


You searched for all of the words: kirkcudbright
Interpreted as: kirkcudbright
Closed sections tree 2 pages Birthplaces, England and Wales, Vol. IX, 1911
Closed sections tree 2 pages Summary tables, England and Wales, 1911
Closed sections tree 1 page General report, England and Wales, 1911
Closed sections tree 17 pages Preliminary report, Scotland, 1911
Closed sections tree 88 pages Population, ages, conjugal condition, occupations, birthplaces, housing, Gaelic-speaking, Scotland, 1911
Closed sections tree 8 pages Occupations by birthplace, infirmities, fertility, Scotland, 1911
Closed sections tree 79 pages Report on the twelfth decennial census of Scotland, Vol. 1 [Parts 1-23]
Closed sections tree 36 pages Report on the twelfth decennial census of Scotland, Vol. 1 [Parts 24-37]
Closed sections tree 15 pages Preliminary report, Scotland, 1921
Closed sections tree 18 pages City and county parts, Scotland, 1921