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You searched for all of the words: pwllheli
Interpreted as: pwllheli
Closed sections tree 1 page Buildings of various kinds, England and Wales, Vol. VI, 1911
Closed sections tree 1 page Tenements, England and Wales, Vol. VIII, 1911
Contract subtree 1 page Language spoken in Wales, 1911
  Expand subtree 1 page Tables
Closed sections tree 2 pages Preliminary report, England and Wales, 1921
Closed sections tree 45 pages Index of names of places, England and Wales, 1921
Closed sections tree 6 pages General tables, England and Wales, 1921
Closed sections tree 3 pages Workplaces, England and Wales, 1921
Closed sections tree 19 pages Counties of Carnarvon and Anglesey, 1921
Closed sections tree 3 pages General tables, England and Wales, 1931
Closed sections tree 1 page Housing report and tables, England and Wales, 1931