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Industry tables, England and Wales, 1931

Table of Contents

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(Pages i-iii) Title page & contents
(Pages v-xiii) Preface
(742 pages)Contract subtree Tables
(Pages 1-11) 1. Industries (full list). Males and females classified by industrial status (England and Wales)
(Pages 12-181)Expand subtree 2. Industries (full list). Males and females (exclusive of persons out of work). (England and Wales, regions, administrative counties, county boroughs, and other urban areas with populations exceeding 50, 000)
(Pages 182-309)Expand subtree 3. Industries (condensed list). Males and females (exclusive of persons out of work). (Urban areas with populations not exceeding 50, 000 and rural districts)
(Pages 310-458)Contract subtree 4. Industries (orders, sub-orders and a standard selection of units). Males and females, classified by industrial status (England and Wales, regions, administrative counties, county boroughs, and other urban areas with populations exceeding 50, 000)
(Page 310) Summary of England and Wales
(Pages 311-319) Summary of the regions
(Pages 320-446)Expand subtree England
(Pages 460-536) 5. Selected distributive (retail) dress and personal service industries. Males and females, classified by industrial status (excluding persons out of work). (England and Wales, administrative counties, county boroughs, other urban areas with populations exceeding 20, 000 and county remainders)
(Pages 538-699)Expand subtree 6. Industries (condensed list). Males and females analysed by age groups and region of enumeration, and showing for each order their distribution by functional divisions of industry and industrial status, and for each industry group their distribution by industrial status and their numbers in important occupations (England and Wales)
(Pages 700-703) 7. Industries (condensed list). Distribution of occupied population (including persons out of work) according to functional divisions of industry (England and Wales)
(Pages 704-710) 8. Industries (condensed list). Proportionate distribution (per 1, 000) of occupied population (including persons out of work) according to functional divisions of industry (England and Wales)
(Pages 711-713) A. Number (in thousands) of persons, males and females in certain industries (including those out of work) at each census, 1901-1931, and showing proportions per 10, 000 occupied so engaged, and intercensal increase or decrease per cent. (England and Wales)
(Pages 714-719) B. Industries of males and females at the censuses of 1921 and 1931, showing also the proportions engaged in each industry per 10, 000 occupied, the intercensal increase or decrease per cent., and the ratio of males per 100 females in each industry (England and Wales)
(Pages 720-724) C. Industries (condensed list) of males and females (including persons out of work) at the censuses of 1921 and 1931, showing regional distribution (England and Wales, and regions)
(Pages 725-741) D. Number (in hundreds) of males and females at eleven age groups in industry orders, sub-orders and selected units at the censuses of 1921 and 1931, showing also the distribution per 1, 000 at all ages (England and Wales)