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General report, 1931

Table of Contents

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(Pages 1-8) Title page, note and contents
(21 pages)Expand subtree I. Preparation and procedure
(54 pages)Expand subtree II. Population
(Page 74) III. Buildings, dwellings, rooms and families
(31 pages)Expand subtree IV. Sexes, ages and marital conditions
(61 pages)Contract subtree V. Occupation and industry
(Pages 104-105) 1. Introductory
(Pages 105-108) 2. Scope of inquiry
(Pages 108-110) 3. Classification and analysis of material
(Pages 110-156)Contract subtree 4. General analysis by occupation and industry
(Pages 112-116) XLVIII. Occupations of males and females aged 14 and over: Proportions according to marital condition and industrial status, England and Wales, 1931
(Pages 117-119) XLIX. Industry: Analysis by industrial status of orders, sub-orders and certain numerically important industries, England and Wales, 1931
(Pages 119-123) L. Percentages occupied and out of work in regions, counties, county boroughs, and other urban areas with populations exceeding 50, 000
(Pages 124-125) LI. Distribution of population over 14 years of age by occupational order and region
(Pages 126-128)Expand subtree I. Fishermen
(Pages 128-132)Expand subtree II. Agricultural occupations
(Pages 132-138)Expand subtree III. Mining and quarrying occupations
(Page 138) IV. Workers in the treatment of non-metalliferous mine and quarry products
(Page 138) V. Makers of bricks, pottery and glass
(Pages 138-139) VI. Workers in chemical processes; makers of paints, oils, etc
(Pages 139-140) VII. Metal workers (not electro plate or precious metals)
(Page 140) VIII. Workers in precious metals and electro plate
(Pages 140-141) IX. Electrical apparatus makers and fitters and electricians
(Page 141) X. Makers of watches, clocks and scientific instruments
(Page 141) XI. Workers in skins and leather, and makers of leather and leather substitute goods (not boots or shoes)
(Pages 141-142) XII. Textile workers
(Pages 142-144)Expand subtree XIII. Makers of textile goods and articles of dress
(Pages 144-145) XIV. Makers of foods, drinks and tobacco
(Page 145) XV. Workers in wood and furniture
(Pages 145-146) XVI. Makers of and workers in paper and cardboard; bookbinders, etc
(Page 146) XVII. Printers and photographers
(Pages 146-147) XVIII. Builders, bricklayers, stone and slate workers; contractors
(Page 147) XIX. Painters and decorators
(Page 147) XX. Workers in other materials
(Pages 147-148) XXI. Workers in mixed or undefined materials
(Page 148) XXII. Persons employed in transport and communication
(Pages 149-150)Expand subtree XXIII. Commercial, finance and insurance occupations
(Page 150) XXIV. Persons employed in public administration and defence
(Pages 150-151) XXV. Professional occupations
(Page 151) XXVI. Persons professionally engaged in entertainments and sport
(Pages 151-152)Expand subtree XXVII. Persons engaged in personal service
(Pages 152-153) XXVIII. Clerks and draughtsmen; typists
(Page 153) XXIX. Warehousemen, storekeepers and packers
(Page 153) XXX. Stationary engine drivers, dynamo and motor attendants
(Pages 153-154) XXXI. Other and undefined workers
(Pages 154-156) XXXII. Retired or not gainfully occupied
(Pages 156-162)Expand subtree 5. Persons temporarily out of work
(Pages 162-164)Expand subtree 6. Comparison of the results of 1911, 1921 and 1931 by reference to sex, age and marital condition
(19 pages)Expand subtree VI. Birthplace and nationality
(5 pages)Expand subtree VII. Welsh language
(7 pages)Expand subtree VIII. Usual residence
(7 pages)Expand subtree Appendices