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General report, 1931

Table of Contents

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(Pages 1-8) Title page, note and contents
(21 pages)Contract subtree I. Preparation and procedure
(Page 1) 1. Introduction
(Pages 1-9)Expand subtree 2. Preparations for the census
(Pages 9-10) 3. Scheme of publication of reports
(Pages 11-12)Expand subtree 4. Enumeration
(Pages 12-20)Contract subtree 5. Procedure after census day
(Page 12) (A) Preliminary report
(Pages 12-20)Expand subtree (B) Census office operations
(Pages 20-21) 6. Cost of the census
(54 pages)Expand subtree II. Population
(Page 74) III. Buildings, dwellings, rooms and families
(31 pages)Expand subtree IV. Sexes, ages and marital conditions
(61 pages)Expand subtree V. Occupation and industry
(19 pages)Expand subtree VI. Birthplace and nationality
(5 pages)Expand subtree VII. Welsh language
(7 pages)Expand subtree VIII. Usual residence
(7 pages)Expand subtree Appendices