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Population tables, England and Wales, Vol. I. [Ancient] counties, 1871

Table of Contents

  Display:   Sections   Tables    Page Titles    
(Pages i-ii) Title and contents
(Pages iii-vii) Letter to the right Honourable h. A. Bruce, m. P., Her Majesty's principle secretary of state for the home department
(35 pages)Expand subtree Summary tables
(560 pages)Contract subtree Counties in England and Wales
(Page xliv) Index to counties
(Pages 1-5)Expand subtree Bedford
(Pages 6-14)Expand subtree Berks
(Pages 15-23)Expand subtree Bucks
(Pages 24-30)Expand subtree Cambridge
(Pages 31-45)Expand subtree Chester
(Pages 46-55)Expand subtree Cornwall
(Pages 56-64)Expand subtree Cumberland
(Pages 65-76)Expand subtree Derby
(Pages 77-91)Expand subtree Devon
(Pages 92-99)Expand subtree Dorset
(Pages 100-112)Expand subtree Durham
(Pages 123-135)Expand subtree Gloucester
(Pages 136-142)Expand subtree Hereford
(Pages 143-149)Expand subtree Hertford
(Pages 150-154)Expand subtree Huntingdon
(Pages 181-206)Expand subtree Lancaster
(Pages 207-215)Expand subtree Leicester
(Pages 216-231)Expand subtree Lincoln
(Pages 232-246)Expand subtree Middlesex
(Pages 247-253)Expand subtree Monmouth
(Pages 254-265)Expand subtree Norfolk
(Pages 266-273)Expand subtree Northampton
(Pages 274-285)Expand subtree Northumberland
(Pages 286-294)Expand subtree Nottingham
(Pages 295-303)Expand subtree Oxford
(Pages 304-306)Expand subtree Rutland
(Pages 318-330)Expand subtree Somerset
(Pages 331-343)Expand subtree Southampton
(Pages 344-360)Expand subtree Stafford
(Pages 361-370)Expand subtree Suffolk
(Pages 371-384)Expand subtree Surrey
(Pages 385-396)Expand subtree Sussex
(Pages 397-406)Expand subtree Warwick
(Pages 407-412)Expand subtree Westmorland
(Pages 425-434)Expand subtree Worcester
(Pages 491-494)Expand subtree Anglesey
(Pages 495-499)Expand subtree Brecon
(Pages 500-505)Expand subtree Cardigan
(Pages 506-511)Expand subtree Carmarthen
(Pages 512-516)Expand subtree Carnarvon
(Pages 517-522)Expand subtree Denbigh
(Pages 529-536)Expand subtree Glamorgan
(Pages 537-540)Expand subtree Merioneth
(Pages 541-546)Expand subtree Montgomery
(Pages 547-552)Expand subtree Pembroke
(Pages 553-558)Expand subtree Radnor
(12 pages)Expand subtree Islands in the British Seas