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Area, houses, and population, Vol. II [Part 1], Ireland, 1901

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(178 pages)Contract subtree County of Clare
(Pages i-v) Title page & contents
(Pages vii-viii) Summary
(Pages 1-76)Contract subtree Area, houses, and population
(Page 1) I. Area, houses, and population of the county of Clare in 1901
(Page 1) II. a. Comparative view of houses and population of the county, as constituted prior to the passing of the local government (Ireland) act, 1898, at each of the nine censuses, from 1821 to 1901
(Page 1) II. b. Comparative view of houses and population of the county, as constituted pursuant to the local government (Ireland) act, 1898, in 1881, 1891, and 1901
(Page 2) III. Area in 1901, houses and population in 1881, 1891, and 1901, in each county electoral division in the county of Clare; also the general valuation in 1901
(Page 2) IV. Area in 1901, and houses and population in 1891 and 1901, of the parliamentary divisions and boroughs, together with the number of electors, in the county of Clare in 1901
(Page 2) V. Area in 1901, and houses and population in 1881, 1891, and 1901, of the municipal boroughs and towns of 2000 inhabitants and upwards, in the county of Clare; also the general valuation in 1901
(Pages 3-5) VI. Area in 1901, and houses and population in 1881, 1891, and 1901, in each county district and district electoral division comprised therein, in the county of Clare; also the general valuation in 1901
(Pages 6-71)Contract subtree VII. Area, houses, out-offices, and farm steadings, and population, together with the valuation of each poor law union (or superintendent registrar's district), dispensary (or registrar's) district, district electoral division, townland, etc., in the county of Clare in 1901
(Pages 6-11) Ballyvaghan
(Pages 11-16) Corrofin
(Pages 16-29) Ennis
(Pages 29-37) Ennistimon
(Pages 37-42) Killadysert
(Pages 42-51) Kilrush
(Pages 51-58) Limerick
(Pages 58-64) Scarriff
(Pages 65-71) Tulla
(Page 72) VIII. Showing, by classes, the number of houses having one or more families residing in them, and the number of families which occupy each class of accommodation
(Page 73) IX. Showing the total number of occupiers (or heads of families) in occupation of less than 5 rooms, in each county district in the county of Clare in 1901
(Pages 74-76) X. Showing the number of tenements of one room, and the number of occupants of such tenements in each county district and district electoral division of the county of Clare in 1901
(Pages 77-78)Contract subtree Miscellaneous tables
(Page 77) XI. Number of persons in workhouses, hospitals, lunatic asylums, prisons, and military barracks, on the night of the 31st March, 1901
(Page 77) XII. Showing the number of the blind, deaf and dumb, dumb not deaf, idiots, lunatics, paupers, the sick and prisoners in poor law unions (or superintendent registrars' districts), in 1901
(Page 77) XIII. Showing the number of vessels and of persons on board, in harbours, rivers, lakes, creeks, canals, &c., on the night of the 31st March, 1901
(Page 78) XIV. Showing the number of marriages, births, and deaths registered in each of the poor law unions (or superintendent registrars' districts), in the ten years from 1st April, 1891, to 31st March, 1901; the increase or decrease of population in the interval between the censuses of 1891 and 1901, and the excess of registered births over deaths
(Pages 78-81)Contract subtree Ages of the people
(Pages 78-80) XV. Ages of persons in poor law unions (or superintendent registrars' districts), dispensary (or registrars') districts, and county districts, on the night of the 31st of March, 1901
(Page 81) XVI. Number of children at each year of age under five, in poor law unions (or superintendent registrars' districts)
(Page 81) XVII. Ages of persons in the principal towns
(Pages 82-83)Contract subtree Civil or conjugal condition of the people
(Pages 82-83) XVIII. Numbers and ages of unmarried, married, and widowed persons in each poor law union (or superintendent registrar's district) on the night of the 31st of March, 1901
(Pages 84-111)Contract subtree Occupations of the people
(Pages 84-85) XIX. Occupations of males and females, distinguishing those under 20 years of age from those of 20 years and upwards, in classes, orders, and sub-orders
(Pages 86-96) XX. Occupations of males and females by ages, religious professions and education
(Pages 97-108) XXI. Occupations of males and females under 20 and 20 years and upwards, in each county district
(Pages 109-110) XXII. Occupations of males and females in towns of 1500 inhabitants and upwards (not being urban county districts)
(Page 111) XXIII. Occupiers of land engaged in other pursuits besides farming
(Pages 112-115)Contract subtree Birthplaces of the people
(Pages 112-114) XXIV. Showing the birthplaces of the inhabitants of each county district
(Page 115) XXV. Showing the birthplaces of the persons enumerated in the county as constituted prior to the passing of the local government (Ireland) act, 1898, in 1841, 1851, 1861, 1871, 1881, and 1891, and in the county as constituted pursuant to that statute in 1901, together with the respective per-centages to the total population of the county
(Pages 115-116)Contract subtree Foreigners
(Page 115) XXVI. Showing the ages of persons born in foreign countries who were enumerated in the county of Clare in 1901
(Page 116) XXVII. Showing the occupations of persons born in foreign countries who were enumerated in the county of Clare in 1901
(Page 117)Contract subtree Blind, deaf, and dumb, &c
(Page 117) XXVIII. Showing the number and ages of the blind, deaf and dumb, dumb not deaf, idiots, lunatics, inmates of workhouses, patients in hospitals, etc
(Pages 118-119)Contract subtree Religious professions of the people
(Pages 118-119) XXIX Religious professions and sexes of the inhabitants in each parish, in the county of Clare
(Pages 120-134)Contract subtree Ages and education of the people
(Pages 120-133) XXX. Showing by county districts and district electoral divisions the population according to ages, sexes, and degrees of elementary education
(Page 134) XXXI. Showing by parliamentary divisions the population on the night of the 31st March, 1901, according to ages, sexes, and degrees of elementary education
(Page 134) XXXII. Showing the population of the principal towns (not being urban county districts) according to ages, sexes, and degrees of elementary education
(Pages 135-167)Contract subtree Religious professions and education of the people
(Pages 135-161) XXXIII. Showing by county districts and district electoral divisions the total population in the county of Clare in 1901, according to religious professions, sexes, and degrees of elementary education; also the population five years of age and upwards, and the number and proportion per cent. of these who were illiterate
(Page 162) XXXIV. Showing by parliamentary divisions the total population according to religious professions, sexes, and degrees of elementary education; also the population five years of age and upwards, and the number and proportion per cent. of these who were illiterate
(Page 163) XXXV. Showing the total population of the principal towns (not being urban county district), according to religious professions, sexes, and degrees of elementary education; also the population five years of age and upwards, and the number and proportion per cent. of these who were illiterate
(Page 163) XXXVI. Comparative view of the number and per-centage of persons belonging to each religious profession in the county of Clare, as constituted prior to the passing of the local government (Ireland) act, 1898, at the census periods of 1861, 1871, 1881, 1891, and in the county as constituted pursuant to that statute in 1901; also of the number and per-centage of persons, five years of age and upwards, who were illiterate
(Page 163) XXXVII. Showing for 1901 the number and ages of persons who spoke Irish only, and the number who spoke Irish and English, in each county district in. The county of Clare as constituted pursuant to the local government (Ireland) act, 1898; also the numbed and ages of the persons who spoke Irish only, and of the number who spoke Irish and English in 1891, in the county of Clare, as constituted prior to the passing of that statute
(Pages 164-166) XXXVIII. Showing by district electoral divisions, the number of educational establishments primary and superior and also the number, ages, and religious professions of the pupils and students distinguishing resident from non-resident, and showing the nature of education received on attendance thereat, during the week ending 11th May, 1901
(Page 167) XXXIX. Summary of educational establishments
(Page 167) XL. Showing, by sexes, the number and proportion per cent. to the population under each religious profession of persons receiving instruction in educational establishments in the county of Clare, as constituted prior to the passing of the local government (Ireland) act, 1898, in 1871, 1881, and 1891, and in the county as constituted pursuant to that statute in 1901
(Page 168)Contract subtree Emigration
(Page 168) XLI. Emigration from the county of Clare during each year, from the 1st of May, 1851, to the 31st of March, 1901
(410 pages)Contract subtree County and city of Cork
(Pages i-v) Title page & contents
(Pages vi-vii) Summary
(Pages 1-174)Contract subtree Area, houses, and population
(Page 1) I. Area, houses, and population of the county and city of Cork in 1901
(Page 1) II. a. Comparative view of houses and population of the county and city, as constituted prior to the passing of the local government (Ireland) act, 1898, at each of the nine censuses, from 1821 to 1901
(Page 1) II. b. Comparative view of houses and population of the county and city, as constituted pursuant to the local government (Ireland) act, 1898, in 1881, 1891 and 1901
(Page 2) III. Area in 1901, and houses and population in 1881, 1891, and 1901, in each county electoral division in the county of Cork; also the general valuation in 1901
(Page 2) IV. Area, in 1901, and houses and population in 1891 and 1901, of the parliamentary divisions and boroughs, together with the number of electors in the county and city of Cork in 1901
(Page 3) V. Area in 1901, and houses and population in 1881, 1891, and 1901, of the municipal boroughs and towns of 2000 inhabitants and upwards, in the county and city of Cork; also the general valuation in 1901
(Pages 4-10) VI. Area in 1901, and houses and population in 1881, 1891, and 1901, in each county district and district electoral division comprised therein, in the county and city of Cork; also the general valuation in 1901
(Pages 11-164)Contract subtree VII. Area, houses, out-offices and farm steadings, and population, together with the valuation, of each poor law union (or superintendent registrar's district), dispensary (or registrar's) district, district electoral division, townland, etc., in the county and city of Cork in 1901
(Pages 11-18) Bandon
(Pages 19-26) Bantry
(Pages 26-31) Castletown
(Pages 31-40) Clonakilty
(Pages 56-62) Dunmanway
(Pages 63-75) Fermoy
(Pages 76-88) Kanturk
(Pages 88-90) Kilmallock
(Pages 90-100) Kinsale
(Pages 100-110) Macroom
(Pages 110-122) Mallow
(Pages 122-134) Middleton
(Pages 135-139) Millstreet
(Pages 139-144) Mitchelstown
(Pages 144-155) Skibbereen
(Pages 160-164) Youghal
(Page 165) VIII. Showing, by classes, the number of houses having one or more families residing in them, and the number of families which occupy each class of accommodation (county)
(Page 166) VIII. a. Showing, by classes, the number of houses having one or more families residing in them, and the number of families which occupy each class of accommodation (city)
(Page 167) IX. Showing the total number of occupiers (or heads of families) in occupation of less than five rooms, in each county district in the county of Cork in 1901
(Pages 168-174) X. Showing the number of tenements of one room, and the number of occupants of such tenements in each county district and district electoral division of the county of Cork in 1901
(Pages 175-179)Contract subtree Miscellaneous tables
(Page 175) XI. Number of persons in workhouses, hospitals, public lunatic asylums, prisons, military barracks, etc., on the night of the 31st March, 1901 (county and city summary)
(Pages 175-177) XI. a. Number of persons in workhouses, hospitals, public lunatic asylums, prisons, military barracks, etc., on the night of the 31st March, 1901 (county and city details by localities)
(Page 178) XII. Showing the number of the blind, deaf and dumb, dumb not deaf, idiots, lunatics, paupers, the sick and prisoners in poor law unions (or superintendent registrars' districts), in 1901
(Page 178) XIII. Showing the number of vessels and of persons on board, in harbours, rivers, lakes, creeks, canals, etc., on the night of the 31st March, 1901
(Page 179) XIV. Showing the number of marriages, births, and deaths registered in each of the poor law unions (or superintendent registrars' districts), in the ten years from 1st April, 1891, to 31st March, 1901; the increase or decrease of population in the interval between the censuses of 1891 and 1901, and the excess of registered births over deaths
(Pages 179-190)Contract subtree Ages of the people
(Pages 179-188) XV. Ages of persons in poor law unions (or superintendent registrars' districts), dispensary (or registrars') districts, and county districts, on the night of the 31st March, 1901
(Page 189) XVI. Number of children at each year of age under five, in poor law unions (or superintendent registrars' districts)
(Page 190) XVII. Ages of persons in the principal towns
(Pages 191-194)Contract subtree Civil or conjugal condition of the people
(Pages 191-194) XVIII. Numbers and ages of unmarried, married, and widowed persons in each poor law union (or superintendent registrar's district) on the night of the 31st of March, 1901
(Pages 195-272)Contract subtree Occupations of the people
(Pages 195-196) XIX. Occupations of males and females, distinguishing those under 20 years of age from those of 20 years and upwards, in classes, orders, and sub-orders (county)
(Pages 197-198) XIX. Occupations of males and females, distinguishing those under 20 years of age from those of 20 years and upwards, in classes, orders, and sub-orders (city)
(Pages 199-214) XX. Occupations of males and females by ages, religious professions, and education (county)
(Pages 215-228) XX. a. Occupations of males and females by ages, religious professions, and education (city)
(Pages 229-262) XXI. Occupations of males and females under 20 years, and 20 years and upwards, in each county district
(Pages 263-271) XXII. Occupations of males and females in towns of 1500 inhabitants and upwards (not being urban county districts)
(Page 272) XXIII. Occupiers of land engaged in other pursuits besides farming
(Pages 273-279)Contract subtree Birthplaces of the people
(Pages 273-278) XXIV. Showing the birthplaces of the inhabitants of the city of Cork and of each county district
(Page 279) XXV. Showing the birthplaces of the persons enumerated in the county as constituted prior to the passing of the local government (Ireland) act, 1898, in 1841, 1851, 1861, 1871, 1881, and 1891, and in the county as constituted pursuant to that statute in 1901, together with the respective per-centages to the total population of the county of Cork
(Page 279) XXV. a. Showing the birthplaces of the persons enumerated in the county as constituted prior to the passing of the local government (Ireland) act, 1898, in 1841, 1851, 1861, 1871, 1881, and 1891, and in the county as constituted pursuant to that statute in 1901, together with the respective per-centages to the total population of the city of Cork
(Pages 280-283)Contract subtree Foreigners
(Page 280) XXVI. Showing the ages of persons born in foreign countries who were enumerated in the county of Cork in 1901
(Page 280) XXVI. a. Showing the ages of persons born in foreign countries who were enumerated in the city of Cork in 1901
(Page 281) XXVII. Showing the occupations of persons born in foreign countries who were enumerated in the county of Cork in 1901
(Pages 282-283) XXVII. a. Showing the occupations of persons born in foreign countries who were enumerated in the city of Cork
(Page 284)Contract subtree Blind, deaf and dumb, &c
(Page 284) XXVIII. Showing the number and ages of the blind, deaf and dumb, dumb not deaf, idiots, lunatics, inmates of workhouses, patients in hospitals, etc
(Pages 285-289)Contract subtree Religious professions of the people
(Pages 285-288) XXIX. Religious professions and sexes of the inhabitants, in each parish, in the county of Cork
(Page 289) XXIX. a. Religious professions and sexes of the inhabitants, in each parish, in the city of Cork
(Pages 290-321)Contract subtree Ages and education of the people
(Pages 290-318) XXX. Showing, by county districts and district electoral divisions, the population of the county of Cork, according to ages, sexes, and degrees of elementary education
(Page 319) XXX. a. Showing, by district electoral divisions, the population of the city of Cork, according to ages, sexes, and degrees of elementary education
(Page 320) XXXI. Showing, by parliamentary divisions, the population on the night of the 31st March, 1901, according to ages, sexes, and degrees of elementary education
(Page 321) XXXII. Showing the population, of the principal towns (not being urban county districts) in the county of Cork on the night of the 31st March, 1901, according to ages, sexes, and degrees of elementary education
(Pages 322-400)Contract subtree Religious professions and education of the people
(Pages 322-378) XXXIII. Showing, by county districts and district electoral divisions, the total population in the county of Cork in 1901, according to religious professions, sexes, and degrees of elementary education; also the population, five years of age and upwards, and the number and proportion per cent. of these who were illiterate
(Pages 379-380) XXXIII. a. Showing, by district electoral divisions, the total population of the city of Cork in 1901, according to religious professions, sexes, and degrees of elementary education; also the population five years of age and upwards, and the number and proportion per cent. of these who were illiterate
(Pages 381-382) XXXIV Showing, by parliamentary divisions, the total population according to religious professions, sexes, and degrees of elementary education; the population five years of age and upwards, and the number and proportion per cent. of these who were illiterate
(Page 383) XXXV. Showing the total population of the principal towns (not being urban county districts) in the county of Cork in 1901, according to religious professions, sexes, and degrees of elementary education; also the population five years of age and upwards, and the number and proportion per cent. of these who were illiterate
(Page 384) XXXVI. Comparative view of the number and per-centage of persons belonging to each religious profession in the county and city of Cork, as constituted prior to the passing of the local government (Ireland) act, 1898, at the census periods of 1861, 1871, 1881, 1891, and in the county and city as constituted pursuant to that statute in 1901; also of the number and per-centage of persons, five years of age and upwards, who were illiterate
(Pages 385-386) XXXVII. Showing, for 1901, the number and ages of persons who spoke Irish only, and the number who spoke Irish and English, in the city of Cork and in each county district in the county of Cork, as constituted pursuant to the local government (Ireland) act, 1898; also, for 1891, the number and ages of the persons who spoke Irish only, and of the number who spoke Irish and English, in the county and city of Cork, as constituted prior to the passing of that statute
(Pages 387-394) XXXVIII. Showing, by district electoral divisions, the number of educational establishments primary and superior and also the number, ages, and religious professions of the pupils and students distinguishing resident from non-resident, and showing the nature of education received in attendance thereat, during the week ending 11th May, 1901, (county)
(Pages 395-396) XXXVIII. a. Showing, by district electoral divisions, the number of educational establishments primary and superior and also the number, ages, and religious professions of the pupils and students distinguishing resident from non-resident, and showing the nature of education received in attendance thereat, during the week ending 11th May, 1901, (city)
(Page 397) XXXIX. Summary of educational establishments (county)
(Page 398) XXXIX. a. Summary of educational establishments (city)
(Page 399) XL. Showing, by sexes, the number and proportion per cent. to the population under each religious profession of persons receiving instruction in educational establishments in 1871, 1881, 1891, and 1901 (county)
(Page 399) XL. a. Showing, by sexes, the number and proportion per cent. to the population under each religious profession of persons receiving instruction in educational establishments in 1871, 1881, 1891, and 1901 (city)
(Page 400) XL. b. Showing, by sexes, the number and proportion per cent. to the population under each religious profession of persons receiving instruction in educational establishments in 1871, 1881, 1891, and 1901 (County and city)
(Page 400)Contract subtree Emigration
(Page 400) XLI. Emigration from the county and city of Cork during each year, from the 1st of May, 1851, to the 31st of March, 1901
(192 pages)Contract subtree County of Kerry
(Pages 7-8) Summary
(Pages 1-83)Contract subtree Area, houses, and population
(Page 1) I. Area, houses, and population of the county of Kerry in 1901
(Page 1) II. a. Comparative view of houses and population of the county, as constituted prior to the passing of the local government (Ireland) act, 1898, at each of the nine censuses from 1821 to 1901
(Page 1) II. b. Comparative view of houses and population of the county, as constituted pursuant to the local government (Ireland) act, 1898, in 1881, 1891, and 1901
(Page 2) III. Area in 1901, houses and population in 1881, 1891, and 1901, in each county electoral division; also the general valuation in 1901
(Page 2) IV. Area in 1901, and houses and population, in 1891 and 1901, of the parliamentary divisions and boroughs, together with the number of electors in 1901
(Page 2) V. Area, in 1901, and houses, and population in 1881, 1891, and 1901, of the municipal boroughs and towns of 2000 inhabitants and upwards; also the general valuation in 1901
(Pages 3-5) VI. Area in 1901, and houses, and population in 1881, 1891, and 1901, in each county district and district electoral division comprised therein; also the general valuation in 1901
(Pages 6-79)Contract subtree VII. Area, houses, out-offices and farm steadings, and population, together with the valuation of each poor law union (or superintendent registrar's district), dispensary (or registrar's) district, district electoral division, townland, etc., in 1901
(Pages 6-15) Cahersiveen
(Pages 15-25) Dingle
(Pages 25-33) Kenmare
(Pages 33-48) Killarney
(Pages 49-62) Listowel
(Pages 62-79) Tralee
(Pages 79-80) VIII. Showing, by classes, the number of houses having one or more families residing in them, and the number of families which occupy each class of accommodation
(Page 80) IX. Showing the total number of occupiers (or heads of families) in occupation of less than 5 rooms, in each county district in 1901
(Pages 81-83) X. Showing the number of tenements of one room, and the number of occupants of such tenements in each county district and district electoral division in 1901
(Pages 84-85)Contract subtree Miscellaneous tables
(Page 84) XI. Number of persons in workhouses, hospitals, public lunatic asylums, prisons, &c., on the night of the 31st March, 1901
(Page 85) XII. Showing the number of the blind, deaf and dumb, dumb not deaf, idiots, lunatics, paupers, the sick and prisoners in poor law unions (or superintendent registrar's districts), in 1901
(Page 85) XIII. Showing the number of vessels and of persons on board, in harbours, rivers, lakes, creeks, canals, &c., on the night of the 31st March, 1901
(Page 85) XIV. Showing the number of marriages, births, and deaths registered in each of the poor law unions (or superintendent registrars' districts), in the ten years from the 1st April, 1891, to 31st March, 1901; the increase or decrease of population in the interval between the censuses of 1891 and 1901, and the excess of registered births over deaths
(Pages 86-89)Contract subtree Ages of the people
(Pages 86-88) XV. Ages of persons in poor law unions (or superintendent registrars' districts), dispensary (or registrars') districts, and county districts, on the night of the 31st March, 1901
(Page 89) XVI. Number of children at each year of age under five, in poor law unions (or superintendent registrars' districts)
(Page 89) XVII. Ages of persons in the principal towns
(Pages 90-91)Contract subtree Civil or conjugal condition of the people
(Pages 90-91) XVIII. Numbers and ages of unmarried, married, and widowed persons in each poor law union (or superintendent registrar's district) on the night of the 31st of March, 1901
(Pages 92-123)Contract subtree Occupations of the people
(Pages 92-93) XIX. Occupations of males and females, distinguishing those under 20 years of age from those of 20 years and upwards, in classes, orders, and sub-orders
(Pages 94-105) XX. Occupations of males and females, by ages, religious professions, and education
(Pages 106-118) XXI. Occupations of males and females, under 20 years and 20 years and upwards, in each county district
(Pages 119-122) XXII. Occupations of males and females in towns of 1500 inhabitants and upwards (not being urban county districts)
(Page 123) XXIII. Occupiers of land engaged in other pursuits besides farming
(Pages 123-125)Contract subtree Birthplaces of the people
(Pages 123-124) XXIV. Showing the birthplaces of the inhabitants of each county district
(Page 125) XXV. Showing the birthplaces of the persons enumerated in the county of Kerry as constituted prior to the passing of the local government (Ireland) act, 1898, in 1841, 1851, 1861, 1871, 1881, and 1891, and in the county as constituted pursuant to that statute in 1901, together with the per-centages to the total population thereof
(Pages 125-126)Contract subtree Foreigners
(Page 125) XXVI. Showing the ages of persons born in foreign countries who were enumerated in the county of Kerry in 1901
(Page 126) XXVII. Showing the occupations of persons born in foreign countries who were enumerated in the county of Kerry in 1901
(Page 127)Contract subtree Blind, deaf and dumb, &c
(Page 127) XXVIII. Showing the number and ages of the blind, deaf and dumb, dumb not deaf, idiots, lunatics, inmates of workhouses, patients in hospitals, etc
(Pages 128-129)Contract subtree Religious professions of the people
(Pages 128-129) XXIX. Religious professions and sexes of the inhabitants, in each parish, in the county of Kerry
(Pages 130-145)Contract subtree Ages and education of the people
(Pages 130-144) XXX. Showing, by county districts and district electoral divisions, the population according to ages, sexes, and degrees of elementary education
(Page 145) XXXI. Population of the parliamentary divisions on the night of the 31st March, 1901, according to ages, sexes, and degrees of elementary education
(Page 145) XXXII. Showing the population of the principal town (not being an urban county district) in the county of Kerry on the night of the 31st March, 1901, according to ages, sexes, and degrees of elementary education
(Pages 146-181)Contract subtree Religious professions and education of the people
(Pages 146-174) XXXIII. Showing, by county districts and district electoral divisions, the total population in the county of Kerry in 1901, according to religious professions, sexes, and degrees of elementary education; also the population, five years of age and upwards, and the number and proportion per cent. of these who were illiterate
(Page 175) XXXIV. Showing, by parliamentary divisions, the total population of the county of Kerry in 1901, according to religious professions, sexes, and degrees of elementary education; also the population five years of age and upwards, and the number and proportion per cent. of these who were illiterate
(Page 175) XXXV. Showing the total population of the principal town (not being an urban county district) in the county of Kerry in 1901, according to religious professions, sexes, and degrees of elementary education; also the population five years of age and upwards, and the number and proportion per cent. of these who were illiterate
(Page 176) XXXVI. Comparative view of the number and per-centage of persons belonging to each religious profession in the county of Kerry, as constituted prior to the passing of the local government (Ireland) act, 1898, at the census periods of 1861, 1871, 1881, and 1891, and in the county as constituted pursuant to that statute in 1901; also of the number and per-centage of persons, five years of age and upwards, who were illiterate
(Page 176) XXXVII. Showing, for 1901, the number and ages of persons who spoke Irish only, and the number who spoke Irish and English, in each county district in the county of Kerry, as constituted pursuant to the local government (Ireland) act, 1898; also for 1891 the number and ages of the persons who spoke Irish only, and the number who spoke Irish and English in the county of Kerry, as constituted prior to the passing of the above-mentioned statute
(Pages 177-180) XXXVIII. Showing, for the county of Kerry, by district electoral divisions, the number of educational establishments primary and superior and also the number, ages, and religious professions of the pupils and students distinguishing resident from non-resident, and showing the nature of education received in attendance thereat, during the week ending 11th May, 1901
(Page 181) XXXIX. Summary of educational establishments
(Page 181) XL. Showing, by sexes, the number and proportion per cent. to the population under each religious profession of persons receiving instruction in educational establishments in the county of Kerry, as constituted prior to the passing of the local government (Ireland) act, 1898, in 1871, 1881, and 1891, and in the county as constituted pursuant to that statute in 1901
(Page 182)Contract subtree Emigration
(Page 182) XLI. Emigration from the county of Kerry during each year, from the 1st of May, 1851, to the 31st of March, 1901