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Area, population and number of houses, Vol. II, Ireland, 1881

Table of Contents

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(Page 1) Title & contents pages
(116 pages)Expand subtree County of Clare
(288 pages)Expand subtree County and city of Cork
(130 pages)Contract subtree County of Kerry
(Page 408) Note
(Pages 409-410) Table of contents
(Pages 411-412) Summary
(Pages 413-477)Expand subtree Area, houses, and population
(Pages 478-479)Expand subtree Miscellaneous tables
(Pages 480-482)Expand subtree Ages of the people
(Pages 482-483)Contract subtree Civil or conjugal condition of the people
(Page 482) XVI. Ages of husbands and their wives in combination
(Page 483) XVII. Numbers and ages of unmarried, married, and widowed persons, in each poor law union (or superintendent registrar's district) on the night of the 3rd of April, 1881
(Pages 484-510)Expand subtree Occupations of the people
(Pages 511-512)Expand subtree Birthplaces of the people
(Page 513)Expand subtree Foreigners
(Page 514)Expand subtree Blind, deaf and dumb, &c
(Pages 515-516)Expand subtree Religious professions of the people
(Pages 516-534)Expand subtree Religious professions and education of the people
(Page 535)Expand subtree Emigration
(146 pages)Expand subtree County and city of Limerick
(176 pages)Expand subtree County of Tipperary
(128 pages)Expand subtree County and city of Waterford
(112 pages)Expand subtree Summary tables and indexes
(Pages i-iv) Index to county and provincial tables