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Population tables. England and Wales. Vol. I. Index, 1861

Table of Contents

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(Pages i-ii) Title and contents
(Pages iii-vi) Indices
(Pages vii-viii) Introductory note
(26 pages)Contract subtree Summary tables
(Page xi) Table I. Population enumerated in England and Wales and in the Islands in the British Seas on April 8th, 1861
(Pages xi-xxx)Contract subtree England and Wales
(Page xi) Table II. Houses and population enumerated in England and Wales in 1861 and 1851
(Page xii) Table III. Houses and population enumerated in England and Wales at each of the censuses 180161, and increase in the intervals between the enumerations
(Page xiii) Table IV. Area in acres; and houses and population of England and Wales, enumerated on April 8th, 1861
(Pages xiv-xv) Table V. Population of the counties of England and Wales enumerated in 1801, 1811, 1821, 1831, 1841, 1851, and 1861
(Pages xvi-xvii) Table VI. England and Wales. Increase of population of the counties, in decennial periods
(Page xviii) Table VII. Rates of increase of the population of England and Wales, in decennial periods, from 1801 to 1861
(Pages xix-xx) Table VIII. Houses and population in 1861 of the counties and parliamentary divisions of counties, including and excluding represented cities and boroughs, with the number of members returned
(Pages xxi-xxv) Table IX. Inhabited houses and population, 1851 and 1861, in the cities, boroughs, and principal towns in England and Wales
(Page xxvi) Table X Dioceses of England and Wales. Area, number of inhabited houses and the population in 1861
(Pages xxvii-xxviii) Table XI. Details of counties and parts of counties comprised in each diocese, with the number of inhabited houses and the population in 1861
(Page xxix) Table XII. Number of persons in the principal public institutions in 1861
(Page xxx) Table XIII. Number of seamen and other persons on board vessels in the harbours, rivers, and creeks of England and Wales and of the Islands in the British Seas
(Page xxxi)Contract subtree Islands in the British Seas
(Page xxxi) Table XIV. Houses and population enumerated in the Islands in the British Seas in 1861
(Page xxxi) Table XV. Population of the Islands in the British Seas at each of the censuses 1821 to 1861
(Page xxxii) Table XVI. Return by Her Majesty's emigration commissioners, showing the number of emigrants from the United Kingdom during the ten years 1851 to 1860
(Pages xxxiii-xxxiv) Memorandum on the operation of the extra-parochial places act
(190 pages)Contract subtree Abstracts. Part I. Houses and population in 1861 of the several counties, hundreds, lieutenancy sub-divisions, cities, boroughs, and towns, and of each parish or place separately assessed for the relief of the poor
(Pages 1-162)Contract subtree England
(Pages 1-2) Bedford
(Pages 3-5) Berks
(Pages 6-8) Buckingham
(Pages 9-11) Cambridge
(Pages 11-16) Chester
(Pages 16-19) Cornwall
(Pages 19-22) Cumberland
(Pages 23-26) Derby
(Pages 27-31) Devon
(Pages 31-34) Dorset
(Pages 34-37) Durham
(Pages 38-41) Essex
(Pages 42-45) Gloucester
(Pages 46-48) Hereford
(Pages 49-51) Hertford
(Pages 51-53) Huntingdon
(Pages 58-63) Lancaster
(Pages 63-67) Leicester
(Pages 67-74) Lincoln
(Pages 74-77) Middlesex
(Pages 77-79) Monmouth
(Pages 80-85) Norfolk
(Pages 86-89) Northampton
(Pages 89-94) Northumberland
(Pages 94-97) Nottingham
(Pages 98-101) Oxford
(Pages 102-103) Rutland
(Pages 107-111) Somerset
(Pages 111-115) Southampton
(Pages 115-119) Stafford
(Pages 119-123) Suffolk
(Pages 124-126) Surrey
(Pages 127-130) Sussex
(Pages 131-134) Warwick
(Pages 134-136) Westmorland
(Pages 137-140) Wiltshire
(Pages 141-144) Worcester
(Pages 144-148) York (East Riding)
(Pages 149-154) York (North Riding)
(Page 155) York (city)
(Pages 156-162) York (West Riding)
(Pages 163-164) Anglesey
(Pages 165-166) Brecon
(Pages 167-169) Cardigan
(Pages 169-171) Carmarthen
(Pages 171-173) Carnarvon
(Pages 173-175) Denbigh
(Pages 177-180) Glamorgan
(Pages 180-181) Merioneth
(Pages 182-184) Montgomery
(Pages 184-186) Pembroke
(Pages 187-189) Radnor
(554 pages)Contract subtree Abstracts: Part II. Registration and poor law divisions: Areas, houses and population, in 1851 and 1861, of superintendent registrars' districts and poor law unions; of district parishes and ecclesiastical districts; inmates of public institutions; persons on board shipping; births, deaths, and marriages, 1851-1860, &c
(Page 192) Note
(Page 193) Alphabetical arrangement of registration or union counties
(Page 194) Summary of England and Wales
(Pages 195-224)Contract subtree Division I. London
(Pages 196-210) Area; houses and inhabitants, 1851 and 1861 in districts, sub-districts, parishes and places
(Pages 211-224)Contract subtree Supplemental tables
(Pages 211-214) (A) Houses and population new district parishes and ecclesiastical districts
(Pages 215-219) (B) Numbers of persons in the principal public institutions
(Page 220) (C) Number of persons on board vessels in the docks and river
(Page 221) (D) Extent of water included in the areas of parishes etc
(Page 222) (E) Number of births deaths and marriages registered in each superintendent registrars district, 1851-60 and increase or decrease of population etc
(Page 222) (F) Population of the poor law unions and other districts for the relief of the poor
(Page 223) (G) Districts of the Metropolitan board of works
(Page 224) (H) Inhabited houses and population, 1861, within the police district of London
(Pages 225-286)Contract subtree Division II. South-Eastern registration or union counties
(Pages 226-269) Area; houses and inhabitants, 1851 and 1861 in districts, sub-districts, parishes and places
(Pages 270-286)Contract subtree Supplemental tables
(Pages 270-275) (A) Houses and population new district parishes and ecclesiastical districts
(Pages 276-281) (B) Numbers of persons in the principal public institutions
(Page 282) (C) Number of persons on board vessels in the harbours, creeks and rivers
(Page 283) (D) Extent of water included in the areas of parishes etc
(Pages 284-285) (E) Number of births deaths and marriages registered in each superintendent registrars district, 1851-60 and increase or decrease of population etc
(Page 286) (F) Population of the poor law unions and other districts for the relief of the poor
(Pages 287-334)Contract subtree Division III. South-Midland
(Pages 288-323) Area; houses and inhabitants, 1851 and 1861 in districts, sub-districts, parishes and places
(Pages 324-334)Contract subtree Supplemental tables
(Pages 324-326) (A) Houses and population new district parishes and ecclesiastical districts
(Pages 327-330) (B) Numbers of persons in the principal public institutions
(Page 331) (C) Number of persons on board vessels in the harbours, creeks and rivers
(Page 331) (D) Extent of water included in the areas of parishes etc
(Page 332) (E) Number of births deaths and marriages registered in each superintendent registrars district, 1851-60 and increase or decrease of population etc
(Pages 333-334) (F) Population of the poor law unions and other districts for the relief of the poor
(Pages 335-376)Contract subtree Division IV. Eastern
(Pages 336-367) Area; houses and inhabitants, 1851 and 1861 in districts, sub-districts, parishes and places
(Pages 368-376)Contract subtree Supplemental tables
(Page 368) (A) Houses and population new district parishes and ecclesiastical districts
(Pages 369-371) (B) Numbers of persons in the principal public institutions
(Page 372) (C) Number of persons on board vessels in the harbours creeks and rivers
(Page 373) (D) Extent of water included in the areas of parishes etc
(Page 374) (E) Number of births deaths and marriages registered in each superintendent registrars district, 1851-60 and increase or decrease of population etc
(Pages 375-376) (F) Population of the poor law unions and other districts for the relief of the poor
(Pages 377-434)Contract subtree Division V. South-Western
(Pages 378-420) Area; houses and inhabitants, 1851 and 1861 in districts, sub-districts, parishes and places
(Pages 421-434)Contract subtree Supplemental tables
(Pages 421-424) (A) Houses and population new district parishes and ecclesiastical districts
(Pages 425-429) (B) Numbers of persons in the principal public institutions
(Page 430) (C) Number of persons on board vessels in the harbours creeks and rivers
(Page 431) (D) Extent of water included in the areas of parishes etc
(Page 432) (E) Number of births deaths and marriages registered in each superintendent registrars district, 1851-60 and increase or decrease of population etc
(Pages 433-434) (F) Population of the poor law unions and other districts for the relief of the poor
(Pages 435-498)Contract subtree Division VI. West-Midland
(Pages 436-482) Area; houses and inhabitants, 1851 and 1861 in districts, sub-districts, parishes and places
(Pages 483-498)Contract subtree Supplemental tables
(Pages 483-489) (A) Houses and population new district parishes and ecclesiastical districts
(Pages 490-494) (B) Numbers of persons in the principal public institutions
(Page 495) (C) Number of persons on board vessels in the harbours creeks and rivers
(Page 495) (D) Extent of water included in the areas of parishes etc
(Page 496) (E) Number of births deaths and marriages registered in each superintendent registrars district, 1851-60 and increase or decrease of population etc
(Pages 497-498) (F) Population of the poor law unions and other districts for the relief of the poor
(Pages 499-550)Contract subtree Division VII. North-Midland
(Pages 500-541) Area; houses and inhabitants, 1851 and 1861 in districts, sub-districts, parishes and places
(Pages 542-550)Contract subtree Supplemental tables
(Pages 542-544) (A) Houses and population new district parishes and ecclesiastical districts
(Pages 545-547) (B) Numbers of persons in the principal public institutions
(Page 548) (C) Number of persons on board vessels in the harbours creeks and rivers
(Page 548) (D) Extent of water included in the areas of parishes etc
(Page 549) (E) Number of births deaths and marriages registered in each superintendent registrars district, 1851-60 and increase or decrease of population etc
(Page 550) (F) Population of the poor law unions and other districts for the relief of the poor
(Pages 551-596)Contract subtree Division VIII. North-Western
(Pages 552-582) Area; houses and inhabitants, 1851 and 1861 in districts, sub-districts, parishes and places
(Pages 583-596)Contract subtree Supplemental tables
(Pages 583-590) (A) Houses and population new district parishes and ecclesiastical districts
(Pages 591-593) (B) Numbers of persons in the principal public institutions
(Page 594) (C) Number of persons on board vessels in the harbours creeks and rivers
(Page 595) (D) Extent of water included in the areas of parishes etc
(Page 596) (E) Number of births deaths and marriages registered in each superintendent registrars district, 1851-60 and increase or decrease of population etc
(Page 596) (F) Population of the poor law unions and other districts for the relief of the poor
(Pages 597-656)Contract subtree Division IX. Yorkshire
(Pages 598-643) Area; houses and inhabitants, 1851 and 1861 in districts, sub-districts, parishes and places
(Pages 644-656)Contract subtree Supplemental tables
(Pages 644-649) (A) Houses and population new district parishes and ecclesiastical districts
(Pages 650-652) (B) Numbers of persons in the principal public institutions
(Page 653) (C) Number of persons on board vessels in the harbours creeks and rivers
(Page 654) (D) Extent of water included in the areas of parishes etc
(Page 655) (E) Number of births deaths and marriages registered in each superintendent registrars district, 1851-60 and increase or decrease of population etc
(Page 656) (F) Population of the poor law unions and other districts for the relief of the poor
(Pages 657-698)Contract subtree Division X. Northern
(Pages 658-689) Area; houses and inhabitants, 1851 and 1861 in districts, sub-districts, parishes and places
(Pages 690-698)Contract subtree Supplemental tables
(Pages 690-692) (A) Houses and population new district parishes and ecclesiastical districts
(Pages 693-694) (B) Numbers of persons in the principal public institutions
(Page 695) (C) Number of persons on board vessels in the harbours creeks and rivers
(Page 696) (D) Extent of water included in the areas of parishes etc
(Page 697) (E) Number of births deaths and marriages registered in each superintendent registrars district, 1851-60 and increase or decrease of population etc
(Page 698) (F) Population of the poor law unions and other districts for the relief of the poor
(Pages 699-744)Contract subtree Division XI. Welsh
(Pages 700-733) Area; houses and inhabitants, 1851 and 1861 in districts, sub-districts, parishes and places
(Pages 734-744)Contract subtree Supplemental tables
(Pages 734-736) (A) Houses and population new district parishes and ecclesiastical districts
(Pages 737-739) (B) Numbers of persons in the principal public institutions
(Page 740) (C) Number of persons on board vessels in the harbours creeks and rivers
(Page 741) (D) Extent of water included in the areas of parishes etc
(Page 742) (E) Number of births deaths and marriages registered in each superintendent registrars district, 1851-60 and increase or decrease of population etc
(Pages 743-744) (F) Population of the poor law unions and other districts for the relief of the poor
(6 pages)Contract subtree Abstracts: Part iii. Islands in the British Seas
(Page 746) Contents
(Page 747) Areas houses and number of inhabitants, 1851, 1861, in the Islands in the British Seas, summary
(Page 747)Contract subtree Isle of Man
(Page 747) Houses and number of inhabitants, 1851, 1861, in the Isle of Man-summary
(Page 747) Isle of Man-houses and number of inhabitants. 1851, 1861 in parishes
(Page 748)Contract subtree Jersey
(Page 748) Houses and number of inhabitants, 1851, 1861, in the Island (and bailiwick) of Jersey-summary
(Page 748) Jersey-houses and number of inhabitants. 1851, 1861 in parishes
(Page 748) Births and deaths returned in the 10 years 1851 to 1860
(Page 748) Returns of births and deaths which have occurred in the Island of Jersey during the 10 years 1851 to 1860
(Page 749)Contract subtree Guernsey and adjacent Islands
(Page 749) Houses and number of inhabitants, 1851, 1861, in the Island (and bailiwick) of Guernsey-summary
(Page 749) Guernsey (and adjacent isles)-houses and number of inhabitants. 1851, 1861 In parishes
(Page 749) Births and deaths returned in the 10 years 1851 to 1860
(Page 749) Returns of births and deaths which have occurred in the Island of Guernsey during the 10 years 1851 to 1860
(Page 749) Returns of births and deaths which have occurred in the Island of Alderney during the 10 years 1851 to 1860
(Page 750)Contract subtree Towns of the Islands in the British Seas
(Page 750) Inhabited houses and populations in 1851, 1861 in the towns of the Island of the British Seas
(Page 750)Contract subtree Persons on board vessels in the Islands in the British Seas
(Page 750) Number of persons on board vessels in harbours on the night of April 7th, 1861, returned with the general population of parishes, &c
(159 pages)Contract subtree Index to the names of places
(Page 752) Note & list of abbreviations
(Page 753) Counties and parliamentary divisions of counties
(Page 754) Registration and poor law divisions of counties
(Pages 755-908)Contract subtree Index to the names of places. England and Wales
(Page 909) Index to the names of places. Islands in the British Seas
(Page 910) Corrections and additions