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Abstract, Ireland, 1831

Table of Contents

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(Pages 1-3) Title page & contents
(126 pages)Contract subtree I. Province of Leinster
(Pages 1-6) 1. Carlow
(Pages 7-10) 2. Drogheda town
(Pages 11-14) 3. Dublin city
(Pages 15-24) 4. Dublin
(Pages 25-34) 5. Kildare
(Pages 35-38) 6. Kilkenny city
(Pages 39-48) 7. Kilkenny
(Pages 49-56) 8. King's County
(Pages 57-62) 9. Longford
(Pages 63-70) 10. Louth
(Pages 71-86) 11. Meath
(Pages 87-94) 12. Queen's County
(Pages 95-102) 13. Westmeath
(Pages 103-112) 14. Wexford
(Pages 113-120) 15. Wicklow
(Pages 121-126) Summary of the province
(90 pages)Contract subtree II. Province of Munster
(Pages 127-134) 1. Clare
(Pages 135-138) 2. Cork city
(Pages 139-160) 3. Cork
(Pages 161-170) 4. Kerry
(Pages 171-174) 5. Limerick city
(Pages 175-186) 6. Limerick
(Pages 187-198) 7. Tipperary
(Pages 199-201) 8. Waterford city
(Pages 203-211) 9. Waterford
(Pages 212-216) Summary of the province
(74 pages)Contract subtree III. Province of Ulster
(Pages 217-226) 1. Antrim
(Pages 227-232) 2. Armagh
(Pages 233-236) 3. Carrickfergus town
(Pages 237-244) 4. Cavan
(Pages 245-250) 5. Donegal
(Pages 251-260) 6. Down
(Pages 261-266) 7. Fermanagh
(Pages 267-272) 8. Londonderry
(Pages 273-278) 9. Monaghan
(Pages 279-284) 10. Tyrone
(Pages 285-290) Summary of the province
(50 pages)Contract subtree IV. Province of Connaught
(Pages 291-304) 1. Galway
(Pages 305-308) 2. Galway town
(Pages 309-314) 3. Leitrim
(Pages 315-322) 4. Mayo
(Pages 323-328) 5. Roscommon
(Pages 329-334) 6. Sligo
(Pages 335-340) Summary of the province
(Pages 341-351) Summary of Ireland