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Comparative account, 1831

Table of Contents

(Pages 1-2) Title and contents
(Pages 3-12, Pages 1-18, Pages 1-20) Statement of progress
(310 pages)Expand subtree Comparative account of population. England
(35 pages)Contract subtree Comparative account of population. Wales
(Pages 333-334) Anglesey
(Pages 335-337) Brecon
(Pages 338-340) Cardigan
(Pages 341-343) Carmarthen
(Pages 344-345) Carnarvon
(Pages 346-348) Denbigh
(Pages 351-354) Glamorgan
(Pages 355-356) Merioneth
(Pages 357-359) Montgomery
(Pages 360-363) Pembroke
(Pages 364-365) Radnor
(41 pages)Expand subtree Comparative account of population. Scotland
(Pages 407-409) Comparative account of population. Summary
(Pages 410-417) Population of hundreds, towns, &c