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Observations, enumeration and parish register abstracts, 1821

Table of Contents

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(Pages i-iv) Table of contents
(31 pages)Expand subtree Preliminary observations
(431 pages)Expand subtree Enumerations abstract. England
(58 pages)Expand subtree Enumerations abstract. Wales
(54 pages)Expand subtree Enumerations abstract. Scotland
(Pages 542-543) General summary of Great Britain
(8 pages)Expand subtree Appendix
(Pages 1-2) Title page and contents
(144 pages)Expand subtree Parish register abstract. England
(1 page)Expand subtree Summary of England
(7 pages)Expand subtree Parish register abstract. Wales
(1 page)Expand subtree Summary of Wales
(1 page)Expand subtree Summary of England and Wales
(7 pages)Contract subtree Appendices
(Page 156)Contract subtree Appendix A. Islands in the British Seas
(Page 156) Appendix (A.). Islands In the British Seas. Island of Guernsey, &c  Download table
(Page 156) Appendix (A.). Islands in the British Seas. Island of Jersey  Download table
(Page 156) Appendix (A.). Islands in the British Seas. Isle of Mann  Download table
(Page 156) Appendix (A.). Islands in the British Seas. Summary of baptisms, burials and marriages in the Islands in the British Seas  Download table
(Pages 157-161)Expand subtree Appendix B. The Metropolis