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Ecclesiastical areas, England and Wales, 1921

Table of Contents

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(Pages i-ii) Title page & contents
(4 pages)Contract subtree Introduction
(Page iii) The ecclesiastical province
(Page iii) The diocese
(Pages iii-v) The ecclesiastical parish
(Page v) Extra-parochial places
(Pages v-vi) Boundaries of ecclesiastical parishes
(Page vi) Changes in the organisation since the census of 1911
(Page vi) Conclusion
(Page 1) Explanatory notes
(173 pages)Contract subtree Tables
(Page 2) 1. Population 1911 and 1921 and intercensal increase. England (as defined for church purposes.)
(Page 2) 2. Number of parishes (or districts) and of extra parochial places; population 1911 and 1921. Ecclesiastical provinces and places
(Pages 3-4) 3. Constitution by administrative counties and county boroughs. Dioceses
(Page 5) 4. Ecclesiastical parishes or districts classified according to population, 1921. Dioceses
(Pages 6-173)Contract subtree 5. Ecclesiastical parishes or districts. Populations 1911 and 1921
(Pages 6-129)Contract subtree Province of Canterbury
(Pages 6-12) Diocese of Bath and Wells
(Pages 12-14) Diocese of Birmingham
(Pages 14-16) Diocese of Bristol
(Pages 16-20) Diocese of Canterbury
(Pages 20-25) Diocese of Chelmsford
(Pages 25-29) Diocese of Chichester
(Pages 30-32) Diocese of Coventry
(Pages 32-35) Diocese of Ely
(Pages 35-40) Diocese of Exeter
(Pages 40-44) Diocese of Gloucester
(Pages 44-48) Diocese of Hereford
(Pages 49-54) Diocese of Lichfield
(Pages 54-62) Diocese of Lincoln
(Pages 62-71) Diocese of London
(Pages 71-77) Diocese of Norwich
(Pages 78-85) Diocese of Oxford
(Pages 85-91) Diocese of Peterborough
(Pages 91-93) Diocese of Rochester
(Pages 93-96) Diocese of St. Albans
(Pages 97-101) Diocese of St. Edmundsbury and Ipswich
(Pages 101-107) Diocese of Salisbury
(Pages 107-112) Diocese of Southwark
(Pages 112-118) Diocese of Southwell
(Pages 118-120) Diocese of Truro
(Pages 120-127)Contract subtree Diocese of Winchester (including the Channel Islands.)
(Page 127) Channel Islands
(Pages 127-129) Diocese of Worcester
(Pages 130-173)Contract subtree Province of York
(Pages 130-131) Diocese of Bradford
(Pages 131-135) Diocese of Carlisle
(Pages 135-139) Diocese of Chester
(Pages 139-143) Diocese of Durham
(Pages 143-146) Diocese of Liverpool
(Pages 146-154) Diocese of Manchester
(Pages 154-158) Diocese of Newcastle
(Pages 158-161) Diocese of Ripon
(Pages 161-163) Diocese of Sheffield
(Pages 164-166) Diocese of Wakefield
(Pages 166-173) Diocese of York
(Page 173) Diocese of Sodor and Man