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Population tables. England and Wales. Vol. I. Index, 1861

Table of Contents

  Display:   Sections   Tables    Page Titles    
(Pages i-ii) Title and contents
(Pages iii-vi) Indices
(Pages vii-viii) Introductory note
(26 pages)Expand subtree Summary tables
(190 pages)Expand subtree Abstracts. Part I. Houses and population in 1861 of the several counties, hundreds, lieutenancy sub-divisions, cities, boroughs, and towns, and of each parish or place separately assessed for the relief of the poor
(554 pages)Contract subtree Abstracts: Part II. Registration and poor law divisions: Areas, houses and population, in 1851 and 1861, of superintendent registrars' districts and poor law unions; of district parishes and ecclesiastical districts; inmates of public institutions; persons on board shipping; births, deaths, and marriages, 1851-1860, &c
(Page 192) Note
(Page 193) Alphabetical arrangement of registration or union counties
(Page 194) Summary of England and Wales
(Pages 195-224)Expand subtree Division I. London
(Pages 225-286)Expand subtree Division II. South-Eastern registration or union counties
(Pages 287-334)Expand subtree Division III. South-Midland
(Pages 335-376)Contract subtree Division IV. Eastern
(Pages 336-367) Area; houses and inhabitants, 1851 and 1861 in districts, sub-districts, parishes and places
(Pages 368-376)Expand subtree Supplemental tables
(Pages 377-434)Expand subtree Division V. South-Western
(Pages 435-498)Expand subtree Division VI. West-Midland
(Pages 499-550)Expand subtree Division VII. North-Midland
(Pages 551-596)Expand subtree Division VIII. North-Western
(Pages 597-656)Expand subtree Division IX. Yorkshire
(Pages 657-698)Expand subtree Division X. Northern
(Pages 699-744)Expand subtree Division XI. Welsh
(6 pages)Expand subtree Abstracts: Part iii. Islands in the British Seas
(159 pages)Expand subtree Index to the names of places
(Page 910) Corrections and additions