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General report, England and Wales, 1911

Table of Contents

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(Pages i-x) Title page & contents
(285 pages)Contract subtree Report
(Pages 1-20)Expand subtree I. Introductory
(44 pages)Expand subtree II. Population
(48 pages)Expand subtree III. Sexes, ages and condition as to marriage
(82 pages)Contract subtree IV. Occupations and industries
(Pages 95-97) 1. Returns made at previous censuses
(Pages 97-98)Expand subtree 2. Scope of the inquiry
(Pages 98-99) 3. Processes of tabulation
(Pages 99-116, Pages 1-118, Pages 1-150)Contract subtree 4. Analysis of orders and sub-orders
(Pages 100-102)Expand subtree (I.) General or local government of the country
(Pages 102-103) (II.) Defence of the country
(Pages 103-106) (III.) Professional occupations and their subordinate services
(Pages 106-108)Expand subtree (IV.) Domestic and other allied services
(Pages 108-110)Expand subtree (V) Commercial occupations
(Pages 110-112)Expand subtree (VI.) Conveyance of men, goods and messages
(Pages 112-116, Pages 1-117)Expand subtree (VII.) Agriculture
(Page 117) (VIII.) Fishing
(Pages 117-118, Pages 1-119)Expand subtree (IX.) Persons working in and about, and working and dealing in the products of, mines and quarries
(Pages 119-122)Expand subtree (X.) Metals, machines, implements and conveyances
(Pages 122-123)Expand subtree (XI.) Precious metals, jewels, watches, instruments and games apparatus
(Pages 123-124)Expand subtree (XII.) Building and works of construction
(Pages 124-125)Expand subtree (XIII.) Wood, furniture, fittings and decorations
(Pages 125-126) (XIV.) Brick, cement, pottery and glass
(Pages 126-127)Expand subtree (XV.) Chemicals, oil, grease, soap, resin, &c
(Page 128) (XVI.) Skins, leather, hair and feathers
(Pages 128-131)Expand subtree (XVII.) Paper, prints, books and stationery
(Pages 131-135)Expand subtree (XVIII.) Textile fabrics
(Pages 135-138)Expand subtree (XIX.) Dress
(Pages 138-142)Expand subtree (XX.) Food, tobacco, drink and lodging
(Pages 142-143)Expand subtree (XXI.) Gas, water and electricity supply, and sanitary service
(Pages 143-145)Expand subtree (XXII.) Other, general, and undefined workers and dealers
(Pages 146-150)Expand subtree (XXIII.) Persons without specified occupations or unoccupied
(25 pages)Expand subtree 5. General summary
(Pages 193-203)Expand subtree VI. Buildings of various kinds
(Pages 203-206, Pages 1-231)Expand subtree VII. Birthplaces
(Pages 231-244)Expand subtree VIII. Infirmities
(Pages 245-254)Expand subtree IX. Language spoken in Wales and Monmouthshire
(4 pages)Expand subtree Appendix A
(4 pages)Expand subtree Appendix B. Method of tabulating census results
(23 pages)Expand subtree Appendix C. Tables relating to the United Kingdom
(99 pages)Expand subtree Appendix D. Tables relating to the British Empire