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General report, England and Wales, 1911

Table of Contents

  Display:   Sections   Tables    Page Titles    
(Pages i-x) Title page & contents
(285 pages)Contract subtree Report
(Pages 1-20)Expand subtree I. Introductory
(44 pages)Contract subtree II. Population
(21 pages)Contract subtree 2. Administrative areas
(Pages 28-29) Counties
(Pages 29-30) County boroughs
(Page 30) Municipal boroughs
(Page 30) Other urban districts
(Pages 30-31) Rural districts
(Page 31) The Metropolis
(Page 31) Petty sessional divisions
(Page 31) County court districts and circuits
(Page 32) Changes in administrative areas since 1901
(17 pages)Contract subtree Population and rates of increase or decrease
(Page 32, Pages 1-34)Expand subtree In county areas
(Page 34, Pages 1-35)Expand subtree Density of population in Counties
(Pages 35-36, Pages 1-39)Expand subtree In urban and rural districts
(Pages 39-40, Pages 1-43)Expand subtree In London and the great towns
(Pages 43-48, Pages 1-49)Expand subtree 3. Registration areas
(Pages 49-53)Expand subtree 4. Parliamentary areas
(Pages 53-57)Expand subtree 5. Ecclesiastical areas
(48 pages)Expand subtree III. Sexes, ages and condition as to marriage
(82 pages)Expand subtree IV. Occupations and industries
(Pages 193-203)Expand subtree VI. Buildings of various kinds
(Pages 203-206, Pages 1-231)Expand subtree VII. Birthplaces
(Pages 231-244)Expand subtree VIII. Infirmities
(Pages 245-254)Expand subtree IX. Language spoken in Wales and Monmouthshire
(4 pages)Expand subtree Appendix A
(4 pages)Expand subtree Appendix B. Method of tabulating census results
(23 pages)Expand subtree Appendix C. Tables relating to the United Kingdom
(99 pages)Expand subtree Appendix D. Tables relating to the British Empire