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Population tables, England and Wales, Vol. II. Registration counties, 1871

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(Pages 1-10) Title page and indices
(47 pages)Contract subtree Division I London: Parts of Middlesex, Surrey, Kent
(Page 3) Table 1. Area; houses and inhabitants in registration or union counties (parts of)
(Page 3) Table 2. Area; houses and inhabitants in superintendent registrars' districts
(Pages 4-6) Table 3. Area; houses and inhabitants in registrars sub-districts
(Pages 7-16) Table 4. Area; houses and inhabitants in the parishes and places comprised in each superintendent registrar's district
(Pages 17-24) Table 5. Number of persons in public institutions
(Page 25) Table 6. Number of persons on board vessels in harbours, rivers, and creeks
(Page 26) Table 7. Acreage of land and water in parishes, places, &c
(Page 27) Table 8. Aggregate of the areas of land, water, and foreshore
(Page 28) Table 9. Number of marriages, births, and deaths registered in each of the superintendent registrars' districts during the ten years 1861-70; excess of births over deaths; and increase or decrease of population between 1861 and 1871
(Pages 29-30) Table 10. Area; inhabited houses, population, number of rated householders and rateable value of property within this district of the Metropolitan board of works
(Page 31) Table 11. Houses, families, and population of the wards of the city of London
(Pages 32-34) Table 12. Area; inhabited houses, population, number of rated householders, and rateable. Annual value of property within the wards into which 28 Metropolitan parishes have been divided
(Page 35) Table 13. Houses and population of the London school board district
(Page 36) Table 14. Houses and population of the constituent parts of the division of the London school board district
(Page 37) Table 15. Area; inhabited houses and population of the Metropolitan and city of London police districts
(Page 38) Table 16. Area; inhabited houses and population of the district within the jurisdiction of the central criminal court
(Page 38) Table 17. Area; inhabited houses and population of the
(Page 39) Table 18. Area and population in the census years 1801-1871 of places within the London bills of of mortality
(Pages 40-44) Table 19. Area; and population in the census years 1801-1871 of the parishes, &c. included at different periods within the London bills of mortality
(Page 45) Table 20. Population in 1631 of the wards of the city of London
(65 pages)Contract subtree Division II South-Eastern: Surrey (part of), Kent (part of) Sussex, Hants, Berks
(Page 49) Table 1. Area; houses and inhabitants in registration or union counties (parts of)
(Pages 49-50) Table 2. Area; houses and inhabitants in superintendent registrars' districts
(Pages 51-54) Table 3. Area; houses and inhabitants in registrars sub-districts
(Pages 55-93) Table 4. Area; houses and inhabitants in the parishes and places comprised in each superintendent registrar's district
(Pages 94-102) Table 5. Number of persons in public institutions
(Page 103) Table 6. Number of persons on board vessels in harbours, rivers, and creeks
(Pages 104-106) Table 7. Acreage of land and water in parishes, places, &c
(Page 107) Table 8. Aggregate of the areas of land, water, and foreshore
(Pages 108-109) Table 9. Number of marriages, births, and deaths registered in each of the superintendent registrars' districts during the ten years 1861-70; excess of births over deaths; and increase or decrease of population between 1861 and 1871
(53 pages)Contract subtree Division III South-Midland: Middlesex, Herts, Bucks, Oxford, Northampton, Hunts, Beds, Cambridge
(Page 113) Table 1. Area; houses and inhabitants in registration or union counties (parts of)
(Pages 113-114) Table 2. Area; houses and inhabitants in superintendent registrars' districts
(Pages 115-117) Table 3. Area; houses and inhabitants in registrars sub-districts
(Pages 118-153) Table 4. Area; houses and inhabitants in the parishes and places comprised in each superintendent registrar's district
(Pages 154-158) Table 5. Number of persons in public institutions
(Page 159) Table 6. Number of persons on board vessels in harbours, rivers, and creeks
(Page 159) Table 7. Acreage of land and water in parishes, places, &c
(Page 160) Table 8. Aggregate of the areas of land, water, and foreshore
(Pages 160-161) Table 9. Number of marriages, births, and deaths registered in each of the superintendent registrars' districts during the ten years 1861-70; excess of births over deaths; and increase or decrease of population between 1861 and 1871
(45 pages)Contract subtree Division IV Eastern: Essex, Suffolk, Norfolk
(Page 165) Table 1. Area; houses and inhabitants in registration or union counties (parts of)
(Page 165) Table 2. Area; houses and inhabitants in superintendent registrars' districts
(Pages 166-168) Table 3. Area; houses and inhabitants in registrars sub-districts
(Pages 169-198) Table 4. Area; houses and inhabitants in the parishes and places comprised in each superintendent registrar's district
(Pages 199-202) Table 5. Number of persons in public institutions
(Page 203) Table 6. Number of persons on board vessels in harbours, rivers, and creeks
(Page 204) Table 7. Acreage of land and water in parishes, places, &c
(Page 205) Table 8. Aggregate of the areas of land, water, and foreshore
(Page 206) Table 9. Number of marriages, births, and deaths registered in each of the superintendent registrars' districts during the ten years 1861-70; excess of births over deaths; and increase or decrease of population between 1861 and 1871
(63 pages)Contract subtree Division V South-Western: Wilts, Dorset, Devon, Cornwall, Somerset
(Page 209) Table 1. Area; houses and inhabitants in registration or union counties (parts of)
(Pages 209-210) Table 2. Area; houses and inhabitants in superintendent registrars' districts
(Pages 211-215) Table 3. Area; houses and inhabitants in registrars sub-districts
(Pages 216-257) Table 4. Area; houses and inhabitants in the parishes and places comprised in each superintendent registrar's district
(Pages 258-263) Table 5. Number of persons in public institutions
(Page 264) Table 6. Number of persons on board vessels in harbours, rivers, and creeks
(Pages 265-266) Table 7. Acreage of land and water in parishes, places, &c
(Page 267) Table 8. Aggregate of the areas of land, water, and foreshore
(Pages 267-268) Table 9. Number of marriages, births, and deaths registered in each of the superintendent registrars' districts during the ten years 1861-70; excess of births over deaths; and increase or decrease of population between 1861 and 1871
(65 pages)Contract subtree Division vi West-Midland: Gloucester, Hereford, Salop, Stafford, Worcester, Warwick
(Page 271) Table 1. Area; houses and inhabitants in registration or union counties (parts of)
(Pages 271-272) Table 2. Area; houses and inhabitants in superintendent registrars' districts
(Pages 273-276) Table 3. Area; houses and inhabitants in registrars sub-districts
(Pages 277-322) Table 4. Area; houses and inhabitants in the parishes and places comprised in each superintendent registrar's district
(Pages 323-328) Table 5. Number of persons in public institutions
(Page 329) Table 6. Number of persons on board vessels in harbours, rivers, and creeks
(Page 330) Table 7. Acreage of land and water in parishes, places, &c
(Page 330) Table 8. Aggregate of the areas of land, water, and foreshore
(Pages 331-332) Table 9. Number of marriages, births, and deaths registered in each of the superintendent registrars' districts during the ten years 1861-70; excess of births over deaths; and increase or decrease of population between 1861 and 1871
(47 pages)Contract subtree Division VII North-Midland: Leicester, Rutland, Lincoln, Nottingham, Derby
(Page 335) Table 1. Area; houses and inhabitants in registration or union counties (parts of)
(Page 335) Table 2. Area; houses and inhabitants in superintendent registrars' districts
(Pages 336-338) Table 3. Area; houses and inhabitants in registrars sub-districts
(Pages 339-372) Table 4. Area; houses and inhabitants in the parishes and places comprised in each superintendent registrar's district
(Pages 373-374) Table 5. Number of persons in public institutions
(Page 375) Table 6. Number of persons on board vessels in harbours, rivers, and creeks
(Page 376) Table 7. Acreage of land and water in parishes, places, &c
(Page 376) Table 8. Aggregate of the areas of land, water, and foreshore
(Page 377) Table 9. Number of marriages, births, and deaths registered in each of the superintendent registrars' districts during the ten years 1861-70; excess of births over deaths; and increase or decrease of population between 1861 and 1871
(45 pages)Contract subtree Division VIII North-Western: Cheshire, Lancaster
(Page 381) Table 1. Area; houses and inhabitants in registration or union counties (parts of)
(Page 381) Table 2. Area; houses and inhabitants in superintendent registrars' districts
(Pages 382-384) Table 3. Area; houses and inhabitants in registrars sub-districts
(Pages 385-410) Table 4. Area; houses and inhabitants in the parishes and places comprised in each superintendent registrar's district
(Pages 411-415) Table 5. Number of persons in public institutions
(Page 416) Table 6. Number of persons on board vessels in harbours, rivers, and creeks
(Pages 417-419) Table 7. Acreage of land and water in parishes, places, &c
(Page 420) Table 8. Aggregate of the areas of land, water, and foreshore
(Page 421) Table 9. Number of marriages, births, and deaths registered in each of the superintendent registrars' districts during the ten years 1861-70; excess of births over deaths; and increase or decrease of population between 1861 and 1871
(59 pages)Contract subtree Division IX Yorkshire: York (West, East, North Riding)
(Page 425) Table 1. Area; houses and inhabitants in registration or union counties (parts of)
(Page 425) Table 2. Area; houses and inhabitants in superintendent registrars' districts
(Pages 426-429) Table 3. Area; houses and inhabitants in registrars sub-districts
(Pages 430-468) Table 4. Area; houses and inhabitants in the parishes and places comprised in each superintendent registrar's district
(Pages 469-472) Table 5. Number of persons in public institutions
(Page 473) Table 6. Number of persons on board vessels in harbours, rivers, and creeks
(Pages 474-478) Table 7. Acreage of land and water in parishes, places, &c
(Page 479) Table 8. Aggregate of the areas of land, water, and foreshore
(Page 480) Table 9. Number of marriages, births, and deaths registered in each of the superintendent registrars' districts during the ten years 1861-70; excess of births over deaths; and increase or decrease of population between 1861 and 1871
(45 pages)Contract subtree Division X Northern: Durham, Northumberland, Cumberland, Westmorland
(Page 483) Table 1. Area; houses and inhabitants in registration or union counties (parts of)
(Page 483) Table 2. Area; houses and inhabitants in superintendent registrars' districts
(Pages 484-485) Table 3. Area; houses and inhabitants in registrars sub-districts
(Pages 486-510) Table 4. Area; houses and inhabitants in the parishes and places comprised in each superintendent registrar's district
(Pages 511-513) Table 5. Number of persons in public institutions
(Page 514) Table 6. Number of persons on board vessels in harbours, rivers, and creeks
(Pages 515-521) Table 7. Acreage of land and water in parishes, places, &c
(Page 522) Table 8. Aggregate of the areas of land, water, and foreshore
(Page 523) Table 9. Number of marriages, births, and deaths registered in each of the superintendent registrars' districts during the ten years 1861-70; excess of births over deaths; and increase or decrease of population between 1861 and 1871
(45 pages)Contract subtree Division XI Welsh: Monmouthshire, Wales
(Page 527) Table 1. Area; houses and inhabitants in registration or union counties (parts of)
(Pages 527-528) Table 2. Area; houses and inhabitants in superintendent registrars' districts
(Pages 529-531) Table 3. Area; houses and inhabitants in registrars sub-districts
(Pages 532-559) Table 4. Area; houses and inhabitants in the parishes and places comprised in each superintendent registrar's district
(Pages 560-562) Table 5. Number of persons in public institutions
(Page 563) Table 6. Number of persons on board vessels in harbours, rivers, and creeks
(Pages 564-565) Table 7. Acreage of land and water in parishes, places, &c
(Page 566) Table 8. Aggregate of the areas of land, water, and foreshore
(Pages 566-568) Table 9. Number of marriages, births, and deaths registered in each of the superintendent registrars' districts during the ten years 1861-70; excess of births over deaths; and increase or decrease of population between 1861 and 1871