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Eighty-second annual report of the registrar-general

Table of Contents

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(Pages i-vii) Title page & contents
(101 pages)Contract subtree Report
(Pages viii-ix) Introductory remarks
(Pages viii-ix) Salient features of the vital statistics of the year
(Pages x-cii)Contract subtree Review by Dr. Stevenson of the vital statistics of the year
(Pages x-xii)Contract subtree Population
(Pages x-xii) Estimated population by sex and age
(Page xii) Estimated population for calculation of birth-rate and marriage-rate
(Page xii) Estimated civil populations and "birth-rate" populations of separate localities
(Page xii) Consequent alterations in tables
(Pages xiii-xxviii)Contract subtree Marriages
(Page xiii) Number and rate
(Page xiii) Changes in the marriage-rate
(Page xiii) Methods of calculating marriage-rates
(Pages xiii-xvi) First marriages and re-marriages
(Page xvi) The divorced
(Pages xvi-xviii) Age at marriage: Bachelors, spinsters, widowers, widows
(Pages xviii-xix)Contract subtree Marriages of minors
(Page xix) Proportion to all marriages in registration counties
(Page xx) Mean age at marriage
(Pages xx-xxi) Changes in mean age
(Page xxi) Fluctuations of marriage-rate in different sections of the country and in registration counties
(Pages xxi-xxii) Geographical divisions employed (North, Midlands, South, Wales)
(Pages xxii-xxiv) Buildings in which marriages may be solemnized
(Page xxiv) Registered buildings under the operation of the marriage act, 1898
(Pages xxiv-xxviii) Manner of solemnization
(Page xxviii) Number and rate
(Pages xxviii-xxx) Changes in the birth-rate
(Page xxx) Birth-rates in different classes of areas and parts of the country
(Pages xxxi-xxxii)Contract subtree Sex proportions at birth
(Pages xxxi-xxxii) Comparison of movement with that in prices
(Pages xxxii-xxxiv) Diagram I. Sex ratios at birth and "economist" index numbers of wholesale prices
(Pages xxxiv-xxxvi) Illegitimate births
(Page xxxvi) Illegitimate birth-rates in different classes of areas and parts of the country
(Page xxxvi) Natural increase
(Page xxxvii) Number and rate
(Page xxxvii) Changes in the death-rate
(Page xxxvii) Standardization of death-rates for differences of sex and age constitution between total populations and for differences of age constitution between sex populations
(Page xxxvii) International standard death-rate
(Pages xxxvii-xxxviii) Effect of influenza epidemic on total death-rate
(Pages xxxviii-xxxix) Mortality of each sex
(Page xxxix) Mortality at different ages
(Pages xxxix-xl) Mortality of each sex at different ages, excluding excess mortality from influenza and pneumonia
(Pages xl-xli) Death-rates at age 0-5: Standardized to allow for effect of birth-rate on estimates of child population
(Page xli) Trend of mortality at various ages
(Pages xli-lx)Contract subtree Infant mortality
(Pages xli-xlii) Trend of mortality
(Pages xlii-xliii) Diarrhoeal and non-diarrhoeal mortality
(Pages xliii-xlvi) Distribution: Area in conjunction with sex and age
(Pages xlvi-xlviii) In separate weeks and months, showing legitimacy for England and Wales
(Pages xlviii-liii) Of separate counties and county boroughs
(Pages liii-lx)Contract subtree Causes of infant mortality
(Pages liii-liv) Increase or decrease at various ages as compared with 1911-14 and 1918
(Page liv) Developmental and wasting diseases, 1886-1919
(Pages liv-lvi) In early infancy
(Pages lvi-lvii) By sex, age, and legitimacy, 1919
(Pages lvii-lx) Distribution throughout the country
(Pages lx-lxiii)Contract subtree Mortality at ages 1-5
(Pages lx-lxi) At each year of age
(Pages lxi-lxiii) In each month of the second year of life
(Page lxiii) By cause at ages 1-5 years
(Pages lxiii-lxiv) Mortality of the aged
(Page lxiv) Centenarians
(Pages lxv-cii)Contract subtree Causes of death
(Page lxv) Details shown for various areas
(Page lxv) Comparison of registrar general's with international short list
(Pages lxvi-lxviii)Contract subtree Enteric fever
(Pages lxvi-lxvii) Trend of mortality
(Pages lxvii-lxviii) Mortality, prevalence, and fatality, in different classes of areas and parts of the country
(Page lxviii) Mortality and prevalence in counties and county boroughs
(Page lxviii)Contract subtree Malaria
(Page lxviii) Trend of mortality
(Pages lxviii-lxix)Contract subtree Small-pox
(Pages lxviii-lxix) Mortality and prevalence in various towns
(Page lxix) Vaccinal condition in fatal cases
(Page lxix)Contract subtree Measles
(Page lxix) Trend of mortality
(Page lxix) Mortality in different classes of areas and parts of the country
(Page lxix) Mortality in counties and county boroughs
(Pages lxix-lxx)Contract subtree Scarlet fever
(Page lxix) Trend of mortality
(Pages lxix-lxx) Mortality in different classes of areas and parts of the country
(Page lxx) Mortality in counties and county boroughs
(Page lxx) Prevalence and fatality
(Pages lxx-lxxii)Contract subtree Whooping cough
(Page lxx) Trend of mortality
(Pages lxx-lxxi) Mortality, at all ages and under one year of age, in different classes of areas and parts of the country
(Pages lxxi-lxxii) Comparison of mortalities from whooping cough and measles at ages 0-1 and 1-2 in different classes of areas
(Page lxxii) Mortality in counties and county boroughs
(Pages lxxii-lxxiii)Contract subtree Diphtheria and croup
(Page lxxii) Trend of mortality
(Page lxxii) Mortality in different classes of areas and parts of the country
(Pages lxxii-lxxiii) Prevalence and fatality
(Page lxxiii) Mortality in counties and county boroughs
(Page lxxiii)Contract subtree Influenza
(Page lxxiii) Mortality in 1919 (see also report on epidemic, 1918-19: Supplement to 81st annual report)
(Page lxxiii)Contract subtree Dysentery
(Page lxxiii) Trend of mortality
(Page lxxiii) Deaths in asylums and hospitals
(Page lxxiii) Plague
(Page lxxiii) Vaccinia
(Pages lxxiii-lxxvii)Contract subtree Tuberculosis
(Page lxxiii) Trend of mortality
(Page lxxiii) Effect of influenza epidemic
(Pages lxxiii-lxxv) Quarterly mortality
(Pages lxxv-lxxvi) Diagram II. Mortality of females from tuberculosis in each quarter of the years 1911-19
(Page lxxvi) Asylum mortality
(Page lxxvi) Crude and standardized death-rates
(Pages lxxvi-lxxvii) Mortality by sex and age
(Page lxxvii) Mortality in different classes of areas and parts of the country
(Page lxxvii) The title more comprehensive than in old list
(Page lxxvii) Crude and standardized death-rates
(Page lxxvii) Mortality by sex and age
(Pages lxxvii-lxxviii) Change in age distribution of mortality
(Page lxxviii)Contract subtree Tuberculous meningitis
(Page lxxviii) Trend of mortality
(Page lxxviii)Contract subtree Tubercle of the peritoneum and intestines
(Page lxxviii) Trend of mortality
(Page lxxviii)Contract subtree Rickets
(Page lxxviii) Trend of mortality
(Pages lxxviii-lxxix) Trend of mortality
(Pages lxxviii-lxxix) Effect of including tabes dorsalis, general paralysis of the insane, and aneurysm
(Page lxxix) Trend of mortality
(Page lxxix) Crude and standardized mortality
(Pages lxxix-lxxx) Mortality by sex and age
(Pages lxxx-lxxxii) Sites of fatal cancer at ages in each sex
(Page lxxxii) Mortality by sex and age from cancer of various parts of the body
(Pages lxxxii-lxxxiii) Frequency of fatal cancer of various sites in institutions and elsewhere, with distinction of sex and age
(Page lxxxiii) Age distribution of deaths from cancer of various sites in institutions and elsewhere
(Pages lxxxiii-lxxxv)Contract subtree Tumours (not returned as malignant)
(Pages lxxxiii-lxxxv) Classification by sex, age, and part of the body affected
(Pages lxxxv-lxxxvi)Contract subtree Alcoholism
(Pages lxxxv-lxxxvi) The title less comprehensive than in old list
(Page lxxxvi) Trend of mortality
(Page lxxxvi)Contract subtree Alcoholism as a secondary cause of death
(Page lxxxvi) Classification of deaths by sex, age, and primary cause
(Page lxxxvi) Deaths from alcoholism and from the principal causes associated with it
(Pages lxxxvi-lxxxvii)Contract subtree Encephalitis
(Page lxxxvi) Trend of mortality
(Pages lxxxvi-lxxxvii) Changes in certification 1913, 1918, and 1919
(Page lxxxvii) Encephalitis lethargica
(Page lxxxvii) Seasonal incidence and age distribution of encephalitis lethargica, polio-encephalitis, and poliomyelitis
(Pages lxxxvii-lxxxviii)Contract subtree Cerebro-spinal fever
(Page lxxxvii) Trend of mortality
(Page lxxxvii) Mortality in different classes of areas and parts of the country
(Pages lxxxvii-lxxxviii) Civilian and non-civilian mortality
(Pages lxxxvii-lxxxviii)Contract subtree Poliomyelitis, polioencephalitis
(Page lxxxviii) New title in list: Less comprehensive than in text table in reports
(Pages lxxxvii-lxxxviii) Seasonal incidence and age distribution (under heading "encephalitis")
(Page lxxxviii) Prevalence and fatality
(Page lxxxviii)Contract subtree Cerebral haemorrhage, apoplexy
(Page lxxxviii) Trend of mortality, alone and in conjunction with arterial sclerosis
(Page lxxxix) Trend of mortality
(Page lxxxix) Association with alcoholism
(Pages lxxxix-xc)Contract subtree Pneumonia
(Page lxxxix) Trend of mortality
(Page lxxxix) Effect of influenza epidemic
(Page lxxxix) Female mortality: By quarters, 1911-17 and 1919
(Pages lxxxix-xc) Mortality in different classes of areas and parts of the country
(Page xc)Contract subtree Cirrhosis of the liver
(Page xc) Trend of mortality
(Page xc) Association with alcoholism
(Pages xc-xciv)Contract subtree The puerperal state
(Pages xc-xci) Trend of mortality
(Page xci) Septic and non-septic diseases, 1905-19
(Pages xci-xcii) Septic and non-septic diseases, in different classes of areas and parts of the country, 1919
(Page xcii) Prevalence and fatality of puerperal fever
(Pages xcii-xciv) Details of cause of death, distinguishing age
(Page xciv) Deaths at ages from various causes associated with pregnancy and childbirth
(Pages xcv-xcvi)Contract subtree Anaesthetics
(Page xcv) Difference from former practice in tabulation
(Page xcv) Deaths connected with the administration of various anaesthetics, distinguishing sex and age
(Pages xcv-xcvi) Conditions for which anaesthetics were administered
(Pages xcvi-xcvii) Status lymphaticus
(Page xcvii) Trend of mortality
(Page xcvii) Mortality by sex and age
(Pages xcvii-xcviii) Suicide in different classes of areas and parts of the country
(Page xcix)Contract subtree Ill-defined causes of death
(Page xcix) Deaths so classified and comparison with previous years
(Page xcix) Effects upon tabulation of the inquiries addressed to medical practitioners and coroners
(Page xcix)Contract subtree Deaths in institutions for the sick or infirm
(Page xcix) Proportion of total mortality occurring in various classes of institutions
(Pages xcix-ci)Contract subtree United Kingdom
(Pages xcix-c) Population
(Page c) Marriages
(Pages c-ci) Births
(Page ci) Deaths
(Page ci) Infant mortality
(Page ci) Births and deaths at sea
(Page ci) Progress of registration
(Page cii) Offences against the registration acts
(Page cii) Searches and certificates
(Pages ciii-cviii) Meteorology of the year 1919
(66 pages)Contract subtree Tables
(Pages 2-3) 1. United kingdom: Population of its several divisions estimated to the middle of each of the years 1870 1919
(Page 4) 2. England and Wales: Marriages, births, and deaths, 1838-1919
(Page 5) 3. Annual marriage-, birth-, and death-rates, and infant mortality, 1838-1919
(Page 6) 4. Annual marriage-, birth-, and crude death-rates in each quarter, in groups of years, 1838-1919, and in each year, 1910-1919
(Page 6) 5. Churches and chapels of the Established Church, and registered buildings in which marriages could be legally solemnized, 31st December, 1919
(Page 7) 6. Annual death-rates at twelve groups of ages, general death-rate standardized for sex and age constitution of population, and infant mortality. 1838-1919, Males
(Page 8) 7. Annual death-rates at twelve groups of ages, general death-rate standardized for sex and age constitution of population, and infant mortality. 1838-1919, Females
(Page 9) 8. Annual death-rates at twelve groups of ages, general death-rate standardized for sex and age constitution of population, and infant mortality. 1838-1919, Persons
(Pages 10-19) 9. Deaths from various causes at all ages, 1905-1919 males, females, and persons (list of causes as in use prior to 1911)
(Pages 20-29) 10. Crude annual death-rates from various causes at all ages to a million living, 1905-1919 males, females, and persons (list of causes as in use prior to 1911)
(Pages 30-34) 11. Crude death-rates at all ages from various causes, 1919 males, females, and persons (international list of causes)
(Page 35) 12. Annual death-rates from the principal epidemic diseases, 1838-1919
(Pages 36-40) 13. Administrative counties and county boroughs: Mortality from the principal epidemic diseases and from certain other causes, 1918 and 1919
(Page 41) 14. Deaths from various causes under one year of age, 1905-1919
(Page 42) 15. Infant mortality from various causes, 1905-1919
(Pages 43-44) 16. Infant mortality by sex, age, cause, and legitimacy, 1919
(Pages 45-49) 17. Infant mortality by age, cause, and legitimacy, 1919 classes of administrative areas
(Pages 50-51) 18. Infant mortality in different parts of England and Wales, 1919
(Page 52) 19. Names on the registers, searches, and fees received at the general register office, 1870-1919
(Page 53) 20. Islands in the British Seas. Area and population; and births and deaths, 1895-1919
(Page 53) 21. Balance inward or outward on passenger movement into and out of the United Kingdom, 1900-1919
(Pages 54-55) 22. United Kingdom and its several divisions. Vital statistics, 1895-1919
(Pages 56-57) 23. Meteorological elements, Greenwich, 1870-1919
(Pages 58-59) 24. Meteorological elements, Greenwich, quarterly, 1919
(Pages 60-61) 25. Meteorological table for London, 1919
(Pages 62-65) 26. Meteorological elements at several stations, 1919
(454 pages)Contract subtree Abstracts
(Pages 67-88)Contract subtree Marriages
(Pages 67-69) In registration counties and districts
(Pages 70-73) In England and Wales in registration divisions and counties; showing (a) number in each quarter of the year, (b) mode of solemnization, (c) signature by mark in marriage register
(Page 74) Civil condition of persons married at each year of age
(Page 75) Of divorced persons
(Pages 76-84)Contract subtree Ages in combination
(Pages 76-81)Contract subtree At each year of age
(Pages 76-78) All marriages
(Pages 79-81) Bachelors and spinsters
(Pages 82-84)Contract subtree At groups of ages
(Page 82) Bachelors and widows
(Page 83) Widowers and spinsters
(Page 84) Widowers and widows
(Pages 85-88) In England and Wales and registration counties by age and condition
(Pages 89-121) Estimated ''birth-rate" population and civil population, births (legitimate and illegitimate), birth-rate, deaths, crude death-rate, and infant mortality in greater London, in each administrative area, and in summarised areas
(Pages 122-520)Contract subtree Deaths
(Pages 122-126) Of all infants and of illegitimate infants in various portions of the first year of life; and mortality (per 1000 births) of the first four weeks and of the first year of life in administrative areas
(Page 127) By sex, and for females by condition as to marriage, at each year of age
(Pages 128-141)Contract subtree By sex and age
(Pages 128-129) Greater London and Metropolitan boroughs
(Pages 130-134) County boroughs
(Pages 135-141) Urban and rural portions of counties
(Pages 142-189)Contract subtree From various causes by sex and age
(Pages 142-171) England and Wales
(Pages 172-189) London
(Pages 190-243)Contract subtree Aggregates of
(Pages 190-207) County boroughs
(Pages 208-225) Other urban districts
(Pages 226-243) Rural districts
(Pages 244-261) In each quarter of the year, distinguishing sex and cause, in different classes of areas
(Page 262) Of non-civilians in England and Wales, distinguishing age and cause
(Pages 263-277) In various classes of institutions, distinguishing cause and place of occurrence
(Pages 278-405)Contract subtree By sex and short list of causes and ages
(Pages 278-288) Summarised areas
(Pages 289-303) Greater London and Metropolitan boroughs
(Pages 304-344) County boroughs
(Pages 345-405)Contract subtree Urban and rural portions of counties
(Page 345) Bedfordshire
(Page 346) Berkshire
(Page 347) Buckinghamshire
(Page 348) Cambridgeshire
(Page 349) Cheshire
(Page 350) Cornwall
(Page 351) Cumberland
(Page 352) Derbyshire
(Page 353) Devonshire
(Page 354) Dorsetshire
(Page 355) Durham
(Page 356) Isle of Ely
(Page 357) Essex
(Page 358) Gloucestershire
(Page 359) Herefordshire
(Page 360) Hertfordshire
(Page 361) Huntingdonshire
(Page 362) Kent
(Page 363) Lancashire
(Page 364) Leicestershire
(Pages 365-367)Contract subtree Lincolnshire
(Page 365) Holland
(Page 366) Kesteven
(Page 367) Lindsey
(Page 368) Middlesex
(Page 369) Monmouthshire
(Page 370) Norfolk
(Page 371) Northamptonshire
(Page 372) Northumberland
(Page 373) Nottinghamshire
(Page 374) Oxfordshire
(Page 375) Peterborough, Soke of
(Page 376) Rutlandshire
(Page 377) Shropshire
(Page 378) Somersetshire
(Page 379) Southampton
(Page 380) Staffordshire
(Page 381) Suffolk, East
(Page 382) Suffolk, West
(Page 383) Surrey
(Page 384) Sussex, East
(Page 385) Sussex, West
(Page 386) Warwickshire
(Page 387) Westmorland
(Page 388) Wight, Isle of
(Page 389) Wiltshire
(Page 390) Worcestershire
(Pages 391-393)Contract subtree Yorkshire
(Page 391) East Riding
(Page 392) North Riding
(Page 393) West Riding
(Page 394) Anglesey
(Page 395) Brecknockshire
(Page 396) Cardiganshire
(Page 397) Carmarthenshire
(Page 398) Carnarvonshire
(Page 399) Denbighshire
(Page 400) Flintshire
(Page 401) Glamorganshire
(Page 402) Merionethshire
(Page 403) Montgomeryshire
(Page 404) Pembrokeshire
(Page 405) Radnorshire
(Pages 406-504)Contract subtree By sex and short list of causes in other administrative areas
(Page 406) Bedfordshire
(Page 407) Berkshire
(Pages 408-409) Buckinghamshire
(Page 409) Cambridgeshire
(Pages 409-412) Cheshire
(Pages 412-415) Cornwall
(Pages 415-416) Cumberland
(Pages 416-419) Derbyshire
(Pages 419-421) Devonshire
(Pages 421-423) Dorsetshire
(Pages 423-425) Durham
(Pages 425-426) Isle of Ely
(Pages 429-431) Gloucestershire
(Pages 431-432) Herefordshire
(Pages 432-433) Hertfordshire
(Pages 434-435) Huntingdonshire
(Pages 438-445) Lancashire
(Pages 445-446) Leicestershire
(Pages 446-449)Contract subtree Lincolnshire
(Pages 446-447) Holland
(Page 447) Kesteven
(Pages 448-449) Lindsey
(Pages 449-451) Middlesex
(Pages 451-453) Monmouthshire
(Pages 453-455) Norfolk
(Pages 455-456) Northamptonshire
(Pages 456-458) Northumberland
(Pages 458-459) Nottinghamshire
(Pages 460-461) Oxfordshire
(Page 461) Peterborough, Soke of
(Page 461) Rutlandshire
(Pages 461-463) Shropshire
(Pages 463-465) Somersetshire
(Pages 465-467) Southampton
(Pages 467-470) Staffordshire
(Pages 470-471) Suffolk, East
(Pages 471-472) Suffolk, West
(Pages 472-475) Surrey
(Pages 475-476) Sussex, East
(Pages 476-477) Sussex, West
(Pages 477-478) Warwickshire
(Pages 478-479) Westmorland
(Page 479) Wight, Isle of
(Pages 480-481) Wiltshire
(Pages 481-483) Worcestershire
(Pages 483-495)Contract subtree Yorkshire
(Pages 483-484) East Riding
(Pages 484-486) North Riding
(Pages 487-495) West Riding
(Page 495) Anglesey
(Pages 495-496) Brecknockshire
(Pages 496-497) Cardiganshire
(Pages 497-498) Carmarthenshire
(Pages 498-499) Carnarvonshire
(Pages 499-500) Denbighshire
(Page 500) Flintshire
(Pages 500-502) Glamorganshire
(Pages 502-503) Merionethshire
(Page 503) Montgomeryshire
(Pages 503-504) Pembrokeshire
(Page 504) Radnorshire
(Pages 505-520)Contract subtree Violent deaths
(Pages 506-516) Deaths from accident, negligence, battle, and execution in England and Wales distinguishing age, and cause or nature of accident; males and females
(Pages 517-518) Deaths from suicide in England and Wales, distinguishing age and method; males and females
(Page 519) Deaths from murder in England and Wales, distinguishing age and method; males and females
(Page 520) Deaths from manslaughter and justifiable homicide in England and Wales, distinguishing age and method; males and females