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General tables, England and Wales, 1921

Table of Contents

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(Pages i-iv) Title page and contents
(Page v) Preface
(Page v) Explanatory notes
(81 pages)Contract subtree Population
(Page 1) 1. Population at each census, 1801-1921 (England and Wales)
(Page 2) 2. Population estimated to the middle of each year, 1801-1921 (England and Wales and counties)
(Page 3) 3. Population at certain censuses, 1801-1921, and acreage
(Page 4) 4. Proportional population and area at certain censuses, 1801-1921 (England and Wales and counties)
(Page 5) 5. Proportional variations at certain censuses, 1801-1921 (England and Wales and counties)
(Pages 6-8) 6. Population and intercensal variations, 1901-1921 (England and Wales, A. C. s, and C. B. s)
(Page 9) 7. Population, 1851-1921 (England and Wales and urban and rural aggregates)
(Page 9) 8. Population, and intercensal variations, 1901-1921 (England and Wales, and urban and rural aggregates)
(Page 10) 9. Population, urban and rural distribution, and rates of increase or decrease (A. C. s)
(Pages 11-45)Contract subtree 10. Population and intercensal variations, 1911-1921; persons per acre, 1921 (C. B. s, M. B. s, U. D. s, and R. D. S)
(Pages 11-33) Boroughs and urban districts
(Pages 33-45) Rural Districts
(Pages 46-47) 11. Population and intercensal variations, 1861-1921 (C. B. s, Met. B. s, and urban areas with more than 50, 000 population, 1921)
(Pages 48-49) 12. Population and intercensal variations, 1901-1921 (Greater London)
(Page 50) 13. Numbers of administrative areas, and classification of civil parishes by population, 1921 (A. C. s)
(Page 51) 14. Population, acreage, and certain age groups (poor law union counties)
(Pages 52-63) 15. Population, acreage, and certain age groups (poor law unions or parishes)
(Page 64) 16. Population and parliamentary electors (parliamentary counties with associated boroughs)
(Pages 65-75) 17. Population and parliamentary electors (parliamentary constituencies)
(Pages 76-77) 18. Population and constitution by county court districts (county court circuits)
(Pages 78-81) 19. Population (county court districts)
(39 pages)Contract subtree Housing
(Pages 82-83) 20. Buildings, dwellings, rooms, and families (England and Wales, and large aggregates)
(Page 84) 21. Dwellings classified by number of rooms and of occupying families (England and Wales, large aggregates, and A. C. s)
(Pages 85-88) 22. Private families classified by size of family, rooms occupied, and density of occupation (England and Wales, and large aggregates)
(Page 89) 23 Private families: Proportions occupying various numbers of rooms, and average number of rooms per family (England and Wales, large aggregates, and A. C. s)
(Page 90) 24. Private families: Proportions consisting of various numbers of persons (England and Wales, large aggregates, and A. C. s)
(Page 91) 25. Population in private families. Proportions in various numbers of rooms, and in families of various sizes (England and Wales, large aggregates, and A. C. s)
(Page 92) 26. Private families. Average number of persons per family, and in families occupying various numbers of rooms (England and Wales, large aggregates, and A. C. s)
(Page 93) 27. Private families. Average number of rooms per person, and of rooms per person in families occupying various numbers of rooms (England and Wales, large aggregates, and A. C. s)
(Page 94) 28. Private families. Average number of rooms per person in families of various sizes, and excess or deficiency of rooms compared with England and Wales 1911 standard (England and Wales, large aggregates, and A. C. s)
(Page 95) 29. Private families. Density of occupation (England and Wales, large aggregates, and A. C. s)
(Pages 96-120) 30. Private families and dwellings (A. C. s, C. B. s, Met. B. s, M. B. s, U. D. s and R. D. s)
(6 pages)Contract subtree Institutions
(Pages 121-126) 31. Number, total population and inmates of certain classes of institutions (see also table 42) (England and Wales, and A. C. s)
(47 pages)Contract subtree Ages and marital conditions
(Pages 127-137) 32. Ages (individual years) and marital conditions (England and Wales, and large aggregates)
(Pages 138-141) 33. Ages (quinquennial groups) and marital conditions (England and Wales, large aggregates, and geographical divisions)
(Page 142) 34. Age distribution (quinquennial groups) at successive censuses, 1851-1921 (England and Wales)
(Page 143) 35. Sex proportions and age distribution (quinquennial groups) in each sex (England and Wales (1851-1921), large aggregates and geographical divisions, 1921)
(Page 144) 36. Marital condition. Proportions by sexes and age groups (England and Wales (1851-1921), large aggregates and geographical divisions, 1921)
(Pages 145-150) 37. Age distribution (England and Wales, large aggregates, geographical divisions, A. C. s, C. B. s and U. D. s with more than 50, 000 population)
(Pages 151-154) 38. Marital condition. Distribution by sex (England and Wales, large aggregates, geographical divisions, A. C. s, C. B. s and U. D. s with more than 50, 000 population)
(Pages 155-169) 39. Local age and marital condition distribution (A. C. s, C. B. s, M. B. s, U. D. s and R. D. s)
(Page 170) 40. Age distribution, 1891-1921 (urban and rural aggregates)
(Page 170) 41. Marital condition. Distribution by sex, 1901-1921 (urban and rural aggregates)
(Pages 171-173) 42. Institutions. Ages and marital conditions of inmates (England and Wales) (see also table 31)
(4 pages)Contract subtree Education
(Page 174) 43. Education (England and Wales)
(Pages 175-177) 44. Education (C. B. s, A. C. s and areas of separate local educational authorities)
(13 pages)Contract subtree Birthplaces and nationality
(Pages 178-180) 45. Birthplaces and nationality of the population (England and Wales, and A. C. s)
(Page 181) 46. Foreign-born population by country of birth and nationality (England and Wales)
(Pages 182-185) 47. Birthplaces of the population, proportions per 10, 000 of each sex (England and Wales, A. C. s, C. B. s and U. D. s with more than 50, 000 population)
(Pages 186-187) 48. Foreign-born population of alien and unstated nationality by country of birth, age, and marital condition (England and Wales)
(Page 188) 49. Foreign-born population of alien and unstated nationality by age and marital condition (counties having upwards of 5, 000 aliens)
(Page 189) 50. Persons born in the several British dominions, colonies, etc. (England and Wales)
(Page 189) 51. Natives of England and Wales enumerated in England and Wales, Scotland, Ireland, Isle of Man, and Channel Islands, 1851-1921 (England and Wales)
(Page 189) 52. Birthplaces of the population, 1851-1921 (England and Wales)
(Page 190) 53. Birthplaces of the population, 1851-1921. Proportions per 100, 000 persons (England and Wales)
(2 pages)Contract subtree English and Welsh languages
(Page 190) 54. English and Welsh languages at certain age groups (Wales and Monmouthshire)
(Page 190) 55. English and Welsh languages: Proportions of the population at certain age groups speaking English and Welsh, 1911-1921 (Wales and Monmouthshire)
(Page 191) 56. English and Welsh languages (A. C. s, C. B. s and U. D. s with more than 50, 000 populations in Wales and Monmouthshire)
(Page 191) 57. English and Welsh languages: Proportions of the population speaking English and Welsh, 1911-1921 (A. C. s, C. B. s and U. D. s with more than 50, 000 populations in Wales and Monmouthshire)
(Pages 192-193) Appendix A. Inflation. Boroughs, urban districts, and rural districts in which more than 3 per cent. of the population consisted of temporary visitors
(Page 194) Appendix B. Numbers, ages, birthplaces and nationality of seamen (including fishermen) not enumerated with the general population
(Pages 195-197) Appendix C. Numbers, ages, marital conditions and birthplaces of non-civilians and civilians enumerated on H. M. vessels or in premises under naval, military or air force discipline outside Great Britain