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Appendix to third annual report of the registrar-general

Table of Contents

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(Pages 1-2) Title page and contents
(26 pages)Contract subtree Letter to the registrar-general
(Page 3) Mortality and diseases of the year 1839
(Pages 3-5) Diseases of males and females
(Pages 5-15)Contract subtree Violent deaths
(Page 11) Tables (M) (N). Classification of violent deaths
(Page 12) Table (O). Various kinds of violent deaths to 100000 persons
(Page 13) Table (Q). Comparative view of the mortality by violent deaths in Sweden, Prussia. France, England
(Page 14) Murders
(Pages 14-15) Deaths by lightning
(Pages 15-19) Sudden deaths inquests
(Pages 19-20) Deaths in the London hospitals
(Page 20) Causes of death at different ages
(Pages 20-22) Diseases of the towns and of the open country
(Page 22) Influence of locality and occupation
(Pages 22-27) Influence of the seasons
(Page 28) Epidemics
(148 pages)Contract subtree Tables
(Pages 29-56)Contract subtree Table (A). Causes of deaths in England and Wales
(Page 29) England and Wales
(Pages 30-31) Notes to table (A)
(Page 32) Metropolis
(Page 33) Manchester and Salford
(Page 34) Liverpool and West Derby
(Page 35) Leeds
(Page 36) Birmingham
(Page 37) Middlesex (part of), Hertfordshire, Buckinghamshire, and Bedfordshire
(Page 38) Kent (except Greenwich), Surrey (part of), Sussex, Hampshire and Berkshire
(Page 39) Dorsetshire and Wiltshire
(Page 40) Devonshire
(Page 41) Cornwall
(Page 42) Somersetshire
(Page 43) Essex
(Page 44) Norfolk and Suffolk
(Page 45) Cambridgeshire, Huntingdonshire, and the southern parts of Lincolnshire
(Page 46) Lincolnshire (Northern parts of), Rutlandshire, Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire and Northamptonshire
(Page 47) Oxfordshire, Gloucestershire, Worcestershire (except Dudley), and Warwickshire (except Birmingham)
(Page 48) Mining parts of Staffordshire, Shropshire, and Worcestershire
(Page 49) Cheshire, Shropshire, and Staffordshire (except mining districts)
(Page 50) Lancashire (except Liverpool and Manchester) south of Morecambe Bay
(Page 51) West Riding of Yorkshire, (except the Northern part thereof and Leeds)
(Page 52) City and Ainsty of the City, and the East Riding of the County of York
(Page 53) Durham and the North Riding of Yorkshire, with such part of the West Riding as in not included in Division XX. (except mining part)
(Page 54) The mining parts of Northumberland and Durham
(Page 55) Cumberland and Westmoreland, and such parts of the counties of Lancaster and Northumberland as are not included respectively in divisions XIX and XXIII
(Page 56) Wales, Monmouthshire, and Herefordshire
(Page 57) Table (B). Annual rate of mortality by 94 causes
(Page 58) Table (C). Classification of diseases, according to their pathological characters
(Page 59) Table (D 1). Violent deaths in the Metropolis (1838-9)
(Pages 59-60) Tables (D 2, D 3). Violent deaths in Birmingham, Manchester and Salford, Liverpool and West Derby
(Pages 61-62) Tables (D 4, D 5). Violent deaths in mining districts
(Page 63) Table (D 6). Violent deaths in agricultural districts
(Pages 64-69) Deaths from diseases at different ages (tables E, F)
(Pages 70-81) Tables (G, H, I). Manchester, Liverpool, Birmingham
(Page 82) Table (K). Causes of death in the Metropolis and South-Western counties, 1838-9
(Page 83) Table (L). Causes of death in 24 towns or city districts, and in seven counties, 1838-9
(Page 84) Table (M). Summary of tables (K, L)
(Page 85) Table (N). Mortality from the several causes of death in town and country districts
(Pages 86-87) Tables (O,) (o,) (oo,) (ooo.) of the relative mortality in the Metropolitan districts
(Pages 88-91) Tables (P, Q, R, S, T). The mortality and diseases of 11 groups of counties
(Pages 92-93) Table (U). Showing in 100000 deaths the proportion from each of 12 classes of causes in 25 divisions, and in all England and Wales
(Pages 94-143)Contract subtree Table (V). Fatal diseases of the several districts of England and Wales
(Pages 94-97) 1. Metropolis
(Pages 98-101) 2. South Eastern counties
(Pages 102-105) 3. South Midland counties
(Pages 106-109) 4. Eastern counties
(Pages 110-113) 5. South Western counties
(Pages 114-121) 6. Western counties
(Pages 122-125) 7. North Midland counties
(Pages 126-129) 8. North Western counties
(Pages 130-133) 9. Yorkshire
(Pages 134-137) 10. Northern counties
(Pages 138-141) 11. Monmouth and Wales
(Pages 142-143) Summary of the eleven divisions of counties
(Pages 144-157) Tables (W and WW) showing the deaths from typhus (fever) and scarlatina in the several districts and counties of England and Wales within 10 quarterly periods, extending from July 1st, 1837, to December 31st, 1839
(Page 158, 4 foldouts, Pages 161-174)Contract subtree Tables of mortality for the Metropolis
(4 foldouts) Table (X), Summary of the weekly tables of mortality, 1840
(Pages 161-171) Table (Y). Weekly tables of mortality, June, 1840-1
(Pages 172-174) Tables (Z and ZZ) of the causes of death in the quarters of the three years and a half ending June, 1841