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General report, England and Wales, 1911

Table of Contents

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(Pages i-x) Title page & contents
(285 pages)Contract subtree Report
(Pages 1-20)Contract subtree I. Introductory
(Pages 1-5) 1. Historical summary
(Pages 5-8)Contract subtree 2. Changes adopted in 1911
(Page 6) Vols. I.-VI. Houses and population
(Page 7) Vols. VII.-IX. Age and marital condition, tenements, birthplaces
(Page 8) Vol. X. Occupations and industries
(Page 8) Fertility
(Page 8) United Kingdom
(Page 8) Census of British Empire
(Pages 9-14)Contract subtree 3. Collection of census data
(Page 9) The schedule
(Page 9) Distribution and collection of schedules
(Page 10) Use of maps in checking the returns
(Page 11) Co-operation of the public
(Page 11) Revision and summarising of schedules
(Pages 11-13) Defects of present method of collection and suggestions for improvement
(Page 14) Proposals for a quinquennial census
(Pages 15-16) 4. Tabulation
(Page 17) 5. Staff employed
(Pages 18-19)Contract subtree 6. Cost of the census
(Page 18) No original table title  Download table
(Page 19) No original table title  Download table
(Pages 19-20) 7. Diagrams
(Page 20) 8. Assistance rendered by government departments and others
(44 pages)Contract subtree II. Population
(Page 21) Definition of population
(Pages 21-23)Contract subtree Population and rates of increase
(Page 21) Table I. Families or separate occupiers and population at each census, 1801-1911  Download table
(Page 21) No original table title  Download table
(Page 22) No original table title  Download table
(Page 22) Table II. Actual increase and natural increase of population in each intercensal period, 1871-1911  Download table
(Pages 23-24)Contract subtree International growth of population
(Page 23) Table III. Population, and increase per cent., in the United Kingdom and in other countries, 1881-1911  Download table
(Page 24) Number of families
(Page 24, Pages 1-25)Contract subtree Classification of houses
(Page 1) Diagram II. England and Wales. Proximity in yards of the population enumerated at each census, 1801-1911
(Page 25)Contract subtree Density of population
(Page 25) Diagram I. England and Wales. Density of population, 1801-1911
(Page 25) Table IV. Density of population, 1801-1911  Download table
(Pages 25-28) Sub-divisions of the country
(Page 28) Areas not shown in census tables
(21 pages)Contract subtree 2. Administrative areas
(Pages 28-29) Counties
(Pages 29-30) County boroughs
(Page 30) Municipal boroughs
(Page 30) Other urban districts
(Pages 30-31) Rural districts
(Page 31) The Metropolis
(Page 31) Petty sessional divisions
(Page 31) County court districts and circuits
(Page 32) Changes in administrative areas since 1901
(17 pages)Contract subtree Population and rates of increase or decrease
(Page 32, Pages 1-34)Contract subtree In county areas
(Page 32) No original table title  Download table
(Page 1) Diagram III. Proportion of population in each administrative county (with associated county boroughs) to the total population in England and Wales, 1911
(Page 33) No original table title  Download table
(Page 33) No original table title  Download table
(Page 34) No original table title  Download table
(Page 34, Pages 1-35)Contract subtree Density of population in Counties
(Page 34) Table V. Density of population in counties, 1901 and 1911  Download table
(Page 1) Diagram IV. Number of persons per square mile in each administrative county (together with associated county boroughs), 1911
(Page 2) Map 1. Density of population in administrative counties (with associated county boroughs)
(Page 2) Map 2. Increase in density of population in administrative counties (with associated county boroughs)
(Pages 35-36, Pages 1-39)Contract subtree In urban and rural districts
(Page 35) Table VI. Proportion per cent. of total population enumerated in urban and rural districts respectively, at each census, 1851 to 1911  Download table
(Page 35) Diagram V. Proportion per cent. of total population enumerated in urban and rural districts respectively at each census, 1851-1911
(Page 36) No original table title  Download table
(Page 36) Table VII. Population of urban districts grouped by the numbers of their populations, 1911  Download table
(Page 1) Diagram VI. Proportion per cent. of the population of each administrative county (together with associated county boroughs) living in urban districts (1) of over 50000 inhabitants; (2) of 20000 and under 50000 inhabitants; (3) of under 20000 inhabitants; and (4) in rural districts
(Page 37) Table VIII. Increase or decrease per cent. of population, 1901-1911, of rural areas in each administrative county  Download table
(Page 38) No original table title  Download table
(Page 38) No original table title  Download table
(Page 38) No original table title  Download table
(Pages 39-40, Pages 1-43)Contract subtree In London and the great towns
(Pages 39-40) Table IX. Population, 1891, 1901 and 1911, in the 97 towns with populations exceeding 50000 persons, arranged in the order of their populations in 1911  Download table
(Page 1) Diagram VII. Growth of population, 1861-1911, in each county borough of which the population exceeded 250000 in 1911
(Page 42) Table X. Metropolitan boroughs. Population 1891, 1901, and 1911, and increase or decrease per cent  Download table
(Page 43) Table XI. "Greater London". Population at each census 1861 to 1911  Download table
(Pages 43-48, Pages 1-49)Contract subtree 3. Registration areas
(Pages 43-44) The parish
(Pages 44-46) Unions and registration districts
(Pages 46-47)Contract subtree Size of civil parishes
(Page 46) No original table title  Download table
(Pages 47-48, Pages 1-49)Contract subtree Population and rates of increase in registration counties
(Pages 47-48) Table XII. Registration counties. Increase or decrease of population, excess of births over deaths, and gain or loss by migration, 1901-1911  Download table
(Page 1) Diagram VIII. Increase or decrease per cent. in the population of registration counties during the intercensal period 1901-1911; distinguishing the increase due to excess of births over deaths
(Pages 49-53)Contract subtree 4. Parliamentary areas
(Page 49) Parliamentary counties and divisions of counties
(Page 50) Parliamentary boroughs
(Pages 50-52)Contract subtree Number and population of parliamentary areas
(Page 51) No original table title  Download table
(Page 51) No original table title  Download table
(Page 51) No original table title  Download table
(Page 52) No original table title  Download table
(Pages 52-53) Number of electors
(Pages 53-57)Contract subtree 5. Ecclesiastical areas
(Pages 53-54) The province and the diocese
(Page 54) The ecclesiastical parish
(Page 54) Extra-parochial places
(Pages 54-55) Boundaries of ecclesiastical parishes
(Pages 55-57)Contract subtree Population of ecclesiastical areas
(Page 56) Table XIII. Dioceses: Number of parishes and population in each diocese, 1911  Download table
(Page 57) No original table title  Download table
(48 pages)Contract subtree III. Sexes, ages and condition as to marriage
(Pages 57-58)Contract subtree Sex proportions
(Page 57) No original table title  Download table
(Page 58)Contract subtree Local variations in sex proportions
(Page 58) No original table title  Download table
(Page 58, Pages 1-59)Contract subtree Sex proportions in other countries
(Page 1) Diagram IX. Sex proportions in administrative counties (together with associated county boroughs), 1911
(Page 2) Diagram X. Sex proportions in county boroughs and other urban districts of which the population exceeded 50000 persons in 1911
(38 pages)Contract subtree 2. Ages
(Page 59) Tabulation in single years
(Page 59) Uses of statistics of ages
(Pages 59-60)Contract subtree Comparison by age-groups
(Page 59) No original table title  Download table
(Page 60, Page 1)Contract subtree Sex and age-constitution in 1911
(Page 1) Diagram XI. England and Wales. Proportional numbers enumerated at various ages in 1911 compared with the corresponding numbers at former censuses
(Pages 61-62, Pages 1-63)Contract subtree Comparison with previous censuses
(Page 61) Table XIV. England and Wales. Proportion of males and females living at each age-group to 1000000 of each sex at all ages and to 1000 persons of both sexes at each age-group, 1911  Download table
(Page 62) Table XV. England and Wales. Ratio of the proportional number enumerated at each age in former censuses to the corresponding number in 1911 taken as 100  Download table
(Page 1) Diagram XII. England and Wales. Ratio of the proportional numbers shown in diagram XI for previous censuses to the numbers at corresponding ages in 1911
(Page 2) Diagram XIII. Standard populations in various countries
(Pages 63-64, Pages 1-65)Contract subtree Comparison with other countries
(Page 63) Table XVI. Persons at quinquennial age-periods in 100000 at all ages in various countries  Download table
(Page 64) Table XVII. Age-distribution of the population in various countries per cent. of that in England and Wales, 1911  Download table
(Page 1) Diagram XIV. Age distribution of population in various countries. Percentage deviation of the proportions in the several age-groups from the corresponding proportions in England and Wales
(Pages 65-66, Pages 1-68, Pages 1-71)Contract subtree Urban and rural districts
(Page 66) Table XVIII. Males and females at quinquennial age-periods in 100000 persons at all ages  Download table
(Page 1) Diagram XV. Populations of England and Wales and of constituent groups of administrative areas in 1911. Age-distribution of males and females in each population compared with that of persons in England and Wales
(Page 2) Diagram XVI. Ratio of the proportional numbers shown in diagram XV for males and females to those for persons in each population
(Page 67) Table XIX. Males and females at different ages per cent. of persons (in 50000) in England and Wales at the same ages  Download table
(Page 1) Diagram XVII. Proportion of the population at several ages in groups of administrative areas to the total population at the same ages in England and Wales, 1911
(Pages 69-71) Table XX. Population at ages in groups of administrative areas and proportion in each group to the total in England and Wales at the same age, 1911  Download table
(Pages 72-82)Contract subtree Populations of individual areas
(Page 74) Table XXI. Types of population  Download table
(Pages 74-82)Contract subtree Diagrams XVIII.-XXV. Typical populations compared with population of England and Wales
(Page 75) Table XXII. Types of population  Download table
(Page 76) Table XXIII. Types of population  Download table
(Page 78) Table XXIV. Types of population  Download table
(Page 80) Table XXV. Types of population  Download table
(Page 82) Table XXVI. Types of population  Download table
(Pages 83-85)Contract subtree Birth-and death-rates in typical populations
(Page 84) Table XXVII. Birth-rates and death-rates, 1901 and 1911, and intercensal rates of increase, 1881-1911, in typical populations  Download table
(Pages 85-86, Pages 1-88)Contract subtree Mis-statement of age
(Page 86) Table XXVIII. Numbers enumerated at each year of age under five, 1871-1911  Download table
(Page 86) Table XXIX. Numbers enumerated in the second and third year of life in some European countries  Download table
(Page 1) Diagram XXVI. Enumerated population at each year of age, 1911
(Page 88) No original table title  Download table
(Page 88) Diagram XXVII. Age distribution of females in the United Kingdom compared with that in England and Wales, 1911
(Pages 88-91)Contract subtree 3. Condition as to marriage
(Page 89) Table XXX. Proportion of unmarried, married and widowed in 1000 of each sex aged 20 years and upwards  Download table
(Page 90) Table XXXI. Proportions of unmarried, married, and widowed in 1000 males and 1000 females in each age-group  Download table
(Page 91) Diagram XXVIII. Proportion of unmarried, married, and widowed males and females per 1000 living in each age-group, 1911
(Pages 91-94)Contract subtree 4. Graduation of ages
(Page 92) Diagram XXIX. England and Wales. Enumerated population at each year of age compared with graduated population, 1911
(Page 93) Table XXXII. Graduated numbers. England and Wales, males  Download table
(Page 94) Table XXXIII. Graduated numbers. England and Wales, females  Download table
(82 pages)Contract subtree IV. Occupations and industries
(Pages 95-97) 1. Returns made at previous censuses
(Pages 97-98)Contract subtree 2. Scope of the inquiry
(Page 98) No original table title  Download table
(Pages 98-99) 3. Processes of tabulation
(Pages 99-116, Pages 1-118, Pages 1-150)Contract subtree 4. Analysis of orders and sub-orders
(Pages 100-102)Contract subtree (I.) General or local government of the country
(Page 101) Table XXXIV. Civil service (excluding postal telegraphists and telephone operators, but including other postal officials)  Download table
(Page 102) No original table title  Download table
(Page 102) No original table title  Download table
(Pages 102-103) (II.) Defence of the country
(Pages 103-106) (III.) Professional occupations and their subordinate services
(Pages 106-108)Contract subtree (IV.) Domestic and other allied services
(Page 106) No original table title  Download table
(Page 106) No original table title  Download table
(Page 107) No original table title  Download table
(Page 107) No original table title  Download table
(Pages 108-110)Contract subtree (V) Commercial occupations
(Page 108) Table XXXV. Commercial travellers: Summary of distribution by industry or service  Download table
(Page 109) Table XXXVI. Commercial clerks; summary of distribution by industry or service  Download table
(Page 109) No original table title  Download table
(Pages 110-112)Contract subtree (VI.) Conveyance of men, goods and messages
(Page 110) No original table title  Download table
(Page 111) No original table title  Download table
(Page 112) No original table title  Download table
(Pages 112-116, Pages 1-117)Contract subtree (VII.) Agriculture
(Page 113) Table XXXVII. Persons engaged in agriculture, 1901 and 1911  Download table
(Page 113) No original table title  Download table
(Page 114) No original table title  Download table
(Page 115) No original table title  Download table
(Page 116) Table XXXVIII. Proportion per 1000 of male population aged 10 years and upwards engaged in agriculture, 1901 and 1911  Download table
(Page 1) Map 3. Distribution, by counties, of agricultural workers
(Page 117) (VIII.) Fishing
(Pages 117-118, Pages 1-119)Contract subtree (IX.) Persons working in and about, and working and dealing in the products of, mines and quarries
(Page 118) Table XXXIX. Males engaged in mineral extraction at each census, 1851 to 1911, and increase or decrease per cent. in each intercensal period, 1881 to 1911  Download table
(Page 1) Map 4. Distribution, by counties, of coal miners
(Page 119) No original table title  Download table
(Pages 119-122)Contract subtree (X.) Metals, machines, implements and conveyances
(Page 121) No original table title  Download table
(Page 122) Table XI. Persons engaged in the construction of vehicles, 1901 and 1911  Download table
(Pages 122-123)Contract subtree (XI.) Precious metals, jewels, watches, instruments and games apparatus
(Page 122) No original table title  Download table
(Page 123) No original table title  Download table
(Pages 123-124)Contract subtree (XII.) Building and works of construction
(Page 124) Table XLI. Ages of males engaged in building trades, 1901 and 1911  Download table
(Pages 124-125)Contract subtree (XIII.) Wood, furniture, fittings and decorations
(Page 125) Table XLII. Persons working and dealing in furniture, fittings, and decorations, 1901 and 1911; and increase or decrease per cent  Download table
(Pages 125-126) (XIV.) Brick, cement, pottery and glass
(Pages 126-127)Contract subtree (XV.) Chemicals, oil, grease, soap, resin, &c
(Page 127) No original table title  Download table
(Page 128) (XVI.) Skins, leather, hair and feathers
(Pages 128-131)Contract subtree (XVII.) Paper, prints, books and stationery
(Page 129) No original table title  Download table
(Page 129) No original table title  Download table
(Page 129) No original table title  Download table
(Page 130) No original table title  Download table
(Pages 131-135)Contract subtree (XVIII.) Textile fabrics
(Page 131) No original table title  Download table
(Page 132) Table XLIII. Workers and dealers in textile fabrics (excluding elastic web manufacture, and drapers, linen drapers, mercers)  Download table
(Page 132) Table XLIV. Textile manufactures; numbers employed, 1901 and 1911, and increase or decrease per cent. in 1891-1901 and 1901-1911  Download table
(Page 133) Cotton manufacture  Download table
(Page 133) Wool and worsted manufacture  Download table
(Pages 135-138)Contract subtree (XIX.) Dress
(Page 136) No original table title  Download table
(Page 136) Table XLV. Persons returned as working and dealing in dress, 1901 and 1911; and increase or decrease per cent  Download table
(Pages 138-142)Contract subtree (XX.) Food, tobacco, drink and lodging
(Page 139) Table XLVI. Ages of milksellers, butchers, grocers, greengrocers, and bankers, 1901 and 1911 (males)  Download table
(Page 140) No original table title  Download table
(Page 140) No original table title  Download table
(Page 140) Table XLVII. Persons returned as dealing in spirituous drinks and providing board and lodging, 1901 and 1911  Download table
(Page 141) No original table title  Download table
(Pages 142-143)Contract subtree (XXI.) Gas, water and electricity supply, and sanitary service
(Page 142) No original table title  Download table
(Pages 143-145)Contract subtree (XXII.) Other, general, and undefined workers and dealers
(Page 143) No original table title  Download table
(Page 144) No original table title  Download table
(Page 145) No original table title  Download table
(Pages 146-150)Contract subtree (XXIII.) Persons without specified occupations or unoccupied
(Page 146) Table XLVIII. Persons without specified occupations or unoccupied, 1891, 1901, and 1911  Download table
(Page 149) Table XLIX. "Pensioners" and "retired" according to former occupation. Males, 1911  Download table
(Page 150) Table L. "Pensioners" and "retired" according to former occupation. Females, 1911  Download table
(25 pages)Contract subtree 5. General summary
(Pages 151-152)Contract subtree Proportions of males occupied at several ages
(Page 151) No original table title  Download table
(Page 152, Pages 1-153)Contract subtree Age-distribution of males in various occupations
(Page 152) No original table title  Download table
(Page 1) Diagram XXX. England and Wales. Age-distribution of males aged 20 years and upwards in certain occupations
(Page 153) Table LI. Age-distribution of males aged 20 years and upwards in certain occupations compared with that of all occupied males  Download table
(Pages 153-155)Contract subtree Numbers and ages of married males in various occupations
(Page 154) No original table title  Download table
(Pages 155-156)Contract subtree Summary of male occupations in urban and rural districts
(Page 155) Table LII. Males per 10000 living aged 10 years and upwards in groups of occupations; England and Wales, aggregate of urban districts and aggregate of rural districts, 1901 and 1911  Download table
(Pages 156-158, Pages 1-159)Contract subtree Proportions of females occupied
(Page 156) Table LIII. Occupied females, 1901 and 1911  Download table
(Page 157) Table LIV. Proportions of females occupied per 1000 at various age-groups, 1901 and 1911  Download table
(Page 157) Table LV. Proportions of females occupied per 1000 total females at age-groups in two classes of occupations, 1901 and 1911  Download table
(Page 158) Table LVI. Proportions of females occupied per 1000 living at various age-groups in the aggregates of urban and rural districts  Download table
(Page 1) Diagram XXXI. Proportion of females "occupied" per 10000 living in administrative counties, distinguishing the unmarried, married and widowed
(Page 2) Diagram XXXII. Proportion of females "occupied" per 10000 living in each county borough and other urban district of which the population exceeded 50000 persons in 1911, distinguishing the unmarried, married and widowed
(Pages 159-160)Contract subtree Summary of female occupations
(Page 159) Table LVII. Females (unmarried, married, and widowed) per 10000 living aged 10 years and upwards, in groups of occupations, 1901 and 1911  Download table
(Page 160) Table LVIII. Females (unmarried, married, and widowed) per 10000 living aged 10 years and upwards, in groups of occupations in the aggregates of urban and of rural districts  Download table
(Pages 160-161)Contract subtree Females of several ages in various occupations
(Page 161) Table LIX. Females (unmarried, and married or widowed) per 10000 in each age-group in certain occupations., 1911  Download table
(Pages 161-162)Contract subtree Proportions of females in certain occupations, 1861-1911
(Page 161) No original table title  Download table
(Page 162) No original table title  Download table
(Page 162) Occupational classes
(Page 162, Pages 1-166)Contract subtree Employment of children and young persons
(Page 162) No original table title  Download table
(Page 1) Map 5. Distribution, by counties, of industrial and commercial population
(Page 2) Diagram XXXIII. Proportions per 1000 of males and of females aged 10 years and upwards in occupational classes in administrative counties together with associated county boroughs
(Page 3) Diagram XXXIV. Proportions per 1000 of boys and girls under 14 engaged in occupations in each county borough, and other urban district of which the population exceeded 50000 persons in 1911
(Page 163) No original table title  Download table
(Page 163) No original table title  Download table
(Page 164) No original table title  Download table
(Page 165) Table LX. Age-distribution of males under 21 in certain occupations  Download table
(Page 166) Table LXI. Numbers returned as "apprentices" in certain occupations  Download table
(Pages 167-168)Contract subtree Summary of industries or services
(Page 167) Table LXII. Summary of principal industries or services  Download table
(Page 169) Scope of the inquiry
(Pages 170-188, Pages 1-190, Pages 1-191)Contract subtree Number and proportion of tenements of various sizes
(Pages 170-174)Contract subtree In England and Wales
(Page 170) Table LXIII. England and Wales. Families of various sizes in tenements of various sizes per 100000 private families  Download table
(Page 171) Table LXIV. England and Wales. Population in private families and tenements of various sizes  Download table
(Page 171) Table LXV. England and Wales. Population in families and tenements of various sizes, per 100000 persons in private families  Download table
(Page 172) No original table title  Download table
(Page 172) Diagram XXXV. Proportions per cent. of private families and of population in private families living in tenements of various numbers of rooms
(Page 173) Table LXVI. England and Wales. Population and proportion per cent. of population living under various conditions of room accommodation  Download table
(Page 174) Table LXVII. England and Wales. Tenements of various sizes, etc., at the censuses of 1891, 1901 and 1911  Download table
(Pages 174-177)Contract subtree In aggregates of urban and rural districts
(Page 174) Table LXVIII. Aggregate of urban districts. Families of various sizes in tenements of various sizes per 100000 private families  Download table
(Page 175) Table LXIX. Aggregate of rural districts. Families of various sizes in tenements of various sizes per 100000 private families  Download table
(Page 176) Table LXX. Tenements of various sizes, etc., in the aggregates of urban and rural districts  Download table
(Page 177) Table LXXI. Tenements of various sizes, etc., in the aggregates of urban and of rural districts, at the censuses of 1891, 1901 and 1911  Download table
(Page 177) Table LXXII. Proportion per cent. of population living under various conditions of room. Accommodation in England and Wales, London, and the totals of county boroughs, other urban districts and rural districts  Download table
(Pages 177-181)Contract subtree In the county of London
(Page 178) Table LXXIII. County of London. Families of various sizes in tenements of various sizes per 100000 private families  Download table
(Page 178) Table LXXIV. County of London. Population in families and tenements of various sizes per 100000 persons in private families  Download table
(Page 179) No original table title  Download table
(Page 179) No original table title  Download table
(Page 179) No original table title  Download table
(Page 180) Table LXXV. County of London. Tenements of various sizes, etc., at the censuses of 1891, 1901 and 1911  Download table
(Pages 181-183)Contract subtree In the principal cities of the United Kingdom
(Page 181) Table LXXVI. Principal cities of the United Kingdom. Numbers of tenements of various sizes and population enumerated therein  Download table
(Page 182) Table LXXVII. Principal cities of the United Kingdom. Tenements of various sizes per 1000 total tenements; population enumerated in tenements of various sizes per 1000 total population; and average numbers of occupations per room in tenements of various sizes  Download table
(Page 183) Table LXXVIII. Families of various sizes per 1000 families in six of the principal cities of Great Britain  Download table
(Pages 183-186)Contract subtree In the Metropolitan boroughs
(Page 183) Table LXXIX. Metropolitan boroughs having the highest proportions of tenements of certain sizes  Download table
(Page 184) Table LXXX. Metropolitan boroughs. Proportion per 1000 persons living under various conditions of room accommodation  Download table
(Page 185) Table LXXXI. Tenements of less than five rooms, etc., in London and the Metropolitan boroughs at the censuses of 1901 and 1911  Download table
(Pages 186-188, Pages 1-189)Contract subtree In administrative counties
(Page 186) Table LXXXII. Counties with the highest and lowest proportions of tenements of certain sizes  Download table
(Page 187) Table LXXXIII. Counties with the highest and lowest proportions of families of certain sizes  Download table
(Page 188) Table LXXXIV. Counties with the highest and lowest proportions of population living under various conditions of room accommodation  Download table
(Page 1) Diagram XXXVI. Proportion of tenements of fewer than five rooms to total tenements in each county borough, and other urban district of which the population exceeded 50000 persons in 1911
(Pages 189-190, Pages 1-191)Contract subtree In county boroughs and large towns
(Page 189) No original table title  Download table
(Page 190) Table LXXXV. Towns with highest and lowest proportions of families of certain sizes  Download table
(Page 190) Table LXXXVI. Towns with highest and lowest proportions of population living under various conditions of room accommodation  Download table
(Page 1) Diagram XXXVII. Proportions of population living under various conditions of room-accommodation in the large towns
(Pages 191-192) Tenements with more than two occupants per room in urban and rural districts
(Pages 193-203)Contract subtree VI. Buildings of various kinds
(Page 193) Scope of the inquiry
(Page 193) Classification of buildings
(Pages 193-195) Buildings used as dwellings
(Pages 195-196) Buildings not used as dwellings
(Pages 196-199)Contract subtree Number of inhabited buildings and average number of occupants
(Page 197) Table LXXXVII. Large towns. Highest and lowest average numbers of persons per inhabited house  Download table
(Page 197) Table LXXXVIII. Metropolitan boroughs. Highest and lowest average numbers of persons per inhabited house  Download table
(Page 198) No original table title  Download table
(Page 199) Table LXXXIX. England and Wales. Total of urban districts, rural districts, &c.; proportion per cent. pf population in dwellings of various kinds  Download table
(Pages 199-200)Contract subtree Number of uninhabited dwellings and dwellings being built
(Page 200) Table XC. England and Wales. Number of houses (inhabited, uninhabited and being built) at each census, 1801-1911. Percentage increase of population and inhabited houses and proportion of houses uninhabited and being built to inhabited houses  Download table
(Page 200) Table XCI. England and Wales. Total of urban districts, rural districts, &c.; number of houses (inhabited, uninhabited and being built) in 1901 and 1911. Percentage increase of inhabited houses, and proportion of houses uninhabited and being built to inhabited houses, 1911  Download table
(Pages 201-203)Contract subtree Number of places of worship and proportion to population
(Page 201) Table XCII. Number of places of worship and average population to each place of worship, 1851 and 1911  Download table
(Page 202) Table XCIII. England and Wales. Total of urban districts, rural districts, &c.; average number of buildings of various kinds to 100000 population  Download table
(Pages 203-206, Pages 1-231)Contract subtree VII. Birthplaces
(Page 203) Scope of the inquiry
(Page 203) Returns made at previous censuses
(Pages 204-205)Contract subtree Summary of birthplaces
(Page 204) Table XCIV. Birthplaces of persons, males and females, and proportions per 100000 of the total population of each sex, 1911  Download table
(Page 205) Table XCV. Persons born in the several parts of the United Kingdom and elsewhere per 100000 of the population enumerated in England and Wales, 1851 to 1911  Download table
(Page 205) Diagram XXXVIII. Proportion of the population of England and Wales born elsewhere, distinguishing persons born in Scotland, Ireland and other parts of the British Empire and foreign countries, 1851-1911
(Pages 205-206)Contract subtree Gain and loss of population by migration in counties
(Page 206) Table XCVI. Gain and loss by migration in registration counties, 1901-1911  Download table
(Page 206, Pages 1-208)Contract subtree Proportions of natives in the total population enumerated in administrative counties
(Page 206) Table XCVII. Administrative counties with the highest and lowest proportions of native-born inhabitants in their enumerated populations  Download table
(Page 1) Map 6. Proportion of native to total population in each county
(Page 207) Table XCVIII. Proportion of native-born to total population in counties (with associated county boroughs)  Download table
(Pages 208-209)Contract subtree Proportion of the total natives of each county enumerated in their county of birth
(Page 208) Table XCIX. Administrative counties in which natives were enumerated in highest and lowest proportions to total natives of the same counties enumerated in England and Wales  Download table
(Page 209) No original table title  Download table
(Pages 209-210)Contract subtree Natives of, and residents in, the large towns
(Page 210) Table C. Large towns; immigration and emigration  Download table
(Page 211) Movement between counties and county boroughs
(Pages 211-213)Contract subtree Birthplaces of the population of London
(Pages 211-212) Table CI. Birthplaces of the population of London at each census, 1861-1911  Download table
(Page 213) Table CII. Persons born in London and enumerated in certain counties in England and Wales, 1851-1911  Download table
(Pages 213-214)Contract subtree Natives of Scotland
(Page 213) Table CIII. Administrative counties and large towns with highest proportions of natives of Scotland  Download table
(Pages 214-215)Contract subtree Natives of Ireland
(Page 214) Table CIV. Administrative counties and large towns with highest proportions of natives of Ireland  Download table
(Page 215) Natives of Islands in the British Seas
(Pages 215-216) Persons born in British colonies or dependencies
(Pages 216-225)Contract subtree Persons born in foreign countries
(Page 217)Contract subtree British subjects by parentage
(Page 217) Table CV. Persons born abroad, distinguishing British subjects and foreigners, and enumerated in England and Wales at each census, 1851 to 1911  Download table
(Page 218)Contract subtree Naturalised British subjects
(Page 218) Table CVI. Large towns with high proportions of foreign-born British subjects by parentage  Download table
(Page 218) Table CVII. Large towns with high proportions of naturalised British subjects  Download table
(Page 219)Contract subtree Country of birth of foreigners
(Page 219) Table CVIII. Number of foreigners of various nationalities, and proportion to total foreigners, 1891, 1901, and 1911  Download table
(Page 220)Contract subtree Local distribution of foreigners of various nationalities
(Page 220) Table CIX. Distribution of foreigners of various nationalities  Download table
(Page 221)Contract subtree Foreigners in London
(Page 221) No original table title  Download table
(Pages 221-222)Contract subtree Local distribution of foreigners of all nationalities
(Page 222) Table CX. Counties and large towns with highest proportions of foreigners  Download table
(Pages 222-223)Contract subtree Sex, age and condition as to marriage of foreigners
(Page 223) Table CXI. Males and females of various nationalities and ages per 100000 persons at all ages  Download table
(Page 223) Proportions per 1000 of each sex aged 20 years and upwards  Download table
(Pages 223-225)Contract subtree Occupations of foreigners
(Pages 224-225) Table CXII. Occupations of foreigners, 1901 and 1911  Download table
(Pages 225-226) Birthplaces not stated
(Pages 226-231)Contract subtree Age-constitution of migrant population
(Pages 227-228) Table CXIII. Age-distribution of males and females (1) born outside specified areas and enumerated within them, and (2) born within specified areas and enumerated in other parts of England and Wales; proportions per 1000 of each sex  Download table
(Page 230) Table CXIV. Birthplace and age-distribution of males and females born outside the administrative county of Monmouth, but enumerated therein  Download table
(Pages 231-244)Contract subtree VIII. Infirmities
(Pages 231-233)Contract subtree Scope of the inquiry
(Page 231) No original table title  Download table
(Pages 233-236)Contract subtree The blind
(Page 234) Table CXV. Number and proportion of the blind at each census from 1851 to 1911  Download table
(Page 234) Table CXVI. Proportion of blind per million of each sex in each age-group, 1871-1911  Download table
(Pages 235-236) Table CXVII. Occupations of the blind aged ten years and upwards at the censuses of 1901 and 1911  Download table
(Page 236)Contract subtree The deaf (other than deaf mutes)
(Page 236) Table CXVIII. Proportion of deaf (other than deaf mutes) per million of each sex in each age-group, 1911  Download table
(Pages 236-238)Contract subtree The deaf and dumb
(Page 237) Table CXIX. Proportion of deaf and dumb per million of each sex in each age-group, 1871-1911  Download table
(Page 238) No original table title  Download table
(Pages 238-244)Contract subtree The insane
(Page 238) Table CXX. Number and proportion of the insane at each census from 1871 to 1911  Download table
(Page 239) Table CXXI. Proportion of insane per million living in each age-group, 1871-1911  Download table
(Page 240) Table CXXII. Proportion of lunatic and imbecile or feeble-minded per million living in each age-group, 1901 and 1911  Download table
(Page 240) Table CXXIII. Proportion of lunatic, imbecile, and feeble-minded per million of the population  Download table
(Page 241) Table CXXIV. Numbers of the insane enumerated in workhouse institutions, in lunatic asylums, in other institutions, and elsewhere at the censuses of 1901 and 1911  Download table
(Page 242) Table CXXV. Administrative counties (together with associated county boroughs). Numbers of the insane enumerated in workhouses, lunatic asylums, other institutions, and elsewhere, also proportions of insane persons not in institutions to 100000 of the population  Download table
(Pages 243-244) Table CXXVI. Total number of pauper lunatics, idiots, and persons of unsound mind belonging to each administrative county, and to each county borough on 1st January, 1911  Download table
(Page 244) No original table title  Download table
(Page 244) Combined infirmities
(Pages 245-254)Contract subtree IX. Language spoken in Wales and Monmouthshire
(Page 245) Scope of the inquiry
(Page 245) Returns at previous census
(Page 245) Standard of proficiency in English or Welsh
(Pages 245-246) Method of tabulation
(Page 246)Contract subtree General results compared with previous censuses
(Page 246) Table CXXVII. Wales and Monmouthshire. Proportional numbers speaking English only, Welsh only, and both English and Welsh, 1891, 1901 and 1911  Download table
(Pages 246-247)Contract subtree Age-distribution of the several classes of the population
(Page 247) Table CXXVIII. Wales and Monmouthshire. Proportions per 1000 persons at each age-group speaking English only, Welsh only, and both English and Welsh, 1901 and 1911  Download table
(Pages 247-248)Contract subtree Sex comparisons
(Page 248) Table CXXIX. Wales and Monmouthshire. Proportions per 1000 of males and of females at each age-group speaking English only, Welsh only, and both English and Welsh, 1911  Download table
(Pages 248-253)Contract subtree Local distribution of the several classes of the population
(Page 249) Table CXXX. Administrative counties and county boroughs. Proportion per 1000 persons at each age-group speaking English only, 1911; and proportion at all ages, 1901 and 1911  Download table
(Page 250) Table CXXXI. Administrative counties and county boroughs. Proportion per 1000 persons at each age-group speaking Welsh only, 1911; and proportion at all ages, 1901 and 1911  Download table
(Page 251) No original table title  Download table
(Page 251) Table CXXXII. Administrative counties and county boroughs. Proportion per 1000 persons at each age-group speaking both English and Welsh, 1911; and proportion at all ages, 1901 and 1911  Download table
(Page 252) No original table title  Download table
(Page 252) Table CXXXIII. Administrative counties and county boroughs. Proportion per 1000 persons speaking English and Welsh respectively, inclusive of those speaking both languages, 1901 and 1911; and ratios per cent. of proportions in 1911 to those in 1901  Download table
(Pages 253-254)Contract subtree Language spoken in Wales, Scotland and Ireland
(Page 253) No original table title  Download table
(4 pages)Contract subtree Appendix A
(Pages 255-256) Census act
(Pages 257-258) Occupier's schedule
(4 pages)Contract subtree Appendix B. Method of tabulating census results
(Page 262) No original table title  Download table
(23 pages)Contract subtree Appendix C. Tables relating to the United Kingdom
(Page 263) Table 1. Population enumerated at each census 1821 to 1911 in the United Kingdom and in its several divisions  Download table
(Page 263) Table 2. Increase or decrease per cent. of population in each intercensal period; sex-proportions, and density of population at each census 1821 to 1911 in the United Kingdom and in its several divisions  Download table
(Page 264) Table 3. Ages of males and females in the United Kingdom and in its several divisions, 1911  Download table
(Page 265) Table 4. Sex and age-distribution of population in England and Wales, Scotland and Ireland, 1911: Proportion of males and females living at twelve groups of ages, per million persons living at all ages  Download table
(Page 265) Table 5. Sex and age-distribution of population in the United Kingdom, 1891, 1901, and 1911: Proportion of males and females living at twelve groups of ages, per million persons living at all ages  Download table
(Page 266) Table 6. Condition as to marriage of males and females at various periods of age in the United Kingdom and in its several divisions, 1911  Download table
(Page 267) Table 7. Condition as to marriage: Proportion of unmarried, married and widowed in 1000 males and 1000 females living, aged 20 years and upwards, in the United Kingdom and in its several divisions, 1891, 1901 and 1911  Download table
(Page 267) Table 8. Proportions of unmarried, married and widowed males and females in 1000 living at each age-group, in the United Kingdom and in its several divisions, 1911  Download table
(Pages 268-281) Table 9. Occupations of persons (males and females, aged 10 years and upwards) in the United Kingdom and in its several divisions at each census, 1881 to 1911  Download table
(Page 282) Table 10. Birthplaces of the population enumerated in the United Kingdom and in its several divisions in 1891, 1901 and 1911  Download table
(Page 283) Table 11. Numbers of blind, deaf and dumb, and mentally deranged, in the United Kingdom and in its several divisions, 1911. Males and females at various ages  Download table
(Page 284) Table 12. Proportions of blind, deaf and dumb, and mentally deranged per million living at various ages in the United Kingdom and in its several divisions, 1911. Males and females  Download table
(Page 285) Table 13. Numbers, and proportions per million living, of blind, deaf and dumb, and mentally deranged in the United Kingdom and in its several divisions, at the census of 1911 and at former censuses  Download table
(99 pages)Contract subtree Appendix D. Tables relating to the British Empire
(Page 286) Table 1. Area and population: 1891, 1901 And 1911  Download table
(Page 286) No original table title  Download table
(Pages 287-291) Table 2. British Empire. Area; houses, 1901 and 1911; population, 1891, 1901 and 1911; increase or decrease of population per cent. in two intercensal periods; and proportion of females to 1000 males, 1911  Download table
(Page 292) Footnotes to Table 2
(Pages 293-297) Table 3. British Empire. Chief cities and towns. Population, 1901 and 1911, and increase or decrease of population, 1901-1911  Download table
(Pages 298-303) Table 4. British Empire. Ages of males and females in those colonies, &c. for which returns are available  Download table
(Pages 304-311) Table 5a. British Empire. Condition as to marriage of males and females in conjunction with age for those colonies, &c., for which returns are available  Download table
(Pages 312-313) Table 5b. British Empire. Condition as to marriage of males and females for those colonies, &c. where ages are not shown in relation thereto  Download table
(Pages 314-348) Table 6. British Empire. Occupations of males and females in those colonies, &c. for which returns are available  Download table
(Pages 349-351) Table 6a. List of occupational headings adopted at the census of England and Wales, 1911  Download table
(Pages 352-361) Table 7. British Empire. Birthplaces of males and females in those colonies, &c. for which returns are available  Download table
(Pages 362-369) Table 8. British Empire. Religions of the population in those colonies, &c. for which returns are available  Download table
(Pages 370-371) Table 9. British Empire. Population distributed according to certain races in those colonies, &c. for which such information is available  Download table
(Pages 372-376) Table 10a. British Empire. Males and females of various ages suffering from certain infirmities in those colonies, &c. for which the information is available  Download table
(Pages 377-379) Table 10b. British Empire. Males and females, distinguishing where possible the unmarried, married, and widowed, suffering from certain infirmities in those colonies, &c. for which the information is available  Download table
(Pages 380-383) Table 11. General scope of the censuses in the several parts of the British Empire  Download table