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Forty-third annual report of the registrar-general

Table of Contents

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(Pages i-iv) Title page & contents
(150 pages)Contract subtree Report
(Page v) Introduction
(Pages v-vi) Emigration and immigration
(Page vi) Increase of population
(Pages vi-xv) Marriages; marriage-rate; relation between marriage rate and commercial activity; number of marriages celebrated according and not according to the rites of the Established Church; previous condition of persons married; ages of persons married; marriages of minors; signatures in marriage registers; buildings registered for the solemnization of marriages; certified places of worship; designations of religious bodies
(Pages xv-xvi) Births. Number registered and birth-rate; comparison with other European states; illegitimate births and rate; sex; comparison with other European countries, and with London in previous centuries
(Pages xvi-xxxi) Deaths. Number registered; general death-rate; local rates; sex; mortality of males and females at various ages; increase of mortality among children; centenarians; mortality in relation to seasons; registered causes of death of different classes; influence of vaccination on mortality from small-pox; suicides, local distribution, manner, and sex; certification of causes of death
(Page xxxi) Progress of registration. Aggregate number of names on the registers; number of searches in the registers and of certificates granted at the central office
(Page xxxi) The army. Strength and mortality of the army at home and abroad
(Page xxxii) The navy. Strength and mortality of the navy
(Page xxxii) Births and deaths of British subjects at sea; marine register book; mortality of mercantile marine
(Page xxxiii) European states, marriage, birth, and death rates
(Pages xxxiv-xxxvi) Meteorology; remarks by James Glaisher, Esq., F. R. S
(Pages xxxvii-cliii)Contract subtree Preliminary tables
(Page xxxviii) 1. Estimated population, and number of marriages, births, and deaths registered in England, in each of the forty-two years 1838-80
(Page xxxix) 2. Proportions of persons married, of births, and deaths to 1000 of the population of England, in each of the forty-three years 1838-80
(Page xl) 3. Proportions of persons married, of births and of deaths to 1000 of the population of England, during the forty-three years 1838-80
(Page xli) 4. Marriages in England in each of the forty years 1841-80
(Page xlii) 5. Proportion per cent. of marriages in England in each of the forty years 1841-80, solemnised according to, and not according to, the rites of the Established Church; also of civil marriages in superintendent registrar's office
(Page xliii) 6. Marriages in England in the forty years 1841-1880, civil conditions of persons married; number of minors married; and of persons who signed the marriage register with marks
(Page xliv) 7. Marriages in England, and annual rate of persons married per 1000 living, in each quarter of the forty-three years 1838-80
(Page xlv) 8. Marriages in England. The proportion per cent. of minors of each sex, of males and females who signed the register with marks, and of persons who were widowers and widows, in each of the forty years 1841-80
(Page xlvi) 9. Persons married to 1000 persons living in the several counties of England during each of the eleven years 1870-80
(Page xlvii) 10. Proportional numbers of persons married in the several counties of England during the year 1880; of persons, who signed the register with marks; of persons not of full age; and of re-marriages
(Page xlviii) 11. Number of buildings registered for the solemnization of marriages, and on the register on 31st December 1880; classified according to the several Christian denominations by which they were registered
(Page xlix) 12. Number and annual rate per 1000 living, of births in England during each quarter of the forty-three years 1838-80
(Page l) 13. Legitimate and illegitimate births and birth-rates in England in the forty-three years 1838-80; proportion of males to females born
(Page li) 14. Proportion of illegitimate children to every 100 births in the several counties of England in each of the eleven years 1870-80
(Page lii) 15. Number and proportion of male and female children, legitimate and illegitimate, born in the several counties of England during the year 1880
(Page liii) 16. Proportion of male and female children born in the several counties of England in each of the eleven years, 1870-80
(Page liv) 17. Births to 1000 persons living in the several counties of England during each of the eleven years, 1870-80
(Page lv) 18. Estimated population and annual rate of mortality of males and of females in England, in each of the forty-three years 1838-80; and proportion of deaths of males to those of females
(Page lvi) 19. Number and annual rate per 1000 persons living of deaths in England during each quarter of the forty-three years 1838-80
(Page lvii) 20. England. Deaths registered at different ages in each of the forty-three years 1838-80. Males
(Page lviii) 21. England. Deaths registered at different ages in each of the forty-three years 1838-80. Females
(Page lix) 22. England. Mortality per 1000 at twelve groups of ages in forty-three years 1838-80. Males
(Page lx) 23. England. Annual rates of mortality per 1000 of males living at twelve groups of ages in each of the forty-three years 1838-80
(Page lxi) 24. England. Mortality per 1000 at twelve groups of ages in forty-three years 1838-80. Females
(Page lxii) 25. England. Annual rates of mortality per 1000 of females living at twelve groups of ages in each of the forty-three years 1838-80
(Page lxiii) 26. Death to 1000 persons living in the several counties of England during each of the eleven years, 1870-80
(Page lxiv) 27. England. Annual rate of mortality per 1000 of persons, males and females, living at twelve groups of age, in each of the registration divisions, during 1880
(Page lxv) 28. England. Annual rate of mortality per 1000 persons, living at twelve groups of age, in each of the registration counties, during 1880
(Page lxvi) 29. Deaths of children under one year to 1000 births in the several counties of England in each of the eleven years 1870-80
(Page lxvii) 30. Deaths of 68 persons (20 males and 48 females) registered in England and Wales during the year 1880 and returned as aged 100 years and upwards
(Pages lxviii-lxxiii) 31. Causes of death registered in England in each of the 28 years 1853-1880
(Pages lxxiv-lxxvi) 32. Causes of death registered in England in each of the 16 years 1865-1880. To 1000000 persons living, the deaths from each class of causes, and from each cause
(Page lxxvii) 33. Causes of death in England in 1880. Proportional number dying from each class of causes, and from each cause, to 1000000 deaths from specified causes
(Pages lxxviii-lxxxi) 34. Mean annual rate of mortality in England from each class of causes and from each cause of death during the 30 years 1850-1879, and in each quinquenniad of that period; also the rate of mortality in the years 1878, 1879, and 1880
(Page lxxxii) 35. Causes of death in England in the year 1880, arranged in the order of their fatality
(Page lxxxiii) 36. Causes of death of males and females in England in 1880. Deaths from each class of causes, and from each cause to 1000000 living of each sex
(Page lxxxiv) 37. England. Death-rate per 1000 persons living, from certain causes, in each of the registration counties in the year 1880
(Page lxxxv) 38. Deaths from scarlet fever in each of the counties of England in the year 1880, and in each of the 10 preceding years 1870-1879
(Page lxxxvi) 39. Deaths in England from fever, at several groups of ages, in each of the 17 years 1864-80
(Page lxxxvi) 40. Deaths from fever typhus, enteric or typhoid, and simple continued fever in England to 10000 persons living, and proportional number to 1000 deaths, in the 31 years 1850-80
(Page lxxxvii) 41. Deaths in each of the counties of England from fever (typhus, enteric or typhoid, and simple continued) in the year 1880 and in each of the 10 preceding years, 1870-79
(Page lxxxviii) 42. Deaths in England in 1880 of women after childbearing, classed to various diseases, and not referred either to childbirth or to metria in the abstracts
(Page lxxxix) 43. Deaths in England in 1880 of women, who were returned as pregnant, referred to various diseases in the abstracts
(Page lxxxix) 44. Deaths in England of women referred to childbirth in each of the 34 years 1847-80
(Page xc) 45. Births registered, deaths referred to childbirth, and mortality of mothers per 1000 children born alive, in each of the counties of England in the year 1880
(Page xci) 46. Deaths of 29 persons (24 males and 5 females) referred to hydrophobia in England in the year 1879
(Page xcii) 47. Deaths by lightning in England, and in each of the 11 divisions during the 10 years 1871-80, and the annual average rate during each of the decades 1861-70 and 1871-80
(Page xcii) 48. Deaths by lightning in England in each of the years 1879-80
(Page xciii) 49. Deaths in 20 large English towns in the 52 weeks ending 1st January 1881
(Page xciii) 50. Analysis of the mortality in the 20 large English towns in the 52 weeks ending 1st January 1881
(Page xciv) 51. Deaths and mortality from seven zymotic diseases in 20 large towns
(Page xciv) 52. Deaths and mortality from small-pox in 20 large towns
(Page xcv) 53. Deaths and mortality from measles in 20 large towns
(Page xcv) 54. Deaths and mortality from scarlet fever in 20 large towns
(Page xcvi) 55. Deaths and mortality from diphtheria in 20 large towns
(Page xcvi) 56. Deaths and mortality from whooping-cough in 20 large towns
(Page xcvii) 57. Deaths and mortality from fever in 20 large towns
(Page xcvii) 58. Deaths and mortality from diarrhoea in 20 large towns
(Page xcviii) 59. Proportional mortality of children under one year of age from different causes, to 1000 births, in England, and in 15 large English towns, 1873-79 and 1880
(Pages xcix-ciii) 60. Deaths by different diseases in England in 1879, classified according to the nomenclature drawn up by a committee appointed by the royal college of physicians of London
(Page civ) 61. The average prices of consols of wheat, of meat, of potatoes, and of coal, and also the average number of paupers relieved on the last day of the week, in each of the twenty-nine years 1852-80, and in each quarter of the nine years 1872-1880
(Page cv) 62. Average annual rate of mortality to 1000 of the population in England and its 11 registration divisions in the three decades 1851-60, 1861-70 and 1871-80, in the year 1880, and in each quarter of that year
(Page cv) 63. Annual rate of mortality per 1000 in town and county districts of England in each quarter of the eleven years 1870-1880
(Page cvi) 64. Annual rate of mortality per 1000 in town and county districts of England and Wales in the 30 years 1851-80
(Page cvi) 65. Proportional number of deaths of children under one year of age to 1000 births registered in 20 large towns, 1870-80
(Page cvii) 66. Mortality of twenty large English towns, 1870-80
(Page cvii) 67. Estimated population and deaths in 1880, and annual rate of mortality, of children under five years of age, in 20 large towns, 1875-80
(Page cviii) 68. Mean temperature in Greenwich and annual rates of mortality per 1000 persons living in twenty large English towns, in each week of 1880
(Page cix) 69. Annual rate of mortality from all causes and from the principal zymotic diseases in each of the years 1874-80, in fifty large town districts
(Page cx) 70. Population; births and deaths; and rates of mortality during 1880 in fifty large town districts
(Page cxi) 71. Population; persons to an acre; births and deaths; annual birth and death rates; mean temperature and rainfall, in the 52 weeks of the year 1880, in London and twenty-two other large towns of the United Kingdom
(Page cxi) 72. London. Deaths in public institutions in the 52 or 53 weeks of each of the thirteen years 1868-80
(Page cxii) 73. London. Population, births, deaths, and birth and death rates in the thirteen years 1868 to 1880
(Page cxiii) 74. London. Annual rate of mortality during the 41 years 1840-1880, in five groups of Metropolitan districts
(Page cxiv) 75. London. Outer ring. Population; births; deaths from all causes and from seven zymotic diseases; and the annual rate of mortality during the 52 weeks ending 1st January 1881
(Page cxiv) 76. Births and deaths in 1880 in 30 foreign cities
(Page cxv) 77. Aggregate number of names on the register at the end of each of the forty-four years 1837-80; also the annual number of searches in the registers at the central office (exclusive of searches in non-parochial registers), and amount of fees received for all searches and certificates
(Pages cxvi-cxvii) 78. Mean annual values of meteorological elements in the year 1880. By James Glaisher, Esq., F. R. S
(Pages cxviii-cxix) 79. Mean annual values of meteorological elements in the year 1880 for different parallels of latitude
(Pages cxviii-cxix) 80. Meteorology of Greenwich in the thirty-two years 1849-1880
(Pages cxx-cxxi) 81. Greenwich meteorological elements for the year 1880
(Pages cxx-cxxi) 82. Meteorological table for London, 1880
(Page cxxii) 83. Area, estimated population, and marriages, births, and deaths registered in the United Kingdom, in the year 1880
(Page cxxii) 84. Proportion per 1000 of marriages, births, and deaths to the population of the United Kingdom, in the year 1880
(Page cxxiii) 85. Population, area, births, and deaths in the Islands in the British Seas in each of the thirty years 1851-1880
(Page cxxiv) 86. Number and destination of emigrants (including foreigners) in each of the ten years from 1871 to 1880 inclusive
(Page cxxiv) 87. Number and destination of emigrants of English origin in each of the ten years from 1871 to 1880 inclusive
(Page cxxv) 88. Average strength of the army at home, in the year 1880
(Page cxxv) 89. Average strength of the English army in each of the twenty years 1861-80, and its distribution in different parts of the United Kingdom and abroad
(Page cxxv) 90. Average strength, deaths, and annual rate of mortality per 1000 of the army in the United Kingdom in 1880
(Page cxxvi) 91. Average strength of the British army abroad in each of the years 1877-80
(Page cxxvi) 92. Number of deaths in the British army during each of the four years 1877-1880
(Page cxxvi) 93. Annual rate of mortality per 1000 amongst the officers and non-commissioned officers and men in the army abroad, in each of the twenty-three years 1858-80
(Page cxxvii) 94. Nationality of the army serving at home and abroad in 1861 and 1871
(Page cxxvii) 95. Deaths of officers and men in the army abroad, and estimated numbers belonging to England and Wales, Scotland, Ireland, and foreign parts, in each of the twenty-three years 1858-1880
(Page cxxviii) 96. Births and deaths among passengers, British subjects, on board merchant vessels at sea, including soldiers, marines, and invalided seamen from the royal navy, in each of the twenty-five years 1856-1880
(Page cxxix) 97. Mortality of merchant seamen at sea, in the twenty-nine years 1852-80
(Page cxxx) 98. Return of the ages, rating, and causes of death of 4100 seamen reported to the board of trade in the year 1880 as having died in the British merchant service
(Page cxxxi) 99. Estimated population of the United Kingdom, (including Islands in the British Seas) with army, navy, and merchant seamen abroad belonging thereto
(Pages cxxxii-cxxxv) 100. Population of the United Kingdom estimated to the middle of each of the eighty-one years 1801-81, exclusive of the population of the Islands in the British Seas, and of the portions of the army, navy, and merchant service abroad
(Page cxxxvi) 101. Proportions of persons married, births, and deaths per 1000 of the population in thirteen European states
(Page cxxxvii) 102. England and Wales. Population; number, and proportion per 1000, of persons married, births, and deaths, in each of the years 1853 to 1880
(Page cxxxvii) 103. Denmark (the kingdom properly so called). Population; number, and proportion per 1000, of persons married, births, and deaths, in each of the years 1850 to 1880
(Page cxxxviii) 104. Sweden. Population; number, and proportion per 1000, of persons married, births, and deaths, in each of the years 1850 to 1880
(Page cxxxviii) 105. Austria. Population; number, and proportion per 1000, of persons married, births, and deaths, in each of the years 1853 to 1880
(Page cxxxix) 106. Hungary and Transylvania. Population; number, and proportion per 1000, of persons married, births, and deaths, in each of the years 1866 to 1880
(Page cxxxix) 107. Switzerland. Population; number, and proportion per 1000, of persons married, births, and deaths, in each of the years 1868 to 1880
(Page cxxxix) 108. German Empire. Population; number, and proportion per 1000, of persons married, births, and deaths, in each of the years 1872 to 1880
(Page cxl) 109. Prussia. Population; number, and proportion per 1000, of persons married, births, and deaths, in each of the years 1853 to 1880
(Page cxl) 110. The Netherlands. Population; number, and proportion per 1000, of persons married, births, and deaths, in each of the years 1853 to 1880
(Page cxli) 111. Belgium. Population; number, and proportion per 1000, of persons married, births, and deaths, in each of the years 1853 to 1880
(Page cxli) 112. France. Population; number, and proportion per 1000, of persons married, births, and deaths, in each of the years 1853 to 1880
(Page cxlii) 113. Spain. Population; number, and proportion per 1000, of persons married, births, and deaths, in each of the years 1861 to 1870
(Page cxlii) 114. Italy (inclusive of Venetia). Population; number, and proportion per 1000, of persons married, births, and deaths, in each of the years 1863 to 1880
(Pages cxliii-cxlv) 115. Changes in the constitution of the registration districts and sub-districts during the year 1880
(Pages cxlvi-cliii) 116. Changes in the constitution of the superintendent registrars' districts and registration sub-districts during the 10 years 1871-80
(222 pages)Contract subtree Abstracts
(Pages 1-28)Contract subtree Marriages
(Pages 2-25)Contract subtree Marriages registered in England in each of the registration divisions, counties, and districts; distinguishing those according and those not according to the rites of the Established Church, and the number in each quarter of the year; distinguishing also the previous civil condition of persons married, minority, and signature of the register by marks
(Pages 2-5) Divisions and counties
(Pages 6-25)Contract subtree Districts
(Pages 6-7) London
(Pages 6-9) South East
(Pages 8-11) South Midland
(Pages 12-15) South West
(Pages 14-17) West Midland
(Pages 18-19) North Midland
(Pages 18-21) North West
(Pages 20-21) Yorkshire
(Pages 22-23) North
(Pages 23-25) Wales
(Pages 26-28) Ages of persons married, distinguishing those of bachelors, spinsters, widowers, widows
(Pages 29-84)Contract subtree Marriages, in the divisions, counties, and districts of England in the year 1880. Births and deaths, in the divisions, counties, districts, and sub-districts of England, in the year 1880
(Pages 30-31) Divisions and counties
(Pages 32-40)Contract subtree Districts
(Page 32) London
(Pages 32-33) South East
(Pages 33-34) South Midland
(Pages 35-36) South West
(Pages 36-37) West Midland
(Pages 37-38) North Midland
(Page 38) North West
(Pages 38-39) Yorkshire
(Page 39) North
(Page 40) Wales
(Pages 41-84)Contract subtree Sub-districts
(Pages 41-43) London
(Pages 43-49) South East
(Pages 49-53) South Midland
(Pages 57-62) South West
(Pages 62-68) West Midland
(Pages 68-71) North Midland
(Pages 71-74) North West
(Pages 74-78) Yorkshire
(Pages 79-81) North
(Pages 81-84) Wales
(Pages 85-97)Contract subtree Births, illegitimate births, and deaths, registered in each of the four quarters of the year 1880, in divisions and counties
(Pages 86-89) Births registered in the divisions and counties (distinguishing males and females) in each of the four quarters
(Pages 90-93) Births of children born out of wedlock registered in the divisions and counties (distinguishing males and females) in each of the four quarters
(Pages 94-97) Deaths registered in divisions and counties (distinguishing males and females) in each of the four quarters
(Pages 99-120)Contract subtree Deaths in public institutions, 1880
(Page 99) Note
(Pages 100-120)Contract subtree Deaths of males and females in public institutions
(Pages 100-101) Divisions and counties
(Pages 102-120)Contract subtree Districts
(Pages 102-103) London
(Pages 103-106) South East
(Pages 106-108) South Midland
(Pages 109-111) South West
(Pages 112-114) West Midland
(Pages 114-115) North Midland
(Pages 115-116) North West
(Pages 116-118) Yorkshire
(Pages 121-143)Contract subtree Deaths at different ages, 1880, in divisions, counties, and districts, distinguishing males and females
(Pages 122-143)Contract subtree Deaths of males and females at different ages registered in divisions, counties, and districts
(Pages 122-125) Divisions and counties
(Pages 126-143)Contract subtree Districts
(Pages 126-127) London
(Pages 126-129) South East
(Pages 128-131) South Midland
(Pages 132-135) South West
(Pages 134-137) West Midland
(Pages 136-137) North Midland
(Pages 138-139) North West
(Pages 138-141) Yorkshire
(Pages 145-221)Contract subtree Causes of death at different ages in England and London. Causes of death in divisions and counties. Deaths from several causes in divisions, counties, and districts. Violent deaths
(Pages 146-155) Causes of death of males and females in England at different periods of life
(Pages 156-161) Causes of death of males and females in London at different periods of life
(Pages 162-185)Contract subtree Causes of death of males and females in England, and in each of the divisions and counties
(Pages 162-167) Divisions
(Pages 168-185) Counties
(Pages 186-197) Deaths from several zymotic and other causes, and inquest cases, in the divisions, counties, and districts of England
(Pages 198-204) Violent deaths in England, distinguishing sex and age
(Pages 205-211) Violent deaths in each of the eleven divisions of England, distinguishing sex
(Pages 212-213) Deaths returned as having occurred from suicide in England, distinguishing sex and age
(Pages 214-215) Deaths returned as having occurred from suicide in each of the eleven divisions of England, distinguishing sex
(Pages 216-217) Deaths returned as having occurred from murder and infanticide in England, distinguishing sex and age
(Page 218) Deaths returned as having occurred from murder and infanticide in each of the eleven divisions of England, distinguishing sex
(Pages 219-220) Deaths returned as having occurred from manslaughter in England, distinguishing sex and age
(Page 221) Deaths returned as having occurred from manslaughter in each of the eleven divisions of England, distinguishing sex
(34 pages)Contract subtree Indexes
(Pages 223-238) Index of districts, sub-districts, and of certain towns, referring to numbers used in the several tables of abstracts
(Pages 239-256) Alphabetical index to report and tables