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Census of the British Empire, Report, 1901

Table of Contents

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(Pages i-xiii) Title & contents pages
(50 pages)Contract subtree Report
(Page xv) Introduction
(Page xvi) I. Area
(Pages xvi-xviii) II. Population
(Page xix) III. Density of population
(Pages xx-xxii) IV. Towns
(Pages xxiii-xxiv) V. Sexes
(Pages xxv-xxvi) VI. Ages
(Pages xxvii-xxviii) VII. Conditions as to marriage
(Pages xxix-xxxviii) VIII. Occupations
(Pages xxxix-xlviii) IX. Birthplaces
(Pages xlix-li) X. Religions
(Pages lii-lv) XI. Education
(Pages lvi-lviii) XII. Infirmities
(Pages lix-lxiv) XIII. Conclusion
(71 pages)Contract subtree Summary tables
(Page 1) Table 1. Area and population on or about 1st April, 1901
(Pages 2-7) Table 2. Area; houses, 1901; population, enumerated or estimated, 1891 and 1901, and increase or decrease in population, 1891-1901
(Pages 8-11) Table 3. Chief cities and towns; population 1891 and 1901; and increase or decrease in population, 1891-1901
(Pages 12-25) Table 4. Ages of persons, males and females, in those colonies, &c., for which returns are available
(Pages 26-35) Table 5. Condition as to marriage, and ages, of persons, males and females, in those colonies, &c., for which returns are available
(Pages 36-51) Table 6. Occupations of males and females in those colonies, &c., for which returns are available
(Pages 52-53) Table 6a. List of occupational headings adopted in the census of England and Wales, 1901
(Pages 54-63) Table 7. Birthplaces of persons, males and females, in those colonies, &c., for which returns are available
(Pages 64-67) Table 8. Religions of the population in those colonies, &c., for which returns are available
(Page 68) Table 9. Degrees of elementary education of the population in those colonies, &c., for which returns are available
(Pages 69-70) Table 10. The numbers of the blind, deaf and dumb, lunatics, imbeciles and feeble-minded, lepers, and those suffering from some other infirmities in those colonies, &c., for which returns are available
(Page 71) Dates on which the census was taken in the United Kingdom and in the several colonies, &c
(230 pages)Contract subtree Detailed tables
(Pages 72-75)Contract subtree 1. Gibraltar
(Page 72) Table 1. Area; population, 1901
(Page 72) Table 2. Population at each census, i860 to 1901
(Page 72) Table 3. Births and deaths registered in the city and territory, 1882 to 1900
(Pages 72-73) Table 4. Condition as to marriage and ages of persons, males and females, of the civil and military population, 1901
(Page 73) Table 5. Birthplaces of persons, males and females, enumerated in the city and territory, and in the port and harbour, 1901
(Pages 73-75) Table 6. Occupations of males and females of the civil population of the city and territory, 1901
(Page 75) Table 7. Tenements of fewer than five rooms distinguishing those occupied by various numbers of persons, 1901
(Page 75) Table 8. The blind, the deaf and dumb, the imbecile, and the lunatic at seven groups of ages, 1901
(Pages 76-83)Contract subtree 2. Maltese Islands
(Page 76) Table 1. Area; houses, 1901 population, 1891 and 1901
(Page 76) Table 2. Civil, military, naval and merchant shipping population, 1891 and 1901
(Page 76) Table 3. Civil population at each census, 1842 to 1901
(Page 76) Table 4. Civil population enumerated in the chief towns at each census, 1861-1901
(Page 76) Table 5. Births, deaths, and marriages registered during the intercensal period, 1891-1901
(Page 77) Table 6. Ages of persons, males and females, 1891 and 1901 (excluding military, naval, and merchant shipping population)
(Page 77) Table 7. Condition as to marriage and ages of persons, males and females, 1901 (excluding the military, naval, and merchant shipping population)
(Pages 77-78) Table 8. Birthplaces of the civil population, distinguishing Maltese, other British subjects, and foreigners
(Pages 78-81) Table 9. Occupations of males and females aged five years and upwards (civil population), 1901
(Page 81) Table 10. Abstract of returns showing approximately the number of Maltese British subjects, residing in countries bordering on the Mediterranean at or about the time of the censuses of 1891 and 1901
(Page 82) Table 11. The blind, deaf and dumb, idiotic or imbecile, lunatic, and leprous at seven groups of ages, distinguishing those living in charitable institutions, and in the case of the blind, and the deaf and dumb, those so afflicted from birth, 1901
(Page 82) Table 12. Total families; the number of rooms occupied by each family (exclusive of institutions), and the number of persons to each family, 1901
(Page 83) Table 13. Religions of the civil population, 1901
(Page 83) Table 14. Education of the Maltese population persons aged five years and upwards able to speak, read, and write English and Italian, and those able to read and write Maltese, 1901
(Page 83) Table 15. Education of the Maltese population aged five years and upwards. Degrees of knowledge of English and Italian, 1901
(Pages 83-87)Contract subtree 3. Cyprus
(Page 83) Table 1. Area; houses, 1901, and population, 1881, 1891, and 1901
(Page 84) Table 2. The six administrative districts. Area; houses, 1901, and population, 1891 and 1901
(Page 84) Table 3. Chief towns, houses, 1901, and population, 1881, 1891, and 1901
(Page 84) Table 4. Ages of persons, males and females, 1891 and 1901
(Page 85) Table 5. Condition as to marriage and ages of persons, males and females, 1901
(Pages 85-86) Table 6. Occupations of males and females, 1901
(Page 86) Table 7. Birthplaces of persons, males and females, 1901
(Page 87) Table 8. Religions of the population, 1891 and 1901
(Page 87) Table 9. The blind, deaf and dumb, insane and leprous, at seven groups of ages, 1901
(Pages 87-110)Contract subtree 4. Indian Empire
(Page 87) Table 1. Area; occupied houses, and population, 1901
(Page 88) Table 2. Occupied houses and population in urban and rural districts, 1901
(Page 88) Table 3. Increase or decrease in the population of provinces, states and agencies during each intercensal period, 1872-1901
(Page 89) Table 4. Number of persons to a house, and number of houses per square mile in provinces, states and agencies, 1881, 1891, and 1901
(Page 89) Table 5. Population of towns at the censuses of 1891 and 1901, having in 1901 a population exceeding 50000 persons
(Page 90) Table 6. Ages of persons, males and females, 1901
(Page 90) Table 7. Condition as to marriage and ages of persons, males and females, 1901
(Pages 90-91) Table 8. Condition as to marriage and ages of persons, males and females, in provinces, and in states and agencies, 1901
(Pages 91-105) Table 9. Occupations of the people, 1901
(Page 106) Table 10. Birthplaces of persons, males and females, 1901
(Page 106) Table 11. Birthplaces of the population in provinces, and states and agencies, 1901
(Page 107) Table 12. Religions of the population, 1901
(Page 107) Table 13. Population returned at four groups of ages as "illiterate", "literate", and "literate in English", 1901
(Page 108) Table 14. Population classified according to language spoken, 1901
(Page 108) Table 15. General statement of languages spoken in provinces, and states and agencies, 1901
(Page 109) Table 16. Males and females returned as insane, deaf and dumb, blind and leprous, in provinces, and states and agencies, 1901
(Page 109) Table 17. Males and females returned as insane, deaf and dumb, blind and leprous, at several age groups, 1901
(Page 110) Table 18. Distribution of the population in the chief castes, 1901
(Pages 110-121)Contract subtree 5. Ceylon
(Page 110) Table 1. Area; occupied houses, families, and population, 1901
(Page 110) Table 2. Occupied houses and population, distinguishing the civil population at each census, 1871 to 1901. Increase per cent. of occupied houses, and of civil population in each intercensal period
(Page 111) Table 3. Principal towns; area; occupied houses, and civil population, 1901
(Page 111) Table 4. Births, deaths, and marriages, registered in the years 1881-1900. Excess of births over deaths, excess of Indian immigrants over emigrants, and estimated population in the middle of each year, 1881-1900 inclusive
(Page 111) Table 5. Ages and condition as to marriage of the civil population, 1901
(Pages 112-119) Table 6. Occupations of males and females, distinguishing "earners" and "dependents" (civil population), 1901
(Page 119) Table 7. Birthplaces of the civil population, 1901
(Page 120) Table 8. Religions of the several races among the civil population
(Page 121) Table 9. Numbers and proportions of the several races among the civil population able to read and write, and the numbers able to read and write English, distinguishing males and females
(Page 121) Table 10. The blind, deaf-mute, insane and idiotic, males and females, at various groups of ages, 1901
(Pages 121-126)Contract subtree 6. Straits Settlements
(Page 121) Table 1. Area; population, 1891 and 1911
(Page 122) Table 2. Number of houses and resident population (exclusive of Christmas and Cocos Islands), 1901
(Page 122) Table 3. Resident population in town and country districts, 1901
(Page 122) Table 4. Ages of the resident population, 1901
(Page 123) Table 5. Males returned as "married", distinguishing the principal nationalities or races
(Page 123) Table 6. Races or nationalities of persons, males and females, at the censuses of 1891 and 1901
(Page 124) Table 7. Nationalities of the male resident population at 12 groups of ages
(Page 125) Table 8. Nationalities of the female resident population at 12 groups of ages
(Page 126) Table 9. Nationalities of Europeans and Americans, distinguishing the resident and floating populations, 1901
(Pages 126-129)Contract subtree 7. Federated Malay States
(Page 126) Table 1. Area; houses, 1901, and population, 1891 and 1901
(Page 127) Table 2. Population, 1891 and 1901 enumerated in each district of the states of the federation
(Page 127) Table 3. Population, 1891 and 1901, enumerated in the chief towns
(Page 127) Table 4. Ages of the population in the several states; persons, males and females, 1901
(Page 128) Table 5. Ages of the population of various races; persons, males and females, 1901
(Pages 128-129) Table 6. Occupations of persons, males and females, 1901
(Page 129) Table 7. Nationalities and races in the several states, 1901
(Page 130) 8. State of Johore. (No census)
(Pages 130-131)Contract subtree 9. State of North Borneo
(Page 130) Table 1. Number, age and sex of the population enumerated in the several districts, 1901
(Page 130) Table 2. Nationality, age and sex of persons enumerated in the whole territory, 1901
(Page 131) Table 3. Occupations and nationalities of the population, 1901
(Page 131) 10. Brunei. (No census)
(Page 132) 11. Labuan: Age, sex, nationality, and occupations of the population, 1901
(Page 133) 12. Sarawak. (No census)
(Pages 133-138)Contract subtree 13. Hong Kong
(Page 133) Table 1. Population at each census, 1857 to 1901 (including shipping and military)
(Page 133) Table 2. Houses and population enumerated in the new territory, 1901
(Page 133) Table 3. Civil population of different nationalities; persons, males and females, 1901
(Page 134) Table 4. Ages of the civil population; persons, males and females, 1901
(Pages 134-135) Table 5. Birthplaces of the population; persons, males and females, distinguishing those of British origin, the Portuguese, and the Chinese, 1901
(Page 135) Table 6. European and American population, according to race
(Page 135) Table 7. Non-Chinese other than Europeans, Americans, and Eurasians, according to race
(Page 136) Table 8. Occupations of the non-Chinese portion of the community, 1901
(Pages 137-138) Table 9. Occupations of the Chinese land population, 1901
(Pages 138-139)Contract subtree 14. Wei-Hai-Wei
(Page 138) Table 1. Civil, military and naval populations; persons, males and females, distinguishing the various races and, where possible, adults and children, 1901
(Page 139) Table 2. Total population; persons, males and females, distinguishing Europeans, Chinese, Indians and Japanese
(Pages 139-141)Contract subtree 15. Gambia
(Page 139) Table 1. Area; houses, 1901; and population, 1891 and 1901
(Page 139) Table 2. Number of persons, males and females, at each census, 1851 to 1901
(Page 139) Table 3. Number of persons, males and females, enumerated in the several localities, 1901
(Page 139) Table 4. Ages of persons, males and females, 1901
(Page 140) Table 5. Condition as to marriage of persons, males and females, 1901
(Page 140) Table 6. Nationalities and tribal divisions of the population, 1901
(Page 140) Table 7. Colour and religion of the population, 1901
(Page 141) Table 8. Occupations of the population, 1901
(Page 141) Table 9. Number of persons returned as blind, deaf and dumb, imbecile, idiotic, lunatic, and leprous, 1901
(Page 141) Table 10. Number of persons, males and females, in the protectorate, 1901
(Page 141) Table 11. Ages of persons, males and females, in the protectorate, 1901
(Pages 142-144)Contract subtree 16. Sierra Leone
(Page 142) Table 1. Area; houses, 1901, and population 1891 and 1901 of the colony of Sierra Leone
(Page 142) Table 2. Area; houses and population of the protectorate, 1901
(Page 142) Table 3. Persons, males and females, enumerated in each district of the colony, 1901
(Page 142) Table 4. Ages of persons, males and females, 1901
(Page 143) Table 5. Nationalities and tribal divisions of the population, 1891 and 1901
(Page 143) Table 6. Religions of the population, 1891 and 1901
(Page 143) Table 7. Occupations of persons, males and females, 1901
(Page 144) Table 8. The number of persons, males and females, suffering from various infirmities, 1901
(Pages 144-145)Contract subtree 17. Gold Coast
(Page 144) Table 1. Comparative statement of the population of the census districts, 1891 and 1901
(Page 144) Table 2. Persons, males and females, in the census districts of the Gold Coast colony, 1901 (exclusive of Ashanti and the Northern Territories)
(Page 145) Table 3. Population enumerated in the chief towns, 1901
(Pages 145-146)Contract subtree 18. Lagos
(Page 145) Table 1. Population of the colony and protectorate, 1901
(Page 145) Table 2. Island and harbour of Lagos and Ebute Metta. Condition as to marriage of the population, 1901
(Page 145) Table 3. Island and harbour of Lagos and Ebute Metta. Race, religion, and elementary education of the population; and number of english-speaking persons, 1901
(Page 146) Table 4. Island and harbour of Lagos and Ebute Metta. Occupations of the population, 1891 and 1901
(Page 146) 19. Nigeria. (No census)
(Pages 146-160)Contract subtree 20. Cape of Good Hope (1904)
(Page 146) Table 1. Area; houses and population, 1904
(Page 147) Table 2. Population at the censuses 1865 to 1904 of the colony as constituted at each successive census
(Page 147) Table 3. Aggregates of urban and rural areas; persons, males and females, 1904, distinguishing the principal races
(Page 147) Table 4. Towns with populations exceeding 5000 in 1904. Inhabited houses; population, 1891; and persons, males and females, in 1904, distinguishing the European or white population
(Pages 148-149) Table 5. Persons, males and females, at each year of age, (a) as enumerated and (b) as actuarially interpolated, distinguishing the Europeans or whites
(Page 149) Table 6. Condition as to marriage of persons, males and females, distinguishing the principal races, 1904
(Page 150) Table 7. Condition as to marriage and ages of males and females, 1904
(Pages 151-156) Table 8. Occupations of males and females, distinguishing Europeans or whites, 1904
(Page 157) Table 9. Birthplaces of persons, males and females, 1904
(Pages 157-159) Table 10. Religions of the population, distinguishing the principal races, 1904
(Page 159) Table 11. Degrees of education of persons, males and females, at various groups of ages, 1904
(Page 160) Table 12. Degrees of education of persons, males and females, of each of the principal races, 1904
(Page 160) Table 13. Sickness and infirmities of persons, males and females, of each of the principal races, and at various groups of ages, 1904
(Pages 160-161)Contract subtree 21. Basutoland (1904)
(Page 160) Table 1. Houses and population, distinguishing the whites from the natives and other coloured races, 1904
(Page 160) Table 2. Houses, native population at two age groups at the censuses, 1891 and 1904
(Page 161) Table 3. Population distinguishing the whites, the natives, and other coloured races in each district, 1904
(Page 161) Table 4. Religions of the population and numbers of scholars attending schools, 1904
(Pages 161-169)Contract subtree 22. Natal (1904)
(Page 161) Table 1. Area and population of the colony (including Zululand and the new territories), 1904
(Page 161) Table 2. Race distinction of the population, 1904
(Page 161) Table 3. Ages of the total native population (natives in service and in native areas), 1904
(Pages 162-163) Table 4. Area; occupied houses, and population in the several districts, distinguishing the various races, 1904
(Page 164) Table 5. Ages of persons, males and females, of all races (natives excepted), 1904
(Pages 164-165) Table 6. Condition as to marriage, and ages of persons, males and females, of all races (natives excepted), 1904
(Page 166) Table 7. Occupations of persons, males and females, of all races (natives excepted), 1904
(Page 167) Table 8. Birthplaces of persons, males and females, 1904
(Pages 167-168) Table 9. Nationalities of persons, males and females, 1904
(Pages 168-169) Table 10. Religions of persons, males and females, of all races (natives excepted), 1901
(Page 169) Table 11. Degree of education of persons, males and females, of all races (natives excepted), 1904
(Page 169) Table 12. Infirmities of persons, males and females, of all races (natives excepted), 1904
(Pages 169-175)Contract subtree 23. Orange River colony (1904)
(Page 169) Table 1. Population at each census, 1880 to 1904, distinguishing Europeans or whites
(Page 170) Table 2. Proportion per cent. of white and coloured population to total population, and number of coloured persons to every 100 whites, at each census, 1880 to 1904
(Page 170) Table 3. The number of persons in the chief towns at two age-groups, distinguishing Europeans or whites, 1904
(Page 170) Table 4. Ages of persons, males and females, 1904
(Page 171) Table 5. Condition as to marriage and ages of persons, males and females, 1904
(Pages 171-173) Table 6. Occupations of persons, males and females, 1904
(Pages 173-174) Table 7. Birthplaces of persons, males and females, 1904
(Page 174) Table 8. Religions of persons, males and females, 1904
(Page 175) Table 9. Degree of education of persons, males and females, 1904
(Page 175) Table 10. Infirmities of persons, males and females, 1904
(Pages 175-176)Contract subtree 24. Transvaal (1904)
(Page 175) Table 1. Area; population, buildings and dwellings, 1904
(Page 176) Table 2. Summary of returns of urban, rural and military populations, 1904
(Page 176) Table 3. The number of males and females under and over 15 years of age; the percentage of females to persons under and over 15, and the percentage of males and females under 15 to the population
(Page 176) Table 4. Population of the municipalities comprised within the Witwatersrand area, distinguishing the different races
(Page 177)Contract subtree 25. Bechuanaland protectorate (1904)
(Page 177) Table 1. Ages and race distinction of the population, 1904
(Pages 177-178)Contract subtree 26. Southern Rhodesia (1904)
(Page 177) Table 1. Area; total population, 1904; European or white population, 1901 and 1904
(Page 177) Table 2. European or white population in each division, 1901 and 1904
(Page 177) Table 3. Native population, distinguishing (a) those enumerated on householders' schedules, and (b) those enumerated by the native department, including those working at the mines, 1904
(Page 178) Table 4. Condition as to marriage and race distinction of the native population exclusive of those enumerated on householders' schedules, distinguishing males under 15 years of age and those aged 15 years and upwards, 1904
(Page 178) 27. Northern Rhodesia, comprising the two provinces of North-Eastern Rhodesia and North-Western Rhodesia (Barotseland). (No census)
(Page 178) 28. British Central Africa. (No census)
(Page 178) 29. Zanzibar Island and Pemba Island. (No census)
(Page 178) 30. East Africa protectorate. (No census)
(Page 178) 31. Uganda protectorate. (No census)
(Page 178) 32. Somaliland protectorate. (No census)
(Page 179)Contract subtree 33. Ascension Island
(Page 179) Table 1. Area; population, 1891 and 1901
(Page 179) Table 2. Ages of persons, males and females, 1901
(Page 179) Table 3. Condition as to marriage and ages of persons, males and females, 1901
(Page 179) Table 4. Occupations of persons, males and females, 1901
(Page 179) Table 5. Birthplaces of persons, males and females, 1901
(Pages 180-181)Contract subtree 34. St. Helena
(Page 180) Table 1. Area; population, 1901
(Page 180) Table 2. Resident population; persons, males and females, at each census, 1839 to 1901
(Page 180) Table 3. Ages of the resident population; persons, males and females, 1901
(Page 180) Table 4. Condition as to marriage of the resident population; persons, males and females, 1901
(Page 180) Table 5. Occupations of the resident population; males and females, 1901
(Page 181) Table 6. Birthplaces of the resident population, 1901
(Page 181) Table 7. Infirmities of the resident population: Persons, males and females, 1901
(Page 181) 35. Tristan da Cunha. (No census)
(Pages 181-185)Contract subtree 36. Mauritius and dependencies
(Page 181) Table 1. Mauritius and dependencies area. Houses and population, 1901
(Page 182) Table 2. Mauritius and dependencies persons, males and females, at each census, 1851 to 1901
(Page 182) Table 3. Island of Mauritius. Number of persons in each district living on sugar estates and those living elsewhere at each census, 1881 to 1901 (excluding military)
(Page 182) Table 4. Mauritius and dependencies. Ages of persons, males and females, 1901
(Page 183) Table 5. Mauritius and dependencies. Condition as to marriage of persons, males and females, 1901
(Pages 183-184) Table 6. Mauritius and dependencies. Occupations of males and females (excluding military), 1901
(Page 184) Table 7. Mauritius and dependencies. Birthplaces of persons, males and females (excluding military), 1901
(Page 185) Table 8. Island of Mauritius. Indian population compared with the general population (excluding military and foreign shipping populations), 1846 1901
(Page 185) Table 9. Mauritius and dependencies. Religions of persons, males and females (excluding military), 1901
(Page 185) Table 10. Mauritius and dependencies. Number of males and females returned as deaf, dumb, blind, and insane, 1901
(Pages 186-188)Contract subtree 37. Seychelles Islands
(Page 186) Table 1. Area; houses and population, 1891 and 1901, in the several Islands
(Page 186) Table 2. Persons, males and females, at each census, 1851 to 1901 (exclusive of persons on ships not belonging to the colony)
(Page 186) Table 3. Ages of persons, males and females, 1901
(Page 187) Table 4. Condition as to marriage, distinguishing the African population from the general population, 1901
(Page 187) Table 5. Occupations of the population, 1901
(Page 187) Table 6. Birthplaces of the population, 1901
(Page 188) Table 7. Nationalities of the population, 1901
(Page 188) Table 8. Religions of the population; persons, males and females, 1901
(Page 188) Table 9. Number of persons, males and females, returned as blind, deaf, dumb, and insane, 1901
(Page 188) 38. Socotra. (No census)
(Pages 188-194)Contract subtree 39. Dominion of Canada
(Page 188) Table 1. Area; houses and population, 1901
(Page 189) Table 2. Population at each census, 1871 to 1901, with increase or decrease per cent. For provinces and territories
(Page 189) Table 3. Population in the aggregates of urban and rural districts, 1891 and 1901
(Page 189) Table 4. Population of cities and towns having more than 10000 inhabitants in 1901, compared with 1871, 1881, and 1891
(Pages 190-191) Table 5. Ages of persons, males and females, 1901
(Page 192) Table 6. Condition as to marriage of persons, males and females, 1901
(Page 192) Table 7. Birthplaces of the population enumerated in the several provinces, 1901
(Page 193) Table 8. Religions of the population, 1901
(Page 193) Table 9. Principal religious denominations in the provinces and territories, 1901
(Pages 193-194) Table 10. Persons, males and females, returned as blind, deaf and dumb, or of unsound mind in the provinces and territories, 1901
(Page 194) Table 11. Condition as to marriage, ages, origins, birthplaces, and occupations of persons returned as blind, deaf and dumb, or of unsound mind, 1901
(Pages 195-197)Contract subtree 40. Newfoundland and Labrador
(Page 195) Table 1. Area; houses and population, 1901
(Page 195) Table 2. Population enumerated at each census, 1857 to 1901
(Page 195) Table 3. Population of the chief towns, 1891 and 1901
(Page 195) Table 4. Ages of persons, males and females, 1901
(Page 196) Table 5. Condition as to marriage of the population, 1901
(Page 196) Table 6. Occupations of the population, 1891 and 1901
(Page 196) Table 7. Birthplaces of the population at the censuses of 1891 and 1901
(Page 196) Table 8. Religions of the population at the censuses of 1891 and 1901
(Page 197) Table 9. Number of persons. Males and females, who can read and write, 1891 and 1901
(Page 197) Table 10. The blind, deaf and dumb, and persons of unsound mind, at each census, 1857 to 1901
(Pages 197-199)Contract subtree 41. Bermudas or Somers Islands
(Page 197) Table 1. Area; houses and population, 1901
(Page 197) Table 2. Houses and civil population enumerated at each census, 1861 to 1901
(Page 197) Table 3. Houses and civil population enumerated in each parish and town, distinguishing the white and coloured populations, 1901
(Page 198) Table 4. Ages of the civil population, males and females, distinguishing the white and coloured populations, 1901
(Page 198) Table 5. Condition as to marriage in each parish and town, distinguishing the white and coloured populations, 1901
(Page 198) Table 6. Occupations of the civil population, 1901
(Page 199) Table 7. Birthplaces of the civil population, 1901
(Page 199) Table 8. Religions of the civil population at two groups of ages, distinguishing the white and coloured populations, 1901
(Page 199) Table 9. Education of the civil population, males and females, distinguishing the white and coloured populations, 1901
(Page 199) Table 10. Infirmities of the civil population, males and females, distinguishing the white and coloured populations, 1901
(Page 200)Contract subtree 42. Bahama Islands
(Page 200) Table 1. Area; population of the several Islands, 1891 and 1901
(Page 200) Table 2. Population at each census, 1861 to 1901
(Page 200) Table 3. Birthplaces and occupations of the population, 1901
(Page 200) Table 4. Ages and condition as to marriage, education, and infirmities of the population, 1901
(Page 201) 43. Jamaica. (No census)
(Page 201) 44. Cayman Islands. (No census)
(Pages 201-202)Contract subtree 45. Turks and Caicos Islands
(Page 201) Table 1. Area; houses and population, 1901
(Page 201) Table 2. Population at each census, 1851 to 1901 (exclusive of shipping)
(Page 201) Table 3. Ages of persons, males and females, 1901
(Page 201) Table 4. Condition as to marriage of persons, males and females, 1901
(Page 202) Table 5. Occupations of persons, males and females, 1501
(Page 202) Table 6. Population according to colour; persons, males and females, 1901
(Page 202) Table 7. Birthplaces of persons, males and females, 1901
(Page 202) Table 8. Education of persons, males and females, 1901
(Page 202) 46. Leeward Islands area; population, 1891 and 1901
(Pages 203-207)Contract subtree 47. Windward Islands
(Pages 203-205)Contract subtree Grenada and its dependencies
(Page 203) Table 1. Area; separate families, houses and population, 1901
(Page 203) Table 2. Separate families, houses and population at each census, 1861 to 1901
(Page 203) Table 3. Area; separate families, houses and population in each district, 1901
(Page 203) Table 4. Ages of persons, males and females, 1901
(Page 204) Table 5. Condition as to marriage, and ages of males and females, 1901
(Page 204) Table 6. Occupations of persons, males and females, 1901
(Page 205) Table 7. Birthplaces of males and females, 1901
(Page 205) Table 8. Religions of the population, 1901
(Page 205) Table 9. The number of blind, deaf and dumb, lunatic, imbecile and idiot, and leprous, 1901
(Pages 205-207)Contract subtree St. Lucia
(Page 205) Table 1. Area; separate occupiers and population, 1901
(Page 205) Table 2. Population at each census, 1772 to 1901
(Page 206) Table 3. Area; separate occupiers and population in each district, 1901
(Page 206) Table 4. Condition as to marriage and ages of males and females, 1901
(Page 206) Table 5. Occupations of the population, 1901
(Page 206) Table 6. Birthplaces of the population, 1901
(Page 207) Table 7. Religions of the population, 1901
(Page 207) Table 8. Infirmities of the population, 1901
(Page 207) St. Vincent. (No census)
(Page 207) 48. Barbados. (No census)
(Pages 207-210)Contract subtree 49. Trinidad and Tobago
(Page 207) Table 1. Area; houses and population, 1901
(Page 207) Table 2. Population at each census, 1861 to 1901
(Page 208) Table 3. Houses and population in boroughs, wards and ward unions, 1901
(Page 208) Table 4. Ages of persons, males and females, 1901
(Page 208) Table 5. Condition as to marriage of persons, males and females, 1901
(Page 209) Table 6. Occupations of the population, 1901
(Page 210) Table 7. Birthplaces of persons, males and females, 1901
(Page 210) Table 8. Religions of persons, males and females, 1901
(Page 210) Table 9. Number of the blind, and the deaf and dumb, persons, males and females, 1901
(Pages 211-213)Contract subtree 50. British Honduras
(Page 211) Table 1. Area; inhabited houses, 1901, and population, 1891 and 1901
(Page 211) Table 2. Population enumerated at each census, 1861 to 1901
(Page 211) Table 3. Area; inhabited houses, 1901, and population in each district of the colony, 1891 and 1901
(Page 211) Table 4. Population, 1891 and 1901, enumerated in the chief towns and Settlements
(Page 212) Table 5. Ages of persons, males and females, 1901
(Page 212) Table 6. Condition as to marriage of persons, males and females, 1901
(Page 212) Table 7. Occupations of the male population, 1901
(Page 213) Table 8. Birthplaces of persons, males and females, 1901
(Page 213) Table 9. Educational condition of the population, also the number of deaf, dumb, blind, and lunatic, idiot, or imbecile
(Page 213) 51. British Guiana. (No census)
(Pages 213-215)Contract subtree 52. Falkland Islands
(Page 213) Table 1. Area; houses and population, 1901
(Page 213) Table 2. Numbers of persons, males and females, at the censuses of 1881, 1891 and 1901
(Page 213) Table 3. Ages of persons, males and females, 1901
(Page 214) Table 4. Condition as to marriage, and ages of persons, males and females, 1901
(Page 214) Table 5. Occupations of persons, males and females, 1901
(Pages 214-215) Table 6. Birthplaces of persons, males and females, 1901
(Page 215) Table 7. Religions of persons, males and females, 1901
(Pages 215-229)Contract subtree 53. New South Wales (excluding Norfolk Island)
(Page 215) Table 1. Area; houses and population, 1901
(Page 215) Table 2. Houses and population enumerated at each census, 1821 to 1901
(Page 216) Table 3. Area; inhabited houses and population (exclusive of Aborigines and shipping), in each division, 1891 and 1901
(Page 216) Table 4. Area; inhabited houses and population, 1891 and 1901, in the principal towns (exclusive of Aborigines and shipping)
(Page 216) Table 5. Numbers of registered births and deaths; increase or decrease due to migration; and estimated population in each year, 1882 to 1902
(Pages 217-218) Table 6. Persons, males and females, at each year of age, 1901
(Page 219) Table 7. Condition as to marriage, and ages of persons, males and females, 1901
(Page 219) Table 8. Condition as to marriage, and ages of the Chinese, males and females, 1901
(Page 219) Table 9. Condition as to marriage, and ages of the Aborigines, males and females
(Page 220) Table 10. The relative ages at marriage of males and females who were returned as married at the census, showing the number of husbands and wives who, at marriage, were of the same or different ages to their partners
(Page 221) Table 11. The relative ages of husbands and wives; showing the number of husbands and wives married to partners of their own and of other ages; also showing the number of husbands whose wives were absent, and of wives whose husbands were absent on the night of the census
(Pages 222-224) Table 12. Birthplaces of persons, males and females, at two age groups under 21 years and over 21 years, 1901
(Page 224) Table 13. Number of persons, males and females, of various religions
(Page 225) Table 14. Degrees of education of males and females (exclusive of Aborigines) at various age groups, 1901
(Page 225) Table 15. Degrees of education of the Aborigines, at various age groups, 1901
(Page 226) Table 16. The proportion per cent. of males and females (exclusive of Aborigines) at three age groups who could read and write, read only, or who were unable to read at the last five censuses
(Page 227) Table 17. The number of inhabited dwellings of various sizes, with the number in each group occupied by various numbers of persons (exclusive of Aborigines), 1901
(Page 228) Table 18. Total dwellings of various sizes, the proportion of population living in them, and the average number of occupants per room; dwellings of the same sizes averaging more than two occupants per room, and proportion of the population living in such dwellings, 1901
(Pages 228-229) Table 19. Males and females at various ages, suffering from each description of infirmity (exclusive of Aborigines), 1901
(Pages 229-239)Contract subtree 54. Victoria
(Page 229) Table 1. Area; houses and population (including Aborigines), 1901
(Page 229) Table 2. Number of Chinese and Aborigines, persons, males and females, 1901
(Page 230) Table 3. Persons, males and females, at each census, 1861 to 1901, distinguishing the Chinese and Aborigines
(Page 230) Table 4. Chief towns area; houses, 1901, and population, 1891 and 1901
(Page 231) Table 5. Estimated population, marriages, births, and deaths, 1879 to 1903
(Pages 231-232) Table 6. Ages in detail, as returned on the census schedules, 1901
(Page 233) Table 7. Condition as to marriage, and ages of males and females, 1901
(Pages 233-234) Table 8. Condition as to marriage, and ages of Chinese and Aborigines, 1901
(Pages 234-235) Table 9. Birthplaces of persons, males and females, 1901
(Pages 235-236) Table 10. Religions of persons, males and females, 1901
(Page 236) Table 11. Religions of Chinese and Aborigines, 1901
(Page 237) Table 12. Degrees of education among males and females at various ages (including Chinese and Aborigines), 1901
(Page 238) Table 13. Sickness and infirmity of males and females at various ages, 1901
(Page 239) Table 14. Inhabited buildings number of persons and rooms in combination
(Pages 240-244)Contract subtree 55. Queensland
(Page 240) Table 1. Area; houses and population, 1901
(Page 240) Table 2. Houses and population at each census, 1861 to 1901 (excluding full-blooded and nomadic Aborigines)
(Page 240) Table 3. Houses, 1901, and population, 1891 and 1901, in the chief towns
(Page 241) Table 4. Estimated population, marriages, births and deaths, 1879 to 1903
(Page 241) Table 5. Ages of persons, males and females, distinguishing Aborigines, 1901
(Page 242) Table 6. Condition as to marriage and ages of males and females (including Aborigines), 1901
(Page 242) Table 7. Condition as to marriage and ages of Aborigines, 1901
(Pages 242-243) Table 8. Birthplaces of persons, males and females (including Aborigines), 1901
(Page 243) Table 9. Religions of persons, males and females (including Aborigines), 1901
(Page 244) Table 10. Degrees of education and ages of males and females (including Aborigines)
(Page 244) Table 11. Persons returned as suffering from sickness or accident, distinguishing those in public hospitals and persons returned as deaf and dumb or blind, 1901
(Pages 244-249)Contract subtree 56. South Australia (including the Northern Territory)
(Page 244) Table 1. Area; houses and population, 1901
(Page 245) Table 2. Population (exclusive of Aborigines) at each census, 1844 to 1901
(Page 245) Table 3. Houses, 1901, and population (exclusive of shipping and Aborigines), 1891 and 1901, in the largest towns
(Page 245) Table 4. Estimated population, marriages, births and deaths, 1879 to 1903
(Page 246) Table 5. Persons, males and females, at each year of age, 1901 (exclusive of Aborigines)
(Page 247) Table 6. Condition as to marriage and ages of persons, males and females, 1901 (exclusive of Aborigines)
(Page 247) Table 7. Birthplaces of persons, males and females, 1901 (exclusive of Aborigines)
(Page 248) Table 8. Religions of persons, males and females, 1901 (exclusive of Aborigines)
(Page 248) Table 9. Degrees of education and ages of males and females, 1901 (exclusive of Aborigines)
(Page 249) Table 10. Males and females (exclusive of Aborigines) at various groups of ages suffering from different infirmities, 1901
(Pages 249-257)Contract subtree 57. Western Australia
(Page 249) Table 1. Area; houses and population, 1901
(Page 249) Table 2. Population (exclusive of full-blooded Aborigines) at each census, 1818 to 1901
(Page 249) Table 3. Population (exclusive of full-blooded Aborigines) and habitations in each federal electorate and in the chief towns, 1901
(Page 250) Table 4. Estimated population, marriages, births and deaths, 1879 to 1903
(Pages 250-251) Table 5. Persons, males and females (exclusive of full-blooded Aborigines), at each year of age, 1901
(Page 251) Table 6. Aboriginal population classified according to age, 1901
(Page 252) Table 7. Condition as to marriage and ages of males and females (exclusive of full-blooded Aborigines), 1901
(Page 252) Table 8. Condition as to marriage and ages of full-blooded Aborigines, 1901
(Page 253) Table 9. Ages, in combination, of husbands and wives; ages of husbands whose wives were absent and of wives whose husbands were absent, 1901
(Page 254) Table 10. Birthplaces of persons, males and females (exclusive of full-blooded Aborigines), 1901
(Pages 254-255) Table 11. Religions of persons, males and females (inclusive of full-blooded Aborigines), 1901
(Page 255) Table 12. Degrees of education of males and females (exclusive of full-blooded Aborigines), at various ages, 1901
(Page 256) Table 13. Persons, males and females (exclusive of full-blooded Aborigines), suffering from sickness, accident, deaf-mutism, or blindness, classified according to age, 1901
(Page 257) Table 14. Habitations; materials and number of rooms, and population in each class of habitation, 1901
(Pages 257-261)Contract subtree 58. Tasmania
(Page 257) Table 1. Area; houses and population, 1901
(Page 257) Table 2. Houses and population at each census, 1847 to 1901
(Page 257) Table 3. Area; inhabited houses and population (specifying the number of Chinese and Chinese half-castes and the number of half-caste Tasmanian aboriginals) in each county, 1901
(Page 258) Table 4. Estimated population, marriages, births and deaths, 1879 to 1903
(Page 258) Table 5. Ages and condition as to marriage of males and females, 1901
(Page 259) Table 6. Birthplaces of persons, males and females, 1901
(Page 260) Table 7. Religions of the population, 1901
(Page 261) Table 8. Degrees of education of the population at each census, 1861 to 1901
(Page 261) Table 9. Persons, males and females, suffering from different infirmities, 1891 and 1901
(Pages 261-268)Contract subtree 59. New Zealand
(Page 261) Table 1. Area; houses and population, 1901
(Page 261) Table 2. Persons, males and females (exclusive of Maoris), at each census, 1858 to 1901
(Page 262) Table 3. Number of persons, males and females, in the principal divisions, distinguishing Maoris and half-castes, 1901
(Page 262) Table 4. Estimated population, marriages, births and deaths, 1879 to 1903
(Page 262) Table 5. Area; houses and population (exclusive of Maoris) in each provincial district, 1901
(Page 263) Table 6. Number of persons, males and females, in boroughs with populations of more than 4000 in 1901
(Pages 263-264) Table 7. Persons, males and females (exclusive of Maoris), living at each year of age, 1901
(Page 265) Table 8. Ages of Maoris, persons, males and females, 1901
(Page 265) Table 9. Condition as to marriage and ages of males and females (exclusive of Maoris), 1901
(Pages 265-266) Table 10. Birthplaces of persons, males and females (exclusive of Maoris), 1901
(Page 266) Table 11. Religions of persons, males and females (exclusive of Maoris), 1901
(Page 267) Table 12. Degrees of education of persons, males and females, at various groups of ages (exclusive of Maoris and Chinese), 1901
(Pages 267-268) Table 13. Persons, males and females (exclusive of Maoris), at quinquennial age-periods, returned as sick or suffering from accident; and those stated to be deaf and dumb, blind, lunatic, idiotic, epileptic, paralytic, crippled and deformed, suffering from debility, and deaf, 1901
(Pages 268-270)Contract subtree 60. Fiji Islands and Rotuma
(Page 268) Table 1. Area; population, 1901
(Page 269) Table 2. Population at each census, 1881 to 1901
(Page 269) Table 3. Ages of the coloured population, 1901
(Page 269) Table 4. Ages of the half-caste population, 1901
(Page 269) Table 5. Condition as to marriage and ages of the white population, 1901
(Page 270) Table 6. Occupations of the white population, 1901
(Page 270) Table 7. Birthplaces of the white population, 1901
(Page 271) 61. British New Guinea. (No census)
(Page 271) 62. Pacific Islands. (No census)
(Page 271) 63. Other Islands. (No census)
(Pages 272-295)Contract subtree 53.-59. Australian states and New Zealand
(Pages 272-295) Occupations of males and females for each of the Australian states and for New Zealand, 1901
(Pages 296-297) Table showing the general scope of the censuses in the several parts of the British Empire
(Pages 298-299) Form of occupier's schedule used at the census of England and Wales, 1901
(Pages 300-301) Alphabetical index to the detailed census tables for the colonies, protectorates, and dependencies of the British Empire
(1 foldout) Map of the world on Mercator's projection, showing the British possessions tinted in red