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Seventy-seventh annual report of the registrar-general

Table of Contents

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(Pages i-vi) Title page & contents
(49 pages)Contract subtree Report
(Pages vii-viii)Contract subtree Introductory remarks
(Pages vii-viii) Salient features of the vital statistics of the year
(Pages vii-viii) Enlistment, &c., of staff
(Pages ix-lv)Contract subtree Review by Dr. Stevenson of the vital statistics of the year
(Page ix)Contract subtree Population
(Page ix) Census and estimated
(Page ix) Revision of estimate
(Page ix) New factors for estimating
(Pages x-xvi)Contract subtree Marriages
(Page x) Number
(Page x) Changes in the marriage-rate
(Page x) Methods of calculating marriage-rates
(Pages x-xi)Contract subtree Proportions of first marriages and re-marriages in 1000 marriages, 1876-1914
(Pages x-xi) Marriages of bachelors, spinsters, widowers, and widows of various ages per 1000 marriages at all ages, 1886-1914
(Pages xi-xii)Contract subtree The divorced
(Pages xi-xii) Average annual number of divorced persons who re-married, 1876-1914
(Page xii)Contract subtree Marriages of minors
(Page xii) Minors married per 1000 marriages at all ages, 1876-1914
(Pages xii-xiii) Mean age at marriage
(Page xiii) Mean ages of men and of women at marriage, 1896-1914
(Pages xiii-xiv) Age of maximum number at marriage
(Page xiv) Median age at marriage
(Page xiv) Ages at marriage in registration counties
(Page xiv) Signature in marriage register
(Page xv) Buildings in which marriage may be solemnized
(Page xvi) Manner of solemnization
(Pages xvi-xx)Contract subtree Births
(Page xvi) Number
(Page xvi) Changes in the birth-rate
(Pages xvi-xvii) Age and marital condition of women in relation to birth-rate, 1871-1911
(Page xvii) Factors influencing the fall in birth-rate, 1876-80 to 1914
(Page xvii) Birth-rates in different classes of area and parts of the country
(Pages xvii-xviii) Geographical divisions employed (North, Midlands, South, Wales)
(Page xviii) Sex proportions at birth
(Pages xviii-xix) Illegitimate births
(Page xix) Illegitimate birth-rates in different classes of area and parts of the country, 1914
(Pages xix-xx)Contract subtree Natural increase
(Pages xix-xx) Per 1000 living, 1876-1914
(Page xx) In different classes of area and parts of the country, 1914
(Pages xx-lv)Contract subtree Deaths
(Page xx) Number
(Page xx) Changes in death-rate
(Page xx) Standardization of death-rates for differences of sex-and age-constitution between total populations and for differences of age-constitution between sex populations
(Page xx)Contract subtree Mortality of each sex
(Page xx) Male excess at various ages
(Page xxi) Mortality at different ages
(Pages xxi-xxv)Contract subtree Infant mortality in 1914 and other recent years
(Pages xxi-xxii) In different classes of area and parts of the country, 1914
(Page xxii) Mortality in early childhood and survivors at ages 1, 2, and 5 years
(Pages xxii-xxv)Contract subtree Causes of infant mortality
(Pages xxii-xxiii) Increase or reduction at various ages as compared with 1909-13 and 1913
(Pages xxiii-xxv) Infant mortality from developmental and wasting diseases, 1886-1914
(Page xxv) Relation to sex and legitimacy in different classes of area and parts of the country
(Pages xxv-xxvi) Centenarians
(Pages xxvi-xxviii)Contract subtree Mortality in town and country
(Pages xxvi-xxvii) Crude and standardized death-rates in different classes of area
(Pages xxvii-xxviii) Mortality by sex and age in different classes of area
(Page xxviii) Mortality in different parts of the country
(Pages xxviii-xxx)Contract subtree Causes of death
(Page xxviii) Details shown for various areas
(Pages xxix-xxx) Comparison of registrar-general's with international short list
(Page xxx)Contract subtree Enteric fever
(Page xxx) Trend of mortality
(Page xxx) Mortality in administrative areas
(Page xxx) Small-pox
(Page xxx)Contract subtree Measles
(Page xxx) Trend of mortality
(Page xxx) Mortality in administrative areas
(Page xxx)Contract subtree Scarlet fever
(Page xxx) Trend of mortality
(Page xxx) Mortality in administrative areas
(Page xxxi)Contract subtree Whooping cough
(Page xxxi) Trend of mortality
(Page xxxi) Mortality in administrative areas
(Page xxxi)Contract subtree Diphtheria and croup
(Page xxxi) Crude and standardized death-rates in different classes of area
(Page xxxi) Mortality in administrative areas
(Pages xxxi-xxxii)Contract subtree Influenza
(Page xxxii) Trend of mortality
(Page xxxii)Contract subtree Erysipelas
(Page xxxii) Trend of mortality
(Page xxxii) Vaccinia
(Pages xxxii-xxxiv)Contract subtree Tuberculosis
(Page xxxii) Trend of mortality
(Page xxxii) Crude and standardized death-rates in different classes of area
(Pages xxxii-xxxiii) Effect of urbanization on mortality in each sex
(Page xxxiii) Mortality by sex and age in different classes of area
(Pages xxxiii-xxxiv) Comparison of mortality in each sex at certain ages in the country as a whole and in groups of administrative areas
(Pages xxxiv-xxxv)Contract subtree Phthisis
(Page xxxiv) The title more comprehensive than in old list
(Pages xxxiv-xxxv) Crude and standardized death-rates in different classes of area
(Page xxxv)Contract subtree Tuberculous meningitis
(Page xxxv) Trend of mortality
(Page xxxv)Contract subtree Tuberculosis of the peritoneum and intestines
(Page xxxv) Trend of mortality
(Page xxxv) Other tuberculous diseases
(Pages xxxv-xxxvi) Crude and standardized mortality in different classes of area
(Pages xxxvi-xxxvii) Mortality by sex and age in different classes of area
(Pages xxxvii-xxxix) Sites of fatal cancer at ages in each sex
(Page xxxix) Mortality by sex and age of cancer of various parts of the body
(Pages xxxix-xl) Comparison of the frequency of cancer of various sites in institutions and elsewhere, with distinction of sex and age
(Pages xl-xli) Age-distribution of mortality from cancer of various sites in institutions and elsewhere
(Pages xli-xlii)Contract subtree Tumours (not returned as malignant)
(Pages xli-xlii) Classification by sex, age, and part of the body affected
(Pages xliii-xliv)Contract subtree Alcoholism
(Page xliii) The title less comprehensive than in old list
(Pages xliii-xliv) Alcoholism as a secondary cause of death: Classification of deaths by sex, age, and primary cause
(Pages xliv-xlv) Poliomyelitis
(Page xlv)Contract subtree Pneumonia (all forms)
(Page xlv) Mortality in different classes of area and parts of the country
(Pages xlv-xlviii)Contract subtree The puerperal state
(Pages xlv-xlvii) Details of cause of death, distinguishing age
(Pages xlvii-xlviii) Deaths at ages from various causes complicated by pregnancy or childbirth
(Pages xlviii-l)Contract subtree Anaesthetics
(Pages xlviii-xlix) Difference from former practice in tabulation
(Page xlix) Deaths connected with the administration of various anaesthetics, distinguishing sex and age
(Pages xlix-l) Conditions for which anaesthetics were administered
(Page l) Status lymphaticus
(Pages l-lii)Contract subtree Ill-defined causes of death
(Pages l-li) Deaths so classified and comparison with previous years
(Pages li-lii) Effects upon tabulation of the inquiries addressed to coroners and medical practitioners, and their importance
(Page lii)Contract subtree Deaths in institutions for the sick or infirm
(Page lii) Proportion of total mortality occurring in various classes of institutions
(Pages lii-liv)Contract subtree United Kingdom
(Pages lii-liii) Population
(Page liii) Marriages
(Page liii) Births
(Page liv) Infant mortality
(Page liv) Births and deaths at sea
(Page liv) Progress of registration
(Pages liv-lv) Offences against the registration acts
(Page lv) Searches and certificates
(Pages lvi-lxi) Meteorology of the year 1914
(109 pages)Contract subtree Tables
(Pages 2-3) 1. United Kingdom: Population of its several portions estimated to the middle of each of the years 1865-1914
(Pages 4-5) 2. Estimated population of England and Wales and main divisions in the middle of the year 1914, by sexes at ages
(Pages 5-12) 3. Estimated population of aggregate urban and rural areas in administrative counties in the middle of the year 1914, by sexes at ages
(Pages 13-18) 4. Estimated population of county boroughs in the middle of the year 1914, by sexes at ages
(Page 19) 5. Marriages, births, and deaths, 1865-1914
(Page 20) 6. Annual marriage-, birth-, and death-rates and infant mortality, 1838-1914
(Page 21) 7. Annual marriage-, birth-, and crude death-rates in each quarter in groups of years, 1838-1914, and in each year, 1905-1914
(Page 21) 8. Churches and chapels of the Established Church and registered buildings in which marriages could be legally solemnized, 31st December, 1914
(Page 22) 9. England and Wales and London, in 1000 marriages, 1865-1914 manner of solemnization
(Page 23) 10. First marriages, re-marriages, marriages of minors and signatures by mark
(Page 24) 11. Registration counties, in 1000 marriages, manner of solemnization, 1914
(Page 25) 12. Proportions of first marriages, re-marriages, 1914; marriages of minors, signatures by mark, and marriage-rates, 1904-13 and 1914
(Page 26) 13. Annual death-rates at twelve groups of ages, general death-rate standardized for sex-and age-constitution of population, and infant mortality, 1838-1914 males
(Page 27) 14. Annual death-rates at twelve groups of ages, general death-rate standardized for sex-and age-constitution of population, and infant mortality, 1838-1914, females
(Page 28) 15. Annual death-rates at twelve groups of ages, general death-rate standardized for sex-and age-constitution of population, and infant mortality, 1838-1914, persons
(Page 29) 16. Mortality by sex, age, and locality, 1914
(Pages 30-31) 17. Administrative counties crude death-rate at all ages, death-rates at ages, including infant mortality, together with crude death-rate at all ages in urban and rural aggregates, 1914 males and females
(Pages 32-34) 18. County boroughs crude death-rate at all ages, death-rates at ages, including infant mortality, 1914 males and females
(Pages 35-44) 19. Deaths from various causes at all ages, 1900-1914 males, females, and persons (list of causes as in use prior to 1911)
(Pages 45-54) 20. Crude annual death-rates from various causes at all ages to a million living, 1900-1914 males, females, and persons (list of causes as in use prior to 1911)
(Pages 55-59) 21. Crude death-rates at all ages from various causes, 1914 males, females and persons (international list of causes)
(Page 60) 22. Annual death-rates from the principal epidemic diseases, 1838-1914
(Pages 61-64) 23. Administrative counties and county boroughs: Mortality from the principal epidemic diseases and from certain other causes, 1913 and 1914
(Pages 65-67) 24. Mortality from several causes, by sex and age, 1914 all areas
(Page 67) 25. Mortality from several causes, by sex and age, 1914 London
(Pages 68-70) 26. Mortality from several causes, by sex and age, 1914 county boroughs
(Pages 70-72) 27. Mortality from several causes, by sex and age, 1914 other urban districts
(Pages 72-74) 28. Mortality from several causes, by sex and age, 1914 rural districts
(Pages 75-76) 29. Infant mortality by sex, age, cause, and legitimacy 1914
(Pages 77-81) 30. Infant mortality by age, cause, and legitimacy, 1914 classes of administrative areas
(Page 82) 31. Names on registers, searches, and fees received at the general register office, 1865-1914
(Page 83) 32. Islands in the British Seas. Area and population; and births and deaths, 1890-1914
(Page 83) 33. Balance inward or outward on passenger movement into and out of the United Kingdom, 1895-1914
(Page 84) 34. Army strength and mortality, 1874-1913
(Page 84) 35. Royal navy mortality in the service afloat, 1874-1913
(Page 85) 36. Merchant service, number and mortality of masters and seamen employed in sea-going vessels (excluding fishing vessels and yachts) registered in the United Kingdom and the Isle of Man, 1894-95 to 1913-1914
(Pages 86-87) 37. Meteorological elements, Greenwich, 1865-1914
(Pages 88-89) 38. Meteorological elements, quarterly, 1914
(Pages 90-91) 39. Meteorological table for London, 1914
(Pages 92-95) 40. Meteorological elements at several stations, 1914
(Page 96) 41. Sex-and age-constitution of populations of several countries
(Pages 97-108) 42. International vital statistics
(473 pages)Contract subtree Abstracts
(Pages 110-137)Contract subtree Marriages
(Pages 110-113) Analysis of, in registration divisions and counties; showing (a) mode of solemnization, (b) number in each quarter of the year, (c) previous civil condition of persons married, (d) marriages of persons not of full age, and (e) signatures by mark in marriage register
(Pages 114-134)Contract subtree Of persons, distinguishing bachelors, spinsters, widowers, and widows
(Pages 114-130) In England and Wales at each year of age
(Pages 131-134) In registration counties at ten groups of ages
(Pages 135-137) In registration counties and districts
(Pages 138-170) Estimated population, births (legitimate and illegitimate), birth-rate, deaths, death-rate (crude and standardized), standardizing factor, infant mortality and natural increase in each administrative area
(Page 171) Enumerated population (adjusted for institutions) and calculated deaths used in calculating standardizing factors corrected for changes in boundary to 31st December, 1914
(Pages 172-582)Contract subtree Deaths
(Pages 172-173) By sex, and for females by condition as to marriage, at each year of age
(Pages 173-186)Contract subtree By sex and age
(Pages 173-174) Metropolitan boroughs
(Pages 175-179) County boroughs
(Pages 180-186) Urban and rural portions of counties
(Pages 187-289)Contract subtree From various causes by sex and age
(Pages 188-217) England and Wales
(Pages 218-235) London
(Pages 236-253) County boroughs
(Pages 254-271) Other urban districts
(Pages 272-289) Rural districts
(Pages 290-307) In each quarter of the year, distinguishing sex and cause, in different classes of area
(Pages 308-322) In various classes of institutions, distinguishing sex, cause, and class of institution in different classes of area
(Pages 323-449)Contract subtree By sex and short list of causes and ages
(Pages 323-333) Summarized areas
(Pages 334-348) Metropolitan boroughs
(Pages 349-388) County boroughs
(Pages 389-449)Contract subtree Urban and rural portions of counties
(Page 389) Bedfordshire
(Page 390) Berkshire
(Page 391) Buckinghamshire
(Page 392) Cambridgeshire
(Page 393) Cheshire
(Page 394) Cornwall
(Page 395) Cumberland
(Page 396) Derbyshire
(Page 397) Devonshire
(Page 398) Dorsetshire
(Page 399) Durham
(Page 400) Isle of Ely
(Page 401) Essex
(Page 402) Gloucestershire
(Page 403) Herefordshire
(Page 404) Hertfordshire
(Page 405) Huntingdonshire
(Page 406) Kent
(Page 407) Lancashire
(Page 408) Leicestershire
(Pages 409-411)Contract subtree Lincolnshire
(Page 409) Holland
(Page 410) Kesteven
(Page 411) Lindsey
(Page 412) Middlesex
(Page 413) Monmouthshire
(Page 414) Norfolk
(Page 415) Northamptonshire
(Page 416) Northumberland
(Page 417) Nottinghamshire
(Page 418) Oxfordshire
(Page 419) Peterborough, Soke of
(Page 420) Rutlandshire
(Page 421) Shropshire
(Page 422) Somersetshire
(Page 423) Southampton
(Page 424) Staffordshire
(Page 425) Suffolk, East
(Page 426) Suffolk, West
(Page 427) Surrey
(Page 428) Sussex, East
(Page 429) Sussex, West
(Page 430) Warwickshire
(Page 431) Westmorland
(Page 432) Wight, Isle of
(Page 433) Wiltshire
(Page 434) Worcestershire
(Pages 435-437)Contract subtree Yorkshire
(Page 435) East Riding
(Page 436) North Riding
(Page 437) West Riding
(Page 438) Anglesey
(Page 439) Brecknockshire
(Page 440) Cardiganshire
(Page 441) Carmarthenshire
(Page 442) Carnarvonshire
(Page 443) Denbighshire
(Page 444) Flintshire
(Page 445) Glamorganshire
(Page 446) Merionethshire
(Page 447) Montgomeryshire
(Page 448) Pembrokeshire
(Page 449) Radnorshire
(Pages 450-548)Contract subtree By sex and short list of causes in administrative areas
(Page 450) Bedfordshire
(Page 451) Berkshire
(Pages 452-453) Buckinghamshire
(Page 453) Cambridgeshire
(Pages 453-456) Cheshire
(Pages 456-459) Cornwall
(Pages 459-460) Cumberland
(Pages 460-463) Derbyshire
(Pages 463-465) Devonshire
(Pages 465-467) Dorsetshire
(Pages 467-469) Durham
(Pages 469-470) Isle of Ely
(Pages 473-475) Gloucestershire
(Pages 475-476) Herefordshire
(Pages 476-478) Hertfordshire
(Pages 478-479) Huntingdonshire
(Pages 482-489) Lancashire
(Pages 489-490) Leicestershire
(Pages 490-493)Contract subtree Lincolnshire
(Pages 490-491) Holland
(Page 491) Kesteven
(Pages 492-493) Lindsey
(Pages 493-495) Middlesex
(Pages 495-497) Monmouthshire
(Pages 497-499) Norfolk
(Pages 499-500) Northamptonshire
(Pages 500-502) Northumberland
(Pages 502-503) Nottinghamshire
(Pages 504-505) Oxfordshire
(Page 505) Peterborough, Soke of
(Page 505) Rutlandshire
(Pages 505-507) Shropshire
(Pages 507-509) Somersetshire
(Pages 509-511) Southampton
(Pages 511-514) Staffordshire
(Pages 514-515) Suffolk, East
(Pages 515-516) Suffolk, West
(Pages 516-518) Surrey
(Pages 519-520) Sussex, East
(Pages 520-521) Sussex, West
(Pages 521-522) Warwickshire
(Pages 522-523) Westmorland
(Page 523) Wight, Isle of
(Pages 523-525) Wiltshire
(Pages 525-527) Worcestershire
(Pages 527-539)Contract subtree Yorkshire
(Pages 527-528) East Riding
(Pages 528-530) North Riding
(Pages 531-539) West Riding
(Page 539) Anglesey
(Pages 539-540) Brecknockshire
(Pages 540-541) Cardiganshire
(Pages 541-542) Carmarthenshire
(Pages 542-543) Carnarvonshire
(Pages 543-544) Denbighshire
(Page 544) Flintshire
(Pages 544-546) Glamorganshire
(Pages 546-547) Merionethshire
(Page 547) Montgomeryshire
(Pages 547-548) Pembrokeshire
(Page 548) Radnorshire
(Pages 549-563)Contract subtree Violent deaths
(Pages 550-559) Deaths from accident, negligence, and execution in England and Wales, distinguishing age, and cause or nature of accident; males and females
(Pages 560-561) Deaths from suicide in England and Wales, distinguishing age and method; males and females
(Page 562) Deaths from murder in England and Wales, distinguishing age and method; males and females
(Page 563) Deaths from manslaughter and justifiable homicide in England and Wales, distinguishing age and method; males and females
(Pages 564-582) Secondary causes of deaths in 1912 allocated to titles 47-59