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Fifty-fifth annual report of the registrar-general

Table of Contents

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(Pages i-iv) Title page & contents
(74 pages)Contract subtree Report
(Page v) Population. Natural and estimated increase
(Pages v-viii) Marriages. Marriage-rate; relation between marriage rate and commercial activity; forms of marriage; increase of Jewish marriages; previous civil condition of persons married; ages at marriage; signature in marriage register; buildings registered for the solemnisation of marriages; certified places of worship
(Pages viii-ix) Births. Numbers and rates; slight rise in birth rate; sex; illegitimate births
(Pages ix-xviii) Deaths, general death-rate; county death-rates; sex; ages; infantile mortality; urban and rural mortality; registered causes of death; zymotic or specific febrile diseases; reappearance of small-pox; rise in mortality from diphtheria; epidemic influenza; diarrhoeal complaints; hydrophobia; puerperal fever; parasitic, dietetic, constitutional, developmental, and local diseases; deaths from violence; ill-defined and unspecified causes; certification of causes of death
(Page xviii) Offences against the registration act
(Pages xviii-xix) Progress of registration. Aggregate number of names on the registers; number of searches in the registers and of certificates granted at the central office; fees received
(Page xix) Army and navy. Strength and mortality of the army at home and abroad; strength and mortality of the navy
(Page xix) Births and deaths of British subjects at sea. Marine register book; mortality of mercantile marine; mortality among passengers
(Page xx) International vital statistics
(Pages xxi-xxiii) Meteorology; remarks by James Glaisher, Esq., F. R. S
(Pages xxv-lxxviii)Contract subtree Preliminary tables
(Pages xxvi-xxvii) 1. United Kingdom. Population of its several portions estimated to the middle of each of the years 1843-92, exclusive of the population of the Islands in the British Seas, and of the portions of the army, navy, and merchant service abroad
(Page xxviii) 2. England. Annual marriage-, birth-, and death-rates, 1843-92
(Page xxix) 3. England. Annual marriage-, birth-, and death-rates, in groups of years, 1838-92
(Page xxix) 4. England. Annual marriage-, birth-, and death-rates in each quarter; in groups of years, 1838-92, and in each year, 1883-92
(Page xxx) 5. England. Marriages; manner of solemnization, 1843-92
(Page xxxi) 6. England. Marriages; manner of solemnization, in counties, 1892
(Page xxxii) 7. England. First marriages, re-marriages, marriages of minors, and signatures by mark, 1843-92
(Page xxxiii) 8. England. Marriages, marriages of minors, and signatures by mark, in counties, 1882-1891, and 1892
(Page xxxiv) 9. England. Churches and chapels of the Established Church, and other registered buildings for the solemnisation of marriage, 31st December 1892
(Page xxxv) 10. England. Birth-, and death-rates in counties, 1882-91 and 1892
(Page xxxvi) 11. England. Annual death-rates at twelve groups of ages, 1843-92. Males
(Page xxxvii) 12. England. Annual death-rates at twelve groups of ages, 1843-92. Females
(Page xxxviii) 13. England. Annual death-rates at twelve age-periods in groups of years, 1838-92. Males and females
(Page xxxix) 14. England. Death-rates per 1000 living, at twelve groups of ages, in registration counties, 1892
(Pages xl-xli) 15. England. Deaths from various causes, 1868-92
(Pages xlii-xliii) 16. England. Annual death-rates, from various causes, to a million persons living, 1868-92
(Pages xliv-xlv) 17. England. Annual death-rates from various causes, to a million persons living, in groups of years, 1858-90
(Page xlvi) 18. England. Annual death-rates, from the principal zymotic diseases, and infant mortality, 1838-92
(Page xlvii) 19. London. Annual death-rates, from the principal zymotic diseases, and infant mortality, 1842-92
(Pages xlviii-xlix) 20. England. Death-rates from several causes in registration counties, 1892
(Page l) 21. England. Death-rates of persons, males, and females, from various causes, 1892
(Page li) 22. England. Deaths from various causes to a million deaths from all causes, 1892
(Page lii) 23. England. Deaths from measles, scarlet fever, fever, whooping-couch, and puerperal fever and childbirth, in registration counties in 1882-91, and 1892
(Page liii) 24. England. Death-rates in town and county districts, 1851-92
(Page liii) 25. England. Town and country districts. Annual death-rates in each quarter of the eleven years, 1882-92
(Page liv) 26. Names on the register, searches, and fees received, at the general register office, 1843-92
(Page lv) 27. Islands in the British Seas. Area and population; and births, and deaths, 1873-1892
(Page lv) 28. United Kingdom. Emigration, 1873-92
(Page lvi) 29. Army. Strength and mortality, 1864-92
(Page lvi) 30. Royal navy. Mortality in the service afloat, 1856-1892
(Page lvii) 31. Merchant service. Number and mortality of seamen employed in vessels registered in the United Kingdom, the Isle of Man, and Channel Islands, 1852-92
(Page lvii) 32. Merchant service. Births and deaths at sea among passengers (British subjects), 1857-92
(Pages lviii-lix) 33. Meteorological elements, Greenwich, 1849-1892. By James Glaisher, Esq., F. R. S
(Pages lviii-lix) 34. Meteorological elements for different parallels of latitude, 1892. By James Glaisher, Esq., F. R. S
(Pages lx-lxi) 35. Monthly meteorological elements, Greenwich, 1892
(Pages lx-lxi) 36. Quarterly meteorological elements, Greenwich, 1892
(Pages lxii-lxiii) 37. Mean annual values of meteorological elements from observations at several stations in the year 1892. By James Glaisher, Esq., F. R. S
(Page lxiv) 38. England. Prices and pauperism, 1841-92
(Page lxv) 39. Persons married, births, and deaths per 1000 of the population, in the United Kingdom and in other European states
(Page lxvi) 40. United Kingdom. Population, marriages, births, and deaths, 1864-92
(Page lxvi) 41. England and Wales. Population, marriages, births, and deaths, 1853-92
(Page lxvii) 42. Scotland. Population, marriages, births, and deaths, 1856-92
(Page lxvii) 43. Ireland. Population, marriages, births, and deaths, 1864-92
(Page lxviii) 44. Denmark (the kingdom properly so called). Population, marriages, births, and deaths, 1851-92
(Page lxviii) 45. Norway. Population, marriages, births, and deaths, 1871-92
(Page lxix) 46. Sweden. Population, marriages, births, and deaths, 1851-91
(Page lxx) 47. Austria. Population, marriages, births, and deaths, 1853-92
(Page lxxi) 48. Hungary. Population, marriages, births, and deaths, 1876-92
(Page lxxi) 49. Switzerland. Population, marriages, births, and deaths, 1868-92
(Page lxxii) 50. German Empire. Population, marriages, births, and deaths, 1872-92
(Page lxxii) 51. Prussia. Population, marriages, births, and deaths, 1854-92
(Page lxxiii) 52. The Netherlands. Population, marriages, births, and deaths, 1853-92
(Page lxxiv) 53. Belgium. Population, marriages, births, and deaths, 1853-92
(Page lxxv) 54. France. Population, marriages, births, and deaths, 1853-92
(Page lxxvi) 55. Spain. Population, marriages, births, and deaths, 1861-90
(Page lxxvi) 56. Italy. Population, marriages, births, and deaths, 1863-92
(Pages lxxvii-lxxviii) 57. Changes in the constitution of registration districts and sub-districts during the year 1892
(205 pages)Contract subtree Abstracts
(Pages 1-70)Contract subtree Births, deaths, and marriages
(Pages 2-63)Contract subtree Births (distinguishing legitimate and illegitimate), deaths, and marriages registered in England, and in its registration divisions, counties, and districts; and births and deaths in sub-districts
(Pages 2-3) Summary of England, its divisions and counties
(Pages 4-7) London
(Pages 8-14) South Eastern division
(Pages 15-20) South Midland division
(Pages 20-25) Eastern division
(Pages 25-32) South Western division
(Pages 33-40) West Midland division
(Pages 40-44) North Midland division
(Pages 44-48) North Western division
(Pages 49-54) Yorkshire
(Pages 54-58) Northern division
(Pages 58-63) Welsh division
(Pages 64-67) Marriages, analysis of, in registration divisions and counties; distinguishing the mode of solemnisation, the number in each quarter of the year, the previous civil condition of persons married, those not of full age, and the signatures in the marriage register
(Pages 68-70) Ages of persons married, distinguishing those of bachelors, spinsters, widowers, widows
(Pages 71-94)Contract subtree Deaths in workhouses, hospitals, and public lunatic asylums
(Pages 71-94) Deaths of males and females in public institutions
(Pages 95-105)Contract subtree Deaths of persons, males, and females, at different ages, in registration divisions and counties, 1892
(Pages 95-105) Deaths of males and females at different age-periods, in registration divisions and counties
(Pages 107-205)Contract subtree Causes of death at different periods of life in England and in London. Causes of death in registration counties. Deaths from several causes in registration divisions, counties and districts. Violent deaths
(Pages 108-121) Causes of death of males and females at different periods of life in England and Wales
(Pages 122-135) Causes of death of males and females at different periods of life in London
(Pages 136-159) Causes of death of males and females in each registration county
(Pages 160-192) Deaths from certain selected causes, and inquest cases, in registration divisions, counties, and districts
(Pages 193-199) Deaths from accident and negligence in England and Wales, distinguishing sex, age, and cause or character of accident
(Pages 200-201) Deaths from suicide in England and Wales, distinguishing sex, age, and method
(Pages 202-203) Deaths from murder in England and Wales, distinguishing sex, age, and method
(Pages 204-205) Deaths from manslaughter in England and Wales, distinguishing sex, age, and method
(25 pages)Contract subtree Indexes
(Pages 206-221) Indexes of registration districts, sub-districts, and of certain towns, referring to numbers used in the several tables of abstracts
(Pages 222-230) General index to report and tables