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Fifteenth annual report of the registrar-general (Registrar-general's edition)

Table of Contents

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(Pages 1-4) Title page & contents
(10 pages)Contract subtree Report
(Pages i-ii) Marriages, births, and deaths; and their annual proportions to the population, in each of the years 1838-52
(Pages ii-v)Contract subtree Marriages
(Pages ii-iii) Marriages in 1852. Number celebrated according and not according to the rites of the established church; after licence, banns, &c.; marriages of Roman Catholics, Quakers, Jews
(Page iii) Conjugal condition of persons married
(Page iii) Minors married
(Pages iii-iv) Signatures of persons married
(Pages iii-v) Buildings registered for the solemnization of marriages
(Pages iv-viii)Contract subtree Births
(Page iv) Births in 1852. Proportion to the population
(Pages iv-vii)Contract subtree Births in the different seasons
(Page v) Births out of wedlock
(Page vi) Number and proportion of male and female children born in and out of wedlock
(Pages vi-vii) Twin and triple births
(Pages viii-x)Contract subtree Deaths
(Page viii) Deaths in 1852. Mortality of the sexes
(Page ix) Mortality of males and females at different ages
(Page x) Deaths in the different seasons
(141 pages)Contract subtree Abstracts
(Pages 2-25)Contract subtree Marriages registered in England in each of the divisions, counties, and districts in 1852; distinguishing those according and those not according to the rites of the established church; and distinguishing also persons married according to their conjugal condition, minority, and signature of the register by marks
(Pages 2-5) Divisions and registration counties
(Pages 6-25)Contract subtree Districts
(Pages 6-7) I. London
(Pages 6-9) II. South Eastern counties
(Pages 8-11) III. South Midland counties
(Pages 10-13) IV. Eastern counties
(Pages 12-15) V. South Western counties
(Pages 14-17) VI. West Midland counties
(Pages 18-19) VII. North Midland counties
(Pages 18-21) VIII. North Western counties
(Pages 20-21) IX. Yorkshire
(Pages 22-23) X. Northern counties
(Pages 22-25) XI. Monmouthshire and Wales
(Pages 26-27) Ages of persons married in 1852, distinguishing those of bachelors, spinsters, widowers, widows
(Pages 28-82)Contract subtree Marriages, births, and deaths registered in each of the divisions, counties, and districts in 1852; also births and deaths in the sub-districts of England, showing illegitimate births throughout
(Pages 28-29) Divisions and registration counties
(Pages 30-38)Contract subtree Districts
(Page 30) I. London
(Pages 30-31) II. South Eastern counties
(Pages 31-32) III. South Midland counties
(Pages 32-33) IV. Eastern counties
(Pages 33-34) V. South Western counties
(Pages 34-35) VI. West Midland counties
(Pages 35-36) VII. North Midland counties
(Page 36) VIII. North Western counties
(Pages 36-37) IX. Yorkshire
(Page 37) X. Northern counties
(Page 38) XI. Monmouthshire and Wales
(Pages 39-82)Contract subtree Sub-districts
(Pages 39-41) I. London
(Pages 41-47) II. South Eastern counties
(Pages 47-51) III. South Midland counties
(Pages 51-55) IV. Eastern counties
(Pages 55-60) V. South Western counties
(Pages 60-66) VI. West Midland counties
(Pages 66-69) VII. North Midland counties
(Pages 69-72) VIII. North Western counties
(Pages 72-76) IX. Yorkshire
(Pages 77-79) X. Northern counties
(Pages 79-82) XI. Monmouthshire and Wales
(Pages 83-84) Twin births registered in 1852
(Page 84) Triple births registered in 1852
(Pages 85-86) Deaths in 1852 in the principal public institutions in London
(Pages 88-95) Births of all children, and of children born out of wedlock, registered in the divisions and counties, in each of the four quarters of 1852
(Pages 96-99) Deaths registered in each of the four quarters of 1852, in divisions and counties
(Pages 100-121) Deaths of males and females at different ages registered in 1852, in divisions, counties, and districts
(Pages 122-125) Causes of death in London at twenty-four periods of life in 1852
(Pages 126-141) Causes of death in England, and in each division and county in 1852
(73 pages)Contract subtree Appendix
(Page 1) Contents of appendix
(Page 2, Pages 1-64)Contract subtree Extracts prom the quarterly returns of marriages, berths, and deaths, issued in the year 1852
(Pages 1-16) Quarter ending March 31, 1852
(Pages 17-32) Quarter ending June 30, 1852
(Pages 33-48) Quarter ending September 30, 1852
(Pages 49-64) Quarter ending December 31, 1852
(Pages 65-70)Contract subtree Letter to the registrar general on the causes of death in England in 1852, by William Farr, Esq., M. D., F. R. S
(Page 65) Public health and meteorology in 1852
(Page 65) Zymotic diseases
(Pages 65-66) Specific or constitutional diseases
(Pages 66-67) Tables showing the numbers and proportions of persons dying of each cause
(Pages 67-70) Organic diseases; or diseases of particular organs
(Page 70) Diseases of birth, growth, nutrition, and decay
(Page 70) Violent deaths; or deaths by external causes
(6 pages)Contract subtree Index
(Pages 71-74) Index of districts, referring by numbers to the several tables of abstracts